属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法律与穷人 The law and the poor
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法律与穷人 The law and the poor
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:和海洋生物相关的表达
1 | 这样的称呼使马洛特村那位满身尘土、衣着褴褛的小贩约翰·德比菲尔感到莫名其妙,但当他得知自己实际上是贵族德伯家的嫡系后裔时,顿时变得高傲起来。 | The bewilderment of a dusty, threadbare peddler thus addressed was speedily converted into a majestic pride upon learning that he, John Durbeyfield of Marlott, wasactually a lineal descendant of the noble family of D’Urberville | |
2 | 这座大桥巍然横跨在长江之上。 | The bridge stands majestic astride the Yangtze River. | |
3 | 珠穆朗玛峰以其秀美和宏伟吸引着全世界的登山者前来征服,许多年来,没有人能够将珠峰踩在脚下。1953年5月29日,丹增·诺尔盖和埃得蒙·希拉里站在了人类从未立足过的世界之巅,这是创造历史的时刻。 | The sheer beauty and majestic sight of Mount Qomolangma challenged many mountaineers from all over the world to conquer it. For many years, however, no one could get atop. History was made on the 29th May 1953 when Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary stood | |
4 | 庄严地,宏伟地。主要用于音乐指挥 | In a majestic and stately manner.Used chiefly as a direction. | |
5 | 庄重地挥手。 | a majestic wave of the hand. | |
6 | 自然是多么高贵呀。我从不认为不自然不简单的人是真正伟大的人。矫揉造作不可避免的会暴露不能肯定自己的人。 | How majestic is naturalness.I have never met a man whom I really?considered a great man who was not always natural and simple. Affectation is inevitably the mark of one not sure of himself. | |
7 | 走遍中国,走遍台州,观赏台州的旖旎风光,领略台州雄奇的山水,感受千年的华夏文明。 | Tour China and visit Taizhou. To enjoy the natural beauty of Taizhou featuring majestic mountains and pretty waters, and read the a few thousand years long history of China civilization from this window. | |
8 | 作为雷克萨斯的旗舰车型, LS430具有澎湃的动力和高贵的气质 , 现代轿车所具有的超凡设计理念。 | Lexus designed its flagship model, the LS430 with immense power and majestic presence reflects the very best of modern automotive design. | |
9 | ||1:将法律作为一种社会政策手段听起来似乎有些荒谬。||2:到目前为止,学术界的主流看法是法院在帮助穷人方面几乎毫无建树。||3:理论上,法律不应该区别对待不同的个人或者群体。||4: 但实际上,富人通常能在法庭上获得更有利的结果。究其原因,首先是穷人常常因为无力承担相关诉讼费用而不能主动地利用法律;其次,法律也被认为更有利于财产拥有者。法国小说家Anatole France不无讽刺地说道:“崇高的法律公平地禁止富人和穷人在桥下留宿、上街乞讨和偷窃面包。” | ||1: Using the law as an instrument of social policy might seem perverse. ||2: Until now the balance of academic opinion has been that the courts do little to help the poor. ||3: In theory, the law is not supposed to discriminate in anyone’s favour. ||4: In practice, the rich tend to do well in the courts because the poor cannot afford to go to law themselves (they rely on cases brought by others); because the law is said to favour property owners; and because, as Anatole France, a French novelist, sardonically put it, “The majestic equality of the laws prohibits the rich and the poor alike from sleeping under bridges, begging in the streets and stealing bread.” | |
10 | ||1:实际的研究结果喜忧参半,但是足以反驳这样一种传统观点:法律是精英们掌控的游戏,服务于富人和接受过良好教育的人的利益。||2: Daniel Brinks和Varun Gauri将各国的研究结果进行综合后发现,新兴市场国家中55%的法律利益由最穷的40%人口获得。 ||3:当然,这样的计算方式不可避免地有些粗糙,更为理想的办法是对比诉诸法律和通过议会达成同样政策目标的成本、收益。然而,后者的相关成本收益很难进行衡量。||4:另外,像“食物权”这类对其他人规定提供商品或服务义务的法案,是否是帮助穷人的最好办法?这也值得深入思考的问题。||5:或许,根据接受者行为进行有条件福利支付的定向现金转移支付计划效果会更好。||6:从更广泛的意义上讲,让并非通过选举产生的法官强制要求政府采用成本高昂的社会支出对社会整体来说是否有益,这一问题也没有明确的答案。||7:即便如此,这项研究还是很好地说明了现实中法院的形象比长期以来人们传统思维中的更为崇高。 | ||1: So the empirical evidence is mixed. But it does not support the view that the law is an elite game, fixed to serve the interests of the rich and educated. ||2: When the authors aggregate their national studies, they conclude that 55% of the benefits that flow from the various legal decisions accrue to the poorest 40%. ||3: Such calculations are, inevitably, rough and ready. Ideally, one should compare the costs and benefits of going to law with those of pursuing the same policy objectives in parliament—which is hard to measure. ||4: It is also an open question whether a “right to food”—ie, an obligation for someone else to provide it—is the best way to help the poor. ||5: A targeted cash-transfer programme, which makes welfare payments conditional on recipients’ actions, may work better. ||6: More broadly, it is far from clear that society as whole benefits when unelected judges mandate potentially costly social spending. ||7: That said, the study is still a revelation: courts are more majestic than decades of received wisdom have suggested. | |
11 | 崇高的结论 | Majestic results | |
12 | 牡蛎看上去又小又奇怪,鲸鱼非常巨大和雄伟。鲸鱼是地球上最大的哺乳动物之一。 | Where oysters are small and strange looking, whales are huge and majestic . Whales are some of the largest mammals on Earth. | |
13 | 英国的上议院十分壮丽。 | It was certainly a majestic setting. | |
14 | (男领1)当雄壮的国歌响彻云霄 | (male, 1) make the welkin ring when the majestic national anthem | |
15 | 《吉利德》以1956年爱荷华州的小镇为背景,故事恬静而舒缓,但最终成为爱的救赎力的宏大声明。 | Set in small-town Iowa in 1956, Gilead is a quiet, slow-moving but ultimately majestic avowal of the redemptive power of love. LA | |
16 | Majestic报告认为,这些不断上升的数字给出了商务旅行需求正在恢复的信号。 | The Majestic report said the improving numbers were a sign that demand for business travel was returning. | |
17 | 巴拉克·奥巴马的伟大胜利包含三个历史性的重大意义。 | This historic significance of the majestic victory of Barack Obama is threefold. | |
18 | 不错,这是你祖父母蜜月旅游的地方,但是这个宏伟壮观的瀑布横跨美国和加拿大也值得作为21世纪旅游的选择。 | Sure, your grandparents honeymooned there, but the majestic waterfalls straddling the U. S. -Canada border are worth a 21st-century trip. | |
19 | 大气磅礴深情缠绵--评许大立的影视文学创作 | Majestic and Touching--A Review of Xu Dali’s Movie and TV Literature Creation | |
20 | 大气浑然的时代建筑:记福建省博物馆创作 | The majestic contemporary architecture harmonious with nature: the design of Fujian Museum | |
21 | 但是一旦来到了雄伟的阿斯图里亚山,我们就乐于奉献一点团队精神。 | But once in the majestic Asturian Picos, we are happy to adopt the group mentality. | |
22 | 而在自由状态下的大猩猩,即使在兴奋的时候也比较庄严,多数都十分有威严,性情好。 | in his freedom he is majestic even when excited and, for the most part, dignified and good natured. | |
23 | 高山巍峨,雄伟的山峰俯瞰历史的风狂雨落, | the towering mountains, majestic mountains overlooking the history of the wind crazy the rain falls, | |
24 | 馆长兼生物学教授唐纳德费斯特(DonaldPfister)在一间满是玻璃展示柜、对开本和肖像的宏伟屋中接待了我。 | Curator and biology professor Donald Pfister greeted me in a majestic room, filled with glass display cases, folios and portraits. | |
25 | 光明顶屹立于云端之上,站在山顶,无数的山岭,山峰和溪谷茫茫一片,壮丽景色尽收眼底。 | Towering above the clouds, one commands a majestic view of a sea of ridges, peaks and gullies below. | |
26 | 国家的命运居然会在无限的天际中用这些可怕而费解的符号揭示出来,这种念头实在伟大。 | It was, indeed, a majestic idea, that the destiny of nations should be revealed, in these awful hieroglyphics, on the cope of heaven. | |
27 | 哈里·S·杜鲁门和NASA局长詹姆斯·韦伯是否主持了被称为Majestic-12的秘密政府机构呢? | Were Harry S. Truman and NASA director James Webb part of a secret government agency called Majestic -12? | |
28 | 好壮丽的高山和不可思议的海湾——当你在那里的时候,它们看起来无边无际的。 | Truly majestic mountains, and the fjords are just unbelievable -- they seem endless when you’re there. | |
29 | 几个世纪以来,画家、诗人和哲人被其宏伟的景致所吸引。 | For centuries, painters, poets, and philosophers have been drawn to this majestic location. | |
30 | 加拿大艺术家NoahStacey用photoshop绘制了这幅非常宏伟的白云城堡。 | Canadian artist Noah Stacey has painted his very own majestic Photoshop-version of the cloud castle. |