1 | 上月,年轻的妈妈们在波士顿市区的科普利商场 (Copley Mall) 购物时,发现有来自哈佛商学院的学生询问她们使用肥皂的情况。这些学生并不在打临时工赚取啤酒钱。他们在帮助一家巴西公司发布一款抗病菌洁面乳做准备工作。 | YOUNG mums shopping in the Copley Mall in downtown Boston last month found themselves being questioned about their use of soap by students from Harvard Business School. The students were not doing odd jobs to earn beer money. They were preparing to help a firm in Brazil launch an antibacterial cleanser. | |
2 | “尽量去那些有投币按摩椅的地方;在本地的商场里通常都有这样的设施。” | "Try making a visit to some coin-operated massage chairs; they often have these at the local mall . " | |
3 | “那是使我们成为新加坡人的东西,”一位在靠近市中心的购物中心里的食品商店工作的售货员法迪拉哈·默海默德这样说。 | "It’s what makes us Singaporeans, " said Fadilah Mohammed, a saleswoman at a food store in a mall near downtown. | |
4 | “我每次去商场都会被认出来,”他说。 | "I can’t go to the mall without being recognized, " he says. | |
5 | 09年1月18日,华盛顿特区。参加林肯纪念堂前的“我们是一家”的就职典礼庆典的人群挤满了广场。 | Crowds fill the Mall as they attend the the "We are One" Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial January 18, 2009 in Washington, DC. | |
6 | 2007年2月13日情人节前夜,两条狗狗参加完宠物的集体婚礼之后来到香港的一个购物中心。 | Two dogs at a Hong Kong shopping mall on Feb. 13, 2007, after participating in a mass wedding for pets on the eve of Valentine’s Day. | |
7 | 2008年,大运河购物中心共接待了2000万游客,这个数量在全国名列前茅。 | As of 2008, the mall was seeing 20 million visitors a year, among the highest in the country. | |
8 | 2008年,瓦菲商场荣获最佳购物商场,最佳餐厅,最佳酒店,最佳水疗馆和最佳精品店等五项“最佳”头衔。 | In 2008, Wafi received awards for BestShopping Mall , Best Restaurant, Best New Hotel, Best Spa and Best Independent Boutique. | |
9 | 2008年11月,美国长岛绿田购物中心发生致人死伤的黑色星期五事件,图为沃尔玛商场的购物者推搡保安人员。 | Wal-Mart shoppers charge security guards at the fatal Black Friday incident at Green Mall , Long Island, November 2008. | |
10 | 2010年12月22日,德国西部城市奥伯豪森,人们在购物中心里为圣诞节采购。 | Christmas shoppers make their way through a shopping mall in the western German city of Oberhausen on December 22, 2010. | |
11 | 2011年8月23日,经过20多年的筹备和建设后,位于国家广场的马丁路德金纪念馆终于对外开放。 | Aug. 23, 2011 -- After more than 20 years of planning and construction, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial opened on the National Mall . | |
12 | ThaVy作为经理在一个卖场中开设了一家专卖电子产品的智能商店。 | Manager Tha Vy runs a smart store in a mall that sells electronics. | |
13 | 阿联酋购物中心是娱乐和购物的圣地。 | Mall of the Emirates is an entertainment and shopping resort. | |
14 | 百度提供了一系列的网络应用,其中很多都是模仿广为流行的网站,比如MySpace。 | Baidu created a shopping mall of Web offerings, many of them imitations of popular Web sites like MySpace. | |
15 | 北京某购物中心前,一对新婚夫妇拿香槟摆出干杯的拍照姿势。 | Newlyweds toast with champagne while posing for a photo behind a shopping mall in Beijing. | |
16 | 并且她还证实了从购物商城淘来的便宜服饰穿起来也能超凡脱俗。 | And she’s also proved that an inexpensive dress purchased at the mall can look fabulous. | |
17 | 不在乎这里离密里诺基特最近的购物中心或电影院需要1小时的车程,也不介意每年平均93英寸的降雪。 | Never mind that Millinocket is an hour’s drive from the nearest mall or movie theater, or that it gets an average 93 inches of snow a year. | |
18 | 参赛选手要躺在一张摆在大商场中的鲜蓝色的沙发上睡上20分钟午觉。 | Participants are monitored as they lie on bright blue sofas in the middle of a shopping mall for a 20-minute nap. | |
19 | 城堡已经空了很多年,最近正计划改建成一个大型购物商场。 | The armory has sat vacant for years, and plans to build a mall there recently collapsed. | |
20 | 但还有更绝的:他们又来了个转弯,却发现自己不偏不歪地挡在了商业广场大道的中间。 | But it gets better: they make another turn and find themselves smack-dab in the middle of the thoroughfare of a mall . | |
21 | 迪拜购物中心目前是世界上最大的商场,其总建筑面积为1亿2100万平方英尺。 | The Dubai Mall is the world’s largest mall in terms of total area (12. 1 million sq ft). | |
22 | 东涌地铁站有电影院,快餐摊和很多商店的商业街。 | The MTR station at Tung Chung is home to a movie theater, food court and a mall full of outlet stores. | |
23 | 对这个国家的多数人来说,它是普普通通的连锁大卖场,是接二连三倒闭的路边店中的一员。 | To most of the country, it’s just another big-box chain, another in a series of disappearing strip-mall storefronts. | |
24 | 而另一座场馆被改建为购物中心。 | Another facility is being transformed into a mall . | |
25 | 翡翠有多个据点,包括整个城市的国际金融中心商场,海港城及时代广场。 | Crystal Jade has multiple outposts across the city, including IFC Mall , Harbour City and Times Square. | |
26 | 该工厂于1976年关闭,如今那个地方成了一条商业街。 | The plant closed in 1976. Today the site is occupied by a strip mall . | |
27 | 该购物中心建成于1981年,有超过800家商铺和2万个停车位。 | Built in 1981, the mall has over 800 stores and services and parking for more than 20, 000 vehicles. | |
28 | 更不用说开车到各个商场花在汽油上的钱了,还有在商场美食广场里买垃圾食品的钱。 | Not to mention all the money spent on gas, driving to different shopping places, and the money spent on fattening food at mall food courts. | |
29 | 购物中心的低层是在1987年建的,用来销售衣服和鞋子。 | The lower floors of the shopping mall , which was built in 1987, are occupied by stores that sell garments and shoes. | |
30 | 广场对面的路边,一座新的购物商场正在建设中,目的是倡导向环保价值观的转变。 | Across the road from The Place, a new shopping mall is being constructed that aims to pioneer a shift to greener values. |