属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 6562-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM D 6562-2001
1 | 来来来,爸、妈请坐上座,他拉开椅子协助父母坐下,大家纷纷落座。 | Come on, dad, mom, please sit in your places, then he pulls out chairs to help Papa and Mama sit down, everyone haphazardly takes their place. | |
2 | 李妈道:“我只煎了一块排骨给姑爷吃,留下好几块生的浸在酱油酒里,等一会煎了给你吃晚饭。” | Mama Li said, "I just fried a pork chop for Master.There are several raw ones left over that are marinating in wine and soy sauce.I’ll fry them in a moment for your dinner." | |
3 | 利用9-(N-甲氨基甲基)蒽(MAMA)法测定工作场所空气中气态二异腈酸己二酯(HDI)的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determination of Gaseous Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI)in Air with 9-(N-methylaminomethyl)Anthracene Method (MAMA )in the Workplace | |
4 | 鲁迅从长妈妈的手里,连带着她的那一份无比深厚的情意 | Lu Xun received it from Mama Chang’s hands along with her incomparably deep affection for him | |
5 | 妈妈从烫衣板上抬起头,问道:“多少钱?” | mama looked up from her ironing board and asked, How much does it cost? | |
6 | 妈妈很早以前就去世了。妈妈下葬后那天,汤罐下面的气门被关上了,一个灿烂辉煌的时代随着火焰一起消逝了。 | Mama died a long time ago. Someone turned off the gas under the minestrone pot the day after Mama was buried, and a glorious era passed with the flame. | |
7 | 妈妈摸了摸索尔的肌肉后,又竭力让他相信,她的蔬菜通心粉汤还能使他身体强壮,就像那个意裔美国英雄查尔斯·阿特拉斯。 | After feeling Sol’s muscles,, Mama convinced him that the soup would also make him strong, like the Italian-American hero Charles Atlas. | |
8 | 妈妈说你是个靠别人养活的人,你父亲没给你留下钱 | You are a dependent, Mama says.Your father left you no money. | |
9 | 没有哪个小孩家的炉子上有这样一个汤罐,也没有哪个小孩的妈妈一看见你进屋就让你坐下来,在你的面前放上一只碗和一把汤勺。“在美国谁都不会这样做的。”我试图劝服妈妈。 | No other kids had such pots on their stoves, nor did they have a mama whose first action upon seeing you enter the house was to sit you down with a spoon and bowl. "People in America don’t do things like that." I tried to convince Mama. | |
10 | 每当我读到《圣经》中的这句箴言时,我就想到妈妈:“她天还没亮就起床了,为家人准备食物。 | I think of Mama whenever I read Proverbs: "She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family. " | |
11 | 每当我走进后廊,汤罐里散发出采的浓郁芳香,不仅使我垂涎欲滴,还使我感到非常踏实。不管妈妈当时是否正手拿一柄长木勺在汤罐旁边忙碌着,我都知道我已经到家了。 | When I entered the back porch, the aroma was not only mouth watering but reassuring. Whether Mama was standing over the pot stirring with a long wooden spoon or not, I knew I was home. | |
12 | 墨西哥大片《你的妈妈也一样》的导演阿方索·科朗接手执导《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚犯》。 | Alfonso Cuaron-director of the mexican hit "Y Tu Mama Tambien"-took over as director for "Prisoner of Azkaban." | |
13 | 你明明知道我不会回来吃饭的,并且我出门的时候,吩咐李妈十二点钟开饭给你吃--不是你这只传家宝钟上十二点,是闹钟上十二点。” | You knew perfectly well I wouldn’t come home to eat.Besides, when I left the house, I told Mama Li to serve your lunch at twelve-not twelve by that precious heirloom of yours, but twelve by the alarm clock." | |
14 | 然而,曾经有一个时期,妈妈的汤罐使我感到很困窘,因为我担心它会使我失去在学校结交的新朋友索尔。 | At one time, however, Mama ’s soup pot became a source of embarrassment to me, for I feared it would cost me a new friend I had made at school. | |
15 | 生活中有太多珍贵的东西我们往往显而不见,直到有人在意想不到的情况下向我们指出它们时,我们才充分意识到它们的价值。妈妈的汤罐就是这样。 | There are too many treasures in life we take for granted, the worth of which we don’t fully realize until they’ re pointed out to us in some unexpected way. So it was with Mama ’s soup pot. | |
16 | 事实上,她的感激之心如此强烈,以至于她发誓要从家里的收入中扣除一部分献给上帝。 | Mama was filled with thanksgiving so thankful in fact that she vowed to tithe the family earnings to the Lord | |
17 | 首先他问妈妈是否合家平安,妈妈说我们大家都很好。 | First he asked Mama if we were all right, and Mama said we were | |
18 | 孙小姐沉吟说:“这次订婚已经没得到爸爸妈妈的同意,幸亏他们喜欢我,一点儿不为难。 | She stopped to reflect, saying, "I haven’t even received mama and Papa’s consent to the engagement.Luckily they like me, so there won’t be any problem | |
19 | 索尔到我们家来的那天,我紧张到了极点。妈妈和其他9位家庭成员热情地欢迎他,拥抱他,还用手拍拍他的后背。 | The day Sol came over I was a nervous wreck. Mama and the other nine family members welcomed him with embraces and slaps on the back. | |
20 | 索尔终于明明白白地问我他是否可以到我们家来。我只能说可以。我知道没有什么能比这个更令妈妈高兴的了。 | Finally Sol pointedly asked if he could come to our house. I had to say yes. I knew nothing would make Mama happier. | |
21 | 汤菜的准备对妈妈来说是很神圣很庄严的。对她来说,烹饪是上帝保佑我们的仪式。放进汤罐里的每一片番茄、每一块鸡肉,都带着她的深深谢意和感激之情。 | Its preparation was sacred to Mama . To her, cooking was a celebration of God’s providence. Each potato, each shred of chicken was placed in the pot with grateful thanks. | |
22 | 我告诉他,它失去了妈妈,需要有人照顾它。然后,我们又谈到失去母亲的感受,孤身只影多么容易受惊。 | I told him she had lost her mama and she needed someone to take care of her. Then we talked about how it feels to lose a mother, how scary it is to be alone. | |
23 | 我看见你的父母在哭泣, | I saw your mama and your daddy crying | |
24 | 我们默默无言地坐在一起,看着熟睡的马驹。马丁对我说,“它现在是我的孩子了,我来当它妈妈。” | We sat quietly together, watching the foal sleep and thenMartin said to me,"She’ s my baby now. I’ll be her mama . | |
25 | 我内人在发肝胃气,我出门的时候,王妈正打电话请医生呢。” | My wife’s having a gastric attack.When I left the house, Mama Wang was calling the doctor." | |
26 | 我说:“噢,亲爱的教母,告诉我,求求你告诉我,妈妈是在我生日的那一天死的吗?” | I said, "Oh, dear godmother, tell me, pray do tell me, did mama die on my birthday?" | |
27 | 伊丽莎、约翰和乔奇安娜这时候都在休息室,簇拥在他们母亲周围。 | Dliza, John, and Georgiana were now clustered round their mama in the drawing-room | |
28 | 婴儿说的第一个词是“妈妈”。 | The baby’s first word was "mama ". | |
29 | 用9-甲氨基甲基蒽法测定工作场所空气中气态二异腈酸乙二脂的试验方法 | Test Method for Determination of Gaseous Hexamethylene Diisocyante (HDI)in Air with 9-(N-methylaminomethyl)Anthracene Method (MAMA )in the Workplace | |
30 | 有这种情结的男孩是典型的“妈妈的宝宝”。他被过分保护、过分溺爱。感情上的成熟受到阻止。 | The male so burdened is the typical "mama ’s boy" who has been overprotected and overbabied and prevented form maturing emotionally |