属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西经济 极端天气在前
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会工作者 关爱为上
1 | 不负责任的恐怖分子“骑劫”了回教,损害了回教的名誉。鼓吹和平的回教被恶意诬蔑,让新加坡回教徒感到非常悲哀。 | While irresponsible terrorists have hijacked the good name of Islam, Singaporean Muslims find themselves much saddened that their beloved religion, which stands for peace, has been maligned | |
2 | 当地的一个店主遭到竞争对手的恶毒诽谤,只得把店变卖后远走他乡。 | A local shopkeeper was so maligned by a competitor that he was forced to sell out and move elsewhere | |
3 | 当你被人污蔑时我难道不是站在你这边吗?(萨克雷)。 | Have I not taken your part when you were maligned (Thackeray. | |
4 | 鼓吹和平的回教被恶意诬蔑,让新加坡回教徒感到非常悲哀。 | Singaporean Muslims find themselves much saddened that their beloved religion, which stands for peace, has been maligned . | |
5 | 她受到报章中伤。 | She was maligned by the newspapers. | |
6 | 他感到别人指控他偷窃是诋毁他的人格。 | He felt that the charge of stealing maligned his character | |
7 | 他总是在不断地向她散播流言蜚语,中伤别人,企图以此博得她的好感。 | He was continually coming to her with some tale or other, by which he might creep into favor at the expense of persons maligned | |
8 | 要是你听见我的名誉受到诽谤,你会相信那谗言吗? | Should you hear my name blackened and maligned , will you credit the aspersion? | |
9 | 要是你听见我的名誉受到诽谤,你会相信那谗言吗? | Should you hear my name blackened and maligned ,will you credit the aspersion? | |
10 | 这位政治家被报纸中伤。 | This politician has been maligned by the newspapers | |
11 | ||1:罗塞夫已经做出了改变,她任命强硬派银行家若阿金·莱维取代吉多?曼特加曼成为新任财务部部长,受人尊敬的经济学家尼尔森·巴博萨任计划部部长,在那里他将监督公共投资。||2:托比尼继续留任中央银行行长,但是已经被明确告知确立4.5%的通胀目标的严重性;自罗塞夫在十月的大选胜出后,银行基准利率已经从11%提高到11.75%。||3:与农民和工业具有紧密联系的新农业贸易部部长与私营贸易部门达成了和解。||4:外交部部长也希望获得更多能进行友好贸易往来的老板。 | ||1:Ms Rousseff has made a start by recruiting Joaquim Levy, a hawkish banker, to replace Mr Mantega, and Nelson Barbosa, a respected economist, to the planning ministry, where he will oversee public investment.||2:Mr Tombini will remain at the Central Bank, but has clearly been told to take the inflation target of 4.5% seriously; since Ms Rousseff’s victory in October, the benchmark interest rate has been raised from 11% to 11.75%.||3:New agriculture and trade ministers with ties to farmers and industry signal a truce with the maligned private sector.||4:The foreign ministry, too, is expected to get a more trade-friendly boss. | |
12 | ||1:这个项目的组织者想要借此机会来提升这个饱受诟病的职业的社会地位。||2:前劳工部长,目前任“前沿”董事会主席的阿多尼斯表示他们正在处理一场人力资源危机。||3:能否招到人是一个问题,而如何留住人也是一个难题:一名护士的工龄是14年,而一名社工的工龄预计是8年。||4:去年,一些地方政府的报告称三分之一的职务是处在空缺阶段。 | ||1:Its founders want to boost the status of a much-maligned profession.||2:“We are dealing with a crisis,” says Lord Adonis, a former Labour minister and chair of Frontline’s board.||3:Recruitment is a problem, but so is retention: the expected working life of a social worker is eight years, compared with 14 for nurses.||4:Last year some local authorities reported that a third of their positions were unfilled. | |
13 | “人们对蓝鸟有各种很强烈的感情。虽然人们很喜欢憎恨它们,但不应该如此恶意诽谤,”博瑞说道。 | "People have such strong feelings about blue jays. People love to hate them. They shouldn’t be so maligned , " Boorujy said. | |
14 | DOM一直被诬蔑成相当困难且不直观的操纵XML文档的方式。 | The DOM has been maligned as a difficult and nonintuitive way of manipulating XML documents. | |
15 | 不幸的是,没人认谈论关于丹麦人什么时候能结束大满贯冠军荒的事。 | Unfortunately for the Dane, no one was talking about her snapping out of a much-maligned Grand Slam drought. | |
16 | 对于被污蔑为“拐走国王的女人”的华丽斯·辛普森来说,退位事件是一场噩梦。 | For Wallis Simpson, maligned as ’the woman who stole the King’, the Abdication was a tragedy. | |
17 | 对于那些明明近在眼前却不知道感激的人们,蒲公英照样表现出众,尽管它们饱受非议。 | Exhibit A in the case against people who can’t appreciate what’s right in front of them: the much-maligned dandelion. | |
18 | 该年度报告补充称,2012年奥运会筹备工作,已经让伦敦“饱受诟病的基础设施”受益。 | The annual report adds that London’s "much maligned infrastructure" is already benefiting from work for the 2012 Olympics. | |
19 | 国足欢迎你:网友翻唱奥运歌曲《北京欢迎你》,讽刺备受谴责的中国国家足球队。 | National soccer team welcomes you: A spoof on the Olympic song "Beijing Welcomes You, " in honor of the much-maligned Chinese football team. | |
20 | 过去,人们一直认为集成显卡速度很慢。 | Integrated graphics have been maligned in the past as being slow. | |
21 | 好吧,那些备受责难却也咎由自取的连接函数是设计来实现那个的,不过那个显然不太行。 | Well, the much-maligned -and-rightly-so copulas are meant to do that. Clearly they didn’t do a great job. | |
22 | 即便颇受中伤的理性经济人物将自己的作用最大化,与其说是一个信条还不说是使用微积分的理由。 | Even the much-maligned figure of rational economic man, maximising his utility, is less an article of faith than an excuse to use calculus. | |
23 | 难道烟民比恋童癖者还不堪吗? | Have smokers become more maligned than pedophiles? | |
24 | 商务飞机行业协会宣称其成员受到了污蔑,而这时极不公正的。 | The trade association for the corporate jet business said that its members were being unfairly maligned . | |
25 | 身体则至高无上。“戏剧性”并非随意而为,这个词受到了不公正的恶意贬损,其实它涵盖了一套完整的美学和道德伦理。 | The body is king, Not everyone can be "theatrical, " and this unjustly maligned word covers a whole aesthetic and a whole ethic. | |
26 | 虽然创新的价值无可估量,但我们对其不顾一切的关注,也许掩盖了其饱受诟病的亲戚——山寨的价值。 | But invaluable though innovation may be, our relentless focus on it may be obscuring the value of its much-maligned relative, imitation. | |
27 | 我真的很喜欢,即使是备受争议的第三部 | I’m really enjoying, even, III, the much-maligned III, | |
28 | 因此,好像在与世界不断变化,强有力的“文字”(理性)和常常被诽谤的词“神话”三者之间有着一定的联系。 | So there appears to be a connection between the world-changing, powerful word "word" (logos) and the often maligned word "myth" (mythos). | |
29 | 玉米乙醇不应该受到非议,增长能源的成员TomBuis争辩道。 | Corn ethanol should not be maligned , argues Tom Buis of Growth Energy. | |
30 | 在此,我们应该向如今受到广泛抨击的格林斯潘脱帽致意。 | Here, we should tip our hats to the now much-maligned Mr Greenspan. |