属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贪婪的欲求 资本主义的局限性
1 | ||1:协议中的某些部分,尤其是与底特律各公会有关的条款,颇具争议。||2:协议规定要组建财政指导委员会,监督底特律重建工程;对该削减那些民政服务部门保有建议权;选出一名财务总监。||3:鉴于公会合同是底特律财政顽疾的重要原因,协议中对未来公会合同条款做出了严格的规定。并坚持要求,所有仍在生效的合约,即使是在最近已做出修改,也都有重新协商的可能。||4:财政指导委员会成员将由市政府和州政府共同任命,而且新的劳动协议必须在财政指导委员会得以通过后才能交由市长和市政委员会批准。||5:至于财务总监,密西根州长将向底特律市市长推荐至少三人,并交由底特律市长从这些候选人中选出。||6:即使以上条款如实通过,一旦无法达到所要求的财政节约目标,州长先生仍有可能会向底特律指派危机处理员。 | ||1:Aspects of the agreement are controversial, particularly with the city’s labour unions.||2:It would set up a Financial Advisory Board to oversee the city’s restructuring, recommend cuts in services and appoint a chief financial officer (CFO).||3:It imposes tough terms on future union contracts, a chief cause of Detroit’s financial malaise , and insists that all existing contracts, even those recently ratified, can be reopened.||4:The financial advisory board would be appointed by both city and state, and would have to approve new labour agreements before they went to the mayor and city council for ratification.||5:The CFO would be chosen by the mayor from a list of at least three names submitted by the governor.||6:And if, after all this, the city failed to meet the required savings targets, Mr Snyder could still appoint an emergency manager. | |
2 | ||1:以前,在亚洲人眼中,西方似乎得神庇护,很少落后于亚洲。||2:不过,似乎没完没了的战争和随之而来的虐待、金融危机和经济瘟疫使欧洲和美国不再是亚洲人心中值得学习的榜样,却成为人们唯恐避之不及的悲惨对象。||3:与之相照应的是,亚洲精英们正在本国文化和思想史中寻找灵感。 | ||1:Rarely has the prestige of the West fallen lower in Asian eyes.||2:Seemingly endless wars and the attendant abuses, financial crisis and economic malaise have made Europe and America look less like models to aspire to than dire examples to be shunned.||3:In response, Asian elites are searching their own cultures and intellectual histories for inspiration. | |
3 | ||1:在大多数当权者以及向他们建言的经济学家看来,富裕的西方经济遭遇了机制性的失调。||2:只要运用正确的货币和财政政策及监管工具,经济增长机器终究会恢复生机。||3:但另有一些人认为,西方世界的真正病因不是源自机制,而是源自道德:是对金钱、市场和物质生活的追逐。 | ||1:MOST policymakers, and the economists who advise them, believe that the rich Western economies have suffered a mechanical malfunction.||2:With the right monetary, fiscal and regulatory tools, the growth machine will eventually whirr into life.||3:Others think the West’s true malaise is not mechanical but moral: a love of money, markets and material things. | |
4 | “究其原因,这可能与圣诞节后的不适应、来自好心的亲戚朋友的压力以及新年决心等都有关系。” | "The explanation could be down to the post-Christmas malaise , pressure from well-meaning friends and relatives or New Year’s resolutions. " | |
5 | 52例儿童心前区不适的原因探讨 | Discuss on Reasons of Precordium Malaise in Children: A Report on 52 Cases | |
6 | Chetana认为一个连如此温和的批评都无法容忍的政府,显得过于讳疾忌医。 | Mr Chetana thinks that the state’s intolerance of criticism, even such mild stuff as this, reflects a deep malaise . | |
7 | 不过,这一萎靡之风的首要推动者还是政客自己。 | However, the chief promoters of this malaise have been the politicians themselves. | |
8 | 不过,总体来看,由于银行业危机的后遗症,并购活动仍然处于停滞的状态。 | Overall, however, deal activity is still stuck in the post-banking crisis malaise . | |
9 | 不舒服在相当大的程度上来自于这样一种感觉,就是个人变得更加易受不可控力的影响。 | The malaise stems in considerable part from a feeling that individuals have become more vulnerable to forces beyond their control. | |
10 | 不幸的是,当前的经济危机减缓了部分资本扩张计划。 | Unfortunately, the current economic malaise is slowing some capital expansion plans. | |
11 | 超过1980年,当时卡特总统在经历危机之后被弹劾。 | That’s more than in 1980, when President Carter got fired after the malaise crisis. | |
12 | 持续的经济萎靡将激起民愤去寻找替罪羊。 | A protracted malaise will spawn an angry search for scapegoats. | |
13 | 此位四十五岁的女性病患表现出全身不适及下肢水肿,磁振扫描及血管摄影显示为肝内下腔静脉膜状阻塞合并大量血栓。 | A 45-year-old woman developed general malaise and edema of legs. MOVC with large thrombi was diagnosed after MR angiogram and vena cavogram. | |
14 | 次要症状为食欲不振,全身不适及体重减轻。 | Minor symptoms were anorexia, general malaise , and loss of weight. | |
15 | 但根本问题是政治层面的。 | Yet the underlying malaise is political. | |
16 | 但更深层的原因则是中国的一场大饥荒和两国经济的乏力。 | But its deeper causes included a famine in China and economic malaise in both countries. | |
17 | 但就像我的很多朋友和我一样,这些人正在收起自己的钱包,做好准备迎接长达数年的经济不景气。 | But like many of my friends and I, these people are putting their wallets away and hunkering down for years of economic malaise . | |
18 | 但如果经济持续萎靡不振,美联储似乎也只能一反常态,任其自生自灭了。 | But if the malaise continues, the Fed, uncharacteristically, seems to have little confidence it can help. | |
19 | 但是,在长篇累牍的采访中,日本的年轻人反复提起他,来解释他们这一代的困境。 | But in dozens of interviews, young Japanese brought him up again and again as a way of explaining their generation’s malaise . | |
20 | 但是我们也经历了一段不安宁的日子。 | But we bear a nagging sense of malaise . | |
21 | 但这些竞选计划从一开始就受到了那些渗透到全面和平协议中的不满意识所害。 | But these planned elections have fallen victim to a general malaise that has permeated the CPA from the beginning. | |
22 | 当地一名社会官员告诉我,“他们这样做一点都不意外,这些自杀者们都患有深度社会交往障碍症。” | One social worker here tells me, "It’s surprising more of them aren’t doing it. These suicides are a symptom of a deeper societal malaise . " | |
23 | 当这次衰退开始之时,许多人都头头是道地表示已从大萧条(GreatDepression)和日本的长期经济低迷中吸取了教训。 | When the recession began there were many wise words about having learnt the lessons of both the Great Depression and Japan’s long malaise . | |
24 | 德-梅耶尔教授辩称,解决目前问题的方法将包括进行重大改革。 | A solution to the current malaise , argues Prof De Meyer, will involve significant changes. | |
25 | 德州的一些麻烦无疑可以归咎于疲软的全国经济。 | Some of Texas’s malaise must clearly be blamed on the weak national economy. | |
26 | 第三个趋势是社会主义的萎靡不振,不仅仅是在斯坎达维尼亚。 | The third trend is a malaise in socialism, and not only in Scandinavia. | |
27 | 对投资者来说,长期经济萎靡不振的幽灵意味着长期的投资低回报。 | For investors, the specter of a long period of malaise means a long period of low returns. | |
28 | 而一旦实体经济出现问题,金融危机可能会雪上加霜,尽管数据表明当前的情形还不至于那么坏。 | The data barely show it yet, but the financial malaise could yet be aggravated by a broader economic malaise. | |
29 | 更糟糕的是,与需求下降带来的短期影响相比订单减少带来的不良影响可能更严重。 | Worse, the malaise may go far deeper than the short-term effects of a slump in demand. | |
30 | 工资与薪酬仅增长了0.1%,表明劳动力市场持续萎靡。 | Wages and salaries rose by only 0. 1 per cent, reflecting continued labour market malaise . |