1 | ( 三)船员名单和旅客名单; | (3)crew member list and passenger manifest ; | |
2 | (七)载有货物的民用航空器,其所载货物的舱单和明细的申报单; | (7)If the civil aircraft carries cargo, a manifest and detailed declarations of the cargo; and | |
3 | (一)腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变、生虫、污秽不洁、混有异物或者其他感官性状异常,可能对人体健康有害的; | (1)foods that can be injurious to human health because they are putrid or deteriorated, spoiled by rancid oil or fat, moulded, infested with insects or worms, contaminated, contain foreign matter or manifest other abnormalities in sensory properties; | |
4 | “当时我一切都明白了,我为刚才所发生的事而责备自己,好象这桩罪案是我自己干的似的。 | Then all became clear and manifest to me, and I reproached myself with what had happened, as though I myself had done the guilty deed | |
5 | 阿托恩是古埃及人所信奉的太阳神,他被描绘成一个光芒四射的日轮,光芒的末端呈人手形,对国王来说它是生命的象征。 | The worship of Aton was simply that of the sun-god manifest in the solar disc, and thus depicted as a disc with rays ending in hands that present the symbol of life to the king | |
6 | 把…记在船货单上在舱单上记录下来 | To record in a ship’s manifest . | |
7 | 白琉球杜鹃(Rhododendron mucronatum G.Don)在亚热带的台湾应未存有内生性休眠 | Rhododendron Mucronatum G. Don Grown in Subtropical Taiwan Does Not Manifest Endodormancy | |
8 | 北狄人和匈奴人制作,图案也主要是写实风格。但也揉合了艺术家的想象力 | By the Beidi and Xiongnu (Hun)people, these are mainly in a realistic vein, but manifest flight of the artists’ imagination. | |
9 | 被代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。 | Where the principal fails to manifest his intention, he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract. | |
10 | 表现执拗,表现顽梗表现或感受执拗 | To manifest or experience perseveration. | |
11 | 不过,如果后三项出了问题,他总会以某种疾病的方式表现出来。 | However if a problem arises in one of the last three issues it will manifest itself in some form on an illness. | |
12 | 船舶的入境、出境检疫在同一港口实施时,如果船员、旅客没有变动,可以免报船员名单和旅客名单;有变动的,报变动船员、旅客名单。 | If there is no change in crew members and passengers, the vessel receiving entry and exit quarantine inspections at the same port may get a P.W.E. If there is a change in crew members or passengers, revised manifest shall be required. | |
13 | 从此空空道人因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色悟空,遂易名为情僧 | Since all manifestations are born of nothingness and in turn give rise to passion, by describing passion for what is manifest we comprehend nothingness. So the Taoist changed his name to the Passionate Monk | |
14 | 从党的十一大开始出现这个问题。 | The problem of aging didn’t manifest itself until the Eleventh National Party Congress. | |
15 | 从空间站的物品清单中可以看出,佩吉为她的太空之行一共准备了40顿"虾餐"。 | A quick check of the station’s manifest showed that Whitson had planned more than 40 shrimp meals for her stay | |
16 | 当事人用他们的行为而不是语言说明他们的协议时,就被称为事实默示。 | When the parties manifest their agreement by conduct rather than by words, it is said to be implied-in-fact. | |
17 | 递送通知: 提供递送详细信息和载货单信息 | Delivery Notification: provides delivery details and manifest information | |
18 | 第三十条 受入境检疫船舶的船长,在检疫医师到达船上时,必须提交由船长签字或者有船医附签的航海健康申报书、船员名单、旅客名单、载货申报单,并出示除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书。 | Article 30 The captain of the entry vessel is required to show the quarantine physician on board the vessel health declaration, crew member list, passenger manifest and cargo declaration, signed by the captain or the vessel physician, and a deratization certificate or a deratization laissez-passer. | |
19 | 第十条 法官在履行职责时,应当平等对待当事人和其他诉讼参与人,不得以其言语和行为表现出任何歧视,并有义务制止和纠正诉讼参与人和其他人员的任何歧视性言行。 | Article 10. A judge should treat all the parties and participants of the proceeding equally in performing his duties. The judge should not by words or conduct manifest any discrimination. The judge has the responsibility to stop and correct any discriminatory words or conduct by any participants or other people. | |
20 | 儿童及青少年焦虑情绪之发展及其相关因素之研究 | A Developmental Study on the Manifest Anxiety of Children and Adolescents and Its Related Factors | |
21 | 而有的人则是通过关心周围人,信守某一道德准则来显示他们的精神力量。 | For others, spirituality manifest itself as a concern for those around them, or adherence to a moral code. | |
22 | 而在日后的生活中,这些儿童就表现出保守的、跋扈的、强硬的和有偏见的态度。 | And in later life these same children manifest conservation, domineering, rigid and prejudiced attitudes | |
23 | 法定代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。 | If the legal agent fails to manifest his intention, he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract. | |
24 | 高校思想政治课凸显“八荣八耻”荣辱观教育探析 | How to Manifest the Educating Sense of "Eight-Eight Shame" Socialist Concept of Honor in the College Class of Ideological and Political Theory | |
25 | 公有制的主体地位主要体现在: | The dominant position of public ownership should manifest itself mainly as follows: | |
26 | 古人认为:"所谓"诗表述思想感情,歌唱出它的声音,舞蹈表现它的外在形象。 | Ancient Chinese believed that, "Poems express thoughts and feelings, songs put them into sound, and dances manifest their external features. | |
27 | 规章制度应该让全体员工都明白。 | The rules and regulations should be made to be manifest to all staff. | |
28 | 国有经济起主导作用,主要体现在控制力上。 | The leading role of the state-owned sector should manifest itself mainly in its control power . | |
29 | 含有20%到50%的HF的溶液会导致延迟的症状,这些症状在1到8小时之内变得明显。含有小于20%的HF的溶液不会在24小时内导致出现症状。 | Solutions containing 20% to 50% HF may cause delayed symptoms which become manifest in one (1)to eight (8)hours. Solutions with less than 20% HF may not cause symptoms for up to 24 hours. | |
30 | 护国明着灵惠协正普庆显济天妃 | Heavenly Consort of Efficacious Benevolence, Righteous Assistance, Universal Blessings, Manifest Salvation and Guardian of the Kingdom |