1 | 我拼命地想压抑即使最有涵养的猎手在这种狂喜时刻也会产生的那种得意忘形的劲头。 | I struggled against the ungenerous exultation that in such a supreme moment of existence will rise in the best-mannered sportsman’s breast | |
2 | 我认为你的话是无理取闹。 | I regard your remarks as blatant, all ill-mannered | |
3 | 小鬼,小家伙:小孩,尤指被宠坏的或举止粗鲁的小孩。 | brat:a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one. | |
4 | 一种造作的文体 | a mannered style of writing | |
5 | 英国人认为询问个人的事情是没有礼貌的。 | The Englishman thinks it is ill-mannered to ask personal questions | |
6 | 优雅举止优雅的品质;优雅 | The quality of being well-mannered ; refinement. | |
7 | 在4月26日的德国校园枪击案中,当平日为人谦和的艺术历史系教师赖纳·海泽和当时已经枪杀了16个人的"少年杀手"面对面对峙的时候,他对这位昔日的学生说道:"开枪啊,朝我开枪,但是请你看着我的眼睛! | "Go ahead and shoot me--but look me in the eyes!" demanded mild-mannered art and history teacher Rainer Heise when he confronted the teenaged killer who had shot dead 16 people in his old school | |
8 | 这些人这样彬彬有礼、这样品行端正,这样健全完美,他简直不懂究竟是什么东西触怒了他。 | These people were so well mannered , so well conducted, and so healthy, he could not really understand what irritated him | |
9 | ||1:各种色彩的伊斯兰武装分子已经成长为主导叙利亚的反叛联盟。||2:外界对圣战者的支持大多来自私人捐助以及海湾地区的网络,而西方政府则直接向他们认可的对手,温和的派别断断续续的支持,前者被证明更可靠。||3:甚至一些审查的武装分子都希望建立一个伊斯兰国家,但是都是悄悄地说,以免引起非伊斯兰教兄弟联盟,更不要说叙利亚无数的非逊尼派穆斯林少数民族。||4:一个反对派成员表示,作出公开决定的部分原因是埃及。||5:埃及的争辩推翻了穆兄会的穆罕默德穆尔西,表明嘴皮子民主没什么用。 | ||1:Islamist fighters of varying hues have grown to dominate Syria’s mosaic of rebel groups.||2:Outside support for jihadists, which comes mostly from private donors and networks in the Gulf, has proven more reliable than the stop-start flow that foreign governments direct to milder-mannered , Western-approved rivals.||3:Even some vetted fighters have long espoused the creation of an Islamic state, but quietly so as not to worry non-Islamist brothers-in-arms—let alone Syria’s myriad non-Sunni Muslim minorities.||4:The decision to go public is in part down to Egypt, says one rebel man.||5:The coup that ousted Muhammad Morsi, a Muslim Brother, showed that there is nothing to gain from paying lip service to democracy. | |
10 | ||1:尽管如此,要让一种欧洲艺术形式适应当地的品味仍然是一项挑战。||2:“风险在于你会让观众迷失方向,”黎巴嫩歌剧院(成立于2015年)的首席执行官法里德?拉希如此表示。||3:“你需要一种非常简单的戏剧语言。”||4:性和宗教造成了特殊的问题。||5:“当我们上演威尔第的歌剧《茶花女》时,我们喝的是水而不是酒,”范尼先生回忆道。||6:在马斯喀特的制作强调了女主人公“有尊严的死亡之旅,而不是她放荡的生活方式。” | ||1:Still, adapting a mannered —and often bawdy—European art form to local tastes is a challenge.||2:“The risk is that you disorientate audiences,” says Farid Rahi, ceo of Opera Lebanon (itself founded in 2015).||3:“You need a very simple theatrical language.”||4:Sex and religion cause particular problems.||5:“When we staged ‘La Traviata’ [Verdi’s opera about a Parisian courtesan], we had water instead of wine,” Mr Fanni recalls.||6:The production in Muscat emphasised the heroine’s “dignified journey to death rather than her libertine lifestyle.” | |
11 | 白天,他温和的为一家很小但是很有成就的电子商务产品代理机构工作。 | By day, his mild-mannered alter-ego works for a small, yet accomplished, e-commerce production agency. | |
12 | 粗鲁,自我放纵,异想天开,和没有礼貌的 | Henry Higgins Rude self-indulgent, whimsical, and ill mannered | |
13 | 当谈论到礼物时,最循规蹈矩的老女人都会突然变身成为辩论队的专家。 | When arguing over gifts, the nicest, mild-mannered old ladies suddenly turn into debate team pros. | |
14 | 而让中立的埃及人感到绝望的是,科普特基督教和穆斯林都说谢哈塔女士是自己的象征和烈士。 | To the despair of milder-mannered Egyptians, Coptic and Muslim radicals have both declared Ms Shehata a symbol and a martyr. | |
15 | 毫无疑问,一切都令人满意,但为人温文尔雅,身兼谈话节目主持人和报刊评论撰稿人的木村先生承认存在问题。 | All very satisfying, no doubt, but off-duty a mild-mannered Mr Kimura, a fixture of chat shows and opinion pages, admits to problems. | |
16 | 将成为西班牙下届首相的温和派马里亚诺·拉霍伊,表示他拥有自信并且准备充分。 | MARIANO RAJOY, a mild-mannered man destined to be Spain’s next prime minister, says he is confident and ready. | |
17 | 她整洁、彬彬有礼、敏感、聪慧、对陌生人友好。 | She was immaculate, well-mannered , sensitive, intelligent, and kind to strangers. | |
18 | 卡梅伦有些造作的亲切作风有时也会发出噪音(唐宁街的一位内部人士说,那声音就像粉笔在黑板上划过那般刺耳。) | Mr Cameron’s mannered bonhomie can grate (like chalk on a blackboard, says one Downing Street insider). | |
19 | 另外,即使是最温柔的男伴,从后面做也能表现出他野性的一面。 | Also, there’s something very primal about doing the deed from behind that brings out the animal in even the most mild-mannered guy. | |
20 | 民主党领袖,一个谈吐温和的职业政客,很有可能成为下一位首相。 | It is led by Yukio Hatoyama, a mild-mannered career politician likely to be the next prime minister. | |
21 | 年轻人需要大城市,靠低劣的街道生存,耀武扬威,但是如果他搬到一个温和的小镇,那不仅仅是失去和平。 | The kid needed that big city swagger to survive on mean streets but doesn’t just lose it if he moves to a mild-mannered town. | |
22 | 乳臭未干的;举止粗鲁的 | Characteristic of or being a brat; ill-mannered . | |
23 | 顺便提下,《死亡判决》(DeathSentence)刚拍成电影。它讲的也是一个性情温和的男人由于一起残暴的凶案而复仇的故事。 | Death Sentence, by the way, was just made into movie; it’s also about a mild-mannered man who goes on a rampage to avenge a terrible crime. | |
24 | 他彬彬有礼,腼腆害羞,从爱尔兰籍的母亲那儿获得良好的家教训练,从天主教热诚的信仰这儿加强逆来顺受的宿命观。 | He was well-mannered and rather shy, schooled in respect by his Irish mother and reinforced in fatalism by his fervent Catholic faith. | |
25 | 他的风格可以是矫揉造作,但其中也不乏感人至深的场景。 | His style can be mannered , but there are scenes in which the drama is moving. | |
26 | 他将胜利现身,从一个温和犹豫的领导者变成一位勇猛果敢的改革者——超级苏西洛诞生了! | A mild-mannered ditherer, he would emerge triumphant and transformed, as a bold and decisive reformer: Super-SBY! | |
27 | 他们都是最朴实的人,也是完全没有野心的人。 | They are the most simple-mannered people alive, and quite unambitious. | |
28 | 他们在这座城市里感到很安全,认为用那种措辞谈论当地人是粗鲁的。 | They felt safe in the city, and thought it ill-mannered to talk like that about the locals. | |
29 | 他们咒骂、行为差劲、好斗、固执、任性得就像两岁的孩子。 | T hey swear, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-years-olds and utterly selfish. | |
30 | 希腊已任命温文尔雅的技术官僚卢卡斯•帕帕季莫斯(LucasPapademos)出任总理。 | Greece has appointed Lucas Papademos, a mild-mannered technocrat, as prime minister. |