属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-讣告:群体遗传学家卡瓦利-斯福扎逝世 享年96岁(1)
1 | 无意识心理分析理论中的一个精神领域,包含不受知觉作用控制但经常影响有意识思想或行为的心理构成因素,如记忆或受压抑的欲望 | The division of the mind in psychoanalytic theory containing elements of psychic makeup ,such as memories or repressed desires,that are not subject to conscious perception or control but that often affect conscious thoughts and behavior. | |
2 | 西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用"淡妆浓抹总相宜"的诗句来赞誉西湖。 | "As it is beautiful all the year round, the West lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty "who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup "" | |
3 | 系列美容化妆品,为您精美化妆。 | The series of beauty cosmetics is intended to provide exquisite makeup for you. | |
4 | 现代新的化妆品包括护肤用品、粉底霜、香粉、胭脂、眼妆、唇膏、无皂洗发精、润发乳、烫发剂和头发舒展剂、染发剂 | Modern cosmetics include skin-care preparations; foundation, face powder and rouge (blusher); eye makeup ; lipstick; shampoo; hair curling and straightening preparations; hair colours, dyes. | |
5 | 心理特征方面的相似之处,足以使根本分歧难以弥合。 | The similarity in psychological makeup was just enough to make the ultimate differences unbridgeable | |
6 | 眼线笔:用来加强眼的轮廓的化妆品. | Eyeliner:Makeup used to outline the eyes. | |
7 | 演员开始化装。 | The actors began putting on their makeup . | |
8 | 有些专家认为吃的渴望除了能反映我们生理冲动以外,还能反映我们社会和心理构成。 | Some experts think cravings are as much a reflection of our social and psychological makeup as they are of our physiological impulses | |
9 | 诱变因子:藉改变遗传物质DNA(去氧核糖核酸)的结构来改变细胞基因结构的因子,包括多种电磁辐射(如宇宙线、X光、紫外辐射)及许多化合物。 | Mutagen: Any agent capable of altering a cell’s genetic makeup by changing the structure of the hereditary material, DNA. Many forms of electromagnetic radiation (e.g., cosmic rays, X rays, ultraviolet light)are mutagenic, as are various chemical compounds. | |
10 | 在电影中费雯丽为了真实,有意使自己显得衰老些。使用浓妆、假发和强烈的灯光来掩盖她仍然美丽的容貌。 | Vlvien purposely made herself look older and unflattering for the filmò?using heavy makeup ,wige and drastic lighting which would hide her still beautiful feature | |
11 | 在其它方面,当然,月球非常不同。它没有生命,没有水。它大气的构成也非常不同,地球生物在那里不能呼吸。 | In other ways, of course, the moon is very different.There is no life, and there is no water.The makeup of its atmosphere is very different; the earth creatures cannot breathe in it. | |
12 | 在三、四岁时,女孩子经常喜欢装扮成"妈妈":穿妈妈的衣服,用妈妈的化妆品,学妈妈的样子做饭……学做妈妈做的各种事情。 | "When a girl is 3-4 years old they love to ""dress up"" in their mothers’ clothes, put on their mothers’ makeup , cook, and do whatever else their mother does. " | |
13 | 这次考试不及格的人必须参加补考。 | Those who failed the exam take a makeup exam. | |
14 | 这是否是人的基本特性的一部分,这是个无法琢磨的问题,没有几个经济学家认为有能力加以探讨。 | Whether it is part of the basic makeup of man is so imponderable that few economists feel qualified to explore | |
15 | ||1:当然,她也会中规中矩的合乎礼仪。||2:从1974年8月到1977年1月,在任第一夫人期间,她总能做到举止得体。||3:必要的场合,她甚至会带上白色手套(“那种露指手套”)。||4:在他们弗吉尼亚州家中,墙上本悬挂着一个与房间一样长的架子上陈列的全是她的衣服,但因为太多,架子都塌了下来。||5:她是如此喜欢衣服,但在各种公共场合装淑女却让她很不自在。她喜欢一直在床上赖到大概九点半,然后悠闲自在地化妆,所以白宫紧凑的公共行程安排也让她郁闷。||6:有好几次,她出现在阳台上向大家问好时,正装下是还未及更换的睡衣。||7:“嗨,贝蒂!”大家总是这样回应她的问候。 | ||1: Of course, she could be proper too. ||2: In her brief stint as First Lady, from August 1974 to January 1977, she was always immaculately turned out. ||3: She wore white gloves (“these mitts”) whenever she had to do so. ||4: But, much as she adored clothes—the room-long rack at her house in Virginia had fallen off the wall, she had so many—all the ladylike public behaviour could be a bit of a strain. ||5: So too could the split-second scheduling, when she liked to linger in bed in the mornings till 9.30 or so, putting on her makeup in her own good time. ||6: It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgown tucked up under her coat. ||7: “Hi, Betty!” they would shout back. | |
16 | ||1:在谢尔盖·洛兹尼察的最新故事片《顿巴斯》的开场场景中,一群大杂烩般的临时演员聚集在一辆化妆拖车里。||2:在这段不稳定的视频中,他们被护送到乌克兰东部俄罗斯控制地区的迫击炮袭击现场。||3:在那里,为了一个分离主义新闻团队的利益,他们哀叹乌克兰军队的掠夺。||4:在电影中,爆炸只是一个噱头,但造成的伤害却是真实的——就像现实生活中的冲突一样。 | ||1:In the opening scene of “Donbass”, the latest feature film by Sergei Loznitsa, a hotch-potch group of extras gather in a makeup trailer.||2:The shaky footage follows them as they are escorted to the site of a staged mortar attack in Russian-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine.||3:There, for the benefit of a separatist news crew, they bemoan the depredations of the Ukrainian army.||4:In the film, the explosion is a stunt, but the damage is genuine— much like the real-life conflict. | |
17 | 老实说:你上次清理化妆包是什么时候? | Be honest: When’s the last time you cleaned out your makeup bag? | |
18 | 是时候清理你的化妆包了! | When Should You Really Trash Your Makeup and Beauty Products? | |
19 | 在后虽周游世界去研究世界各地人类部落和群体的组成,但终离世于贝卢诺。 | and though he subsequently travelled the world to study the makeup of its tribes and populations, it was in Belluno that he died. | |
20 | (我是真的真的这么觉得的。)看她只穿着运动内衣和运动短裤,没有化一点妆,头发向后梳。 | Seeing her in just a sports bra and running shorts -- with no makeup on and her hair pulled back -- drives me crazy. | |
21 | “马上就好!还差化点妆!” | "I’m almost ready! I’m just putting on my makeup ! " | |
22 | “最开始我卖瑜伽垫,现在卖化妆品和护肤品。利润率更高些。” | "I started out selling yoga mats and now I’m selling a lot of makeup and cosmetics. The profit margins are higher. " | |
23 | LawrenceKing,八年级生,一个喜欢化妆的同性恋者,2月13日那天15岁的他被宣布脑死亡。 | Lawrence King, an eighth grader who identified as gay and wore makeup and nail polish, was 15 when he was declared brain dead on Feb. | |
24 | 阿维娃从来对做个母亲没什么兴趣,虽然两年前她也是嘲笑重重的眼妆和闪亮的牛仔裤的。 | Aviva has no interest in ever being a mother, although two years ago she also scoffed at eye makeup and skinny jeans. | |
25 | 把钱花在化妆品上,而不是衣服 | Spend money on makeup instead of clothes | |
26 | 毕竟,如果你对你的露华浓化妆品或者你的耐克运动鞋又或是你的iPad感到十分满意,那么你还需要再买一个吗? | After all, if you are satisfied with your Revlon makeup or your Nike sneakers or your iPad, why would you buy another one? | |
27 | 不过,根据最近发表在《分析化学》杂志上的一项研究报告,这些眼妆可能的确具有防治疾病的作用。 | But according to research published in the journal Analytical Chemistry, the eye makeup may indeed have prevented disease. | |
28 | 不建议吸入化妆液,因为它可能引起呼吸道过敏和过敏性反应。 | Inhaling the makeup solution is not recommended as it might cause irritations of the airways and allergic reactions. | |
29 | 除了这些化学受体,这两种田鼠在其他身体构成上几乎完全一致。 | Other than those receptors, the two vole species are almost entirely the same in their physical makeup . | |
30 | 但是,你为什么仍然将大量和化妆品和护肤品涂在你脸上呢? | So why do you still choose to slather chemical-filled makeup and skincare products on your face? |