属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 85740-2001
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿富汗大选 势力加入
1 | 操纵手柄操作用伺服马达 | servo motor for manoeuvring lever operation | |
2 | 除非目标开始移动,否则导弹会直线地飞行接近碰撞点。 | Unless the target starts manoeuvring , the missile tends to fly straight near interception | |
3 | 船用操纵系统.术语和定义 | Ships manoeuvring systems-Terms and definitions | |
4 | 当汽车挂入倒档时LEXUS雷克萨斯停车辅助监视器可以将车辆后方的情况显示在导航系统的屏幕上从而使得倒车能够精确顺利的进行,极大地避免了与低矮物体发生碰撞。 | The Lexus Parking Assist Monitor projects an image onto the navigation screen when reverse gear is selected, allowing accurate manoeuvring and minimising the risk of collision with low-level objects. | |
5 | 导弹机动作战路线的优选 | Optimization of Missile Manoeuvring Operation Route | |
6 | 电动辅助转向力随车速降低而逐步降低,至汽车停下后(如调位或驻车)达到最大。 | Continuous reduction of power assistance as speed decreases, providing maximum power assistance when the vehicle is at rest (for manoeuvring , parking) | |
7 | 该舰队正在波罗的海演习 | The fleet is manoeuvring in the baltic | |
8 | 基于自适应逆控制技术的船舶操纵仿真控制 | Simulation Control of Ship Manoeuvring Based on Adaptive Inverse Control Technology | |
9 | 舰队驶离东海岸进行演习。 | The fleet is manoeuvring off the east coast. | |
10 | 舰队正在东海岸外演习. | The fleet is manoeuvring off the east coast. | |
11 | 舰队正在和航空进行部队联合演习。 | The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit. | |
12 | 交通信息和控制系统.低速操作用机动辅助装置.性能要求和试验过程 | Transport information and control systems-Manoeuvring Aids for Low Speed Operation (MALSO)-Performance requirements and test procedures | |
13 | 经过一番努力,同别人调换了位置,马丁?皮特-史密斯为他这一帮人找到一个角落。 | After some manoeuvring exchanging places with others, Martin-Peat-Smith managed to find a corner for his group | |
14 | 空中机动目标航路预测模型 | Research on the Forecasting Model of the Track of Air Manoeuvring Target | |
15 | 领导职位尚未空缺,几个竞争者早就在为向上爬而钩心斗角了. | Several candidates had been manoeuvring for position long before the leadership became vacant. | |
16 | 全世界的生命科学公司正迅速采取行动,以期在这一新兴的基因商业领域发挥自身的作用,并夺取控制权。 | The global life science companies are quickly manoeuvring to exert their influence and control over the new genetic commerce. | |
17 | 使您在高速行驶中的控制更加自信,在拥挤停车场的驶进驶离更加自如。 | For self-assured control at high speeds and effortless manoeuvring in and out of tight parking spaces | |
18 | 坦克排决策支持系统火力机动模块研究 | The Study on Decision Support System of Tank Platoon for Firepower Manoeuvring Patterns | |
19 | 我的两个儿子,阿伦和乔迪,是训雁助手,每天将雁从雁栏里赶出赶进。 | My sons, Aaron and geordie, served as goose wranglers, manoeuvring the birds in and out of their pens | |
20 | 小艇正在移动以取得有利位置. | The yachts were manoeuvring for position. | |
21 | 液化天然气船浅水操舵的响应特性 | Simulation on Manoeuvring Response for Rudder Deflection in Shallow Water of LNGC | |
22 | 一个精于盘算的人总要略施小计占点便宜. | A scheming person is always manoeuvring for some advantage. | |
23 | 在低速行驶的时候,例如在狭窄的停车空间行驶的时候,从左转向极限位置到右转向极限位置只需要两圈。 | At very low speeds, when manoeuvring into a narrow parking space for example, the system requires only two turns from lock to lock | |
24 | 在低速行驶的时候,例如在狭窄的停车空间行驶的时候,方向盘从左边极限位置转到右边极限位置只需要两圈。 | At very low speeds, when manoeuvring into a narrow parking space for example, the system requires only two turns from lock to lock. | |
25 | ||1:传统的重要党派(如CDU和SPD)的相对衰落,规模较小和年轻的党派逐渐获得支持,这很大程度上解释了这个政党运作。||2:有些政党只是一时潮流。||3:海盗党(The Pirates)在4个州的选举中表现得相当出色,但是现在他们似乎已经要自我毁灭了,他们无法形成基本方针,而且非常单一。||4:然而,随着德国社会越来越个人主义化,传统的建立在利益集团(天主教徒或工会主义者)之上的政党结构已经失去了吸引力,这使得民众的忠诚飘忽不定,柏林自由大学的教授奥斯卡·尼德迈尔说道。 | ||1:The relative decline of the traditional main parties, the CDU and SPD, in favour of smaller and younger ones, explains much of this party manoeuvring .||2:Some of these may just be fads.||3:The Pirates have done well in four state elections but now seem to be self-destructing, unable to form basic policy and being generally tedious.||4:Yet, as German society becomes more individualistic, says Oskar Niedermayer, a professor at Berlin’s Free University, traditional party structures based on interest groups (Catholics, say, or trade unionists) lose appeal, leaving allegiances in flux. | |
26 | ||1:第二轮的竞争在首轮结果宣布之前业已打响。||2:5月11日,当拉苏尔自知将位列第三,便对阿卜杜拉予以声援支持,此举进一步提高这位前眼科医生成为总统的可能。||3:阿卜杜拉是普什图-塔吉克混血,但一般认为他是塔吉克人,因此普什图人拉苏尔的支持对他来说甚为珍贵(阿国普什图族为主)。||4:贾尼也是普什图人。 | ||1:The manoeuvring for the second round had already begun before the announcement, as Mr Rassoul, aware he would finish third, threw his support behind Dr Abdullah on May 11th.||2:The move boosted the former ophthalmologist’s chances of becoming president.||3:Dr Abdullah is of mixed Pushtun-Tajik ethnicity but is widely seen as Tajik, so the endorsement from Mr Rassoul, from the dominant Pushtuns, is valuable.||4:Mr Ghani is also a Pushtun. | |
27 | 但是在繁忙的街道上操作一辆卡车要比在高速上行驶困难得多。 | But manoeuvring a lorry around busy streets is far harder than driving down the motorway. | |
28 | 先发制人,惨无人道 | Out-thinking, out-manoeuvring , inhuman | |
29 | 船舶操纵模拟器及其在港航设计论证上的应用研究与设计 | Ship Manoeuvring Simulator and its Study of Application on the Designs of Harbour and Fairway | |
30 | 船舶操纵模拟器在上海LNG接收站码头方案选择中的应用 | Application of Ship Manoeuvring Simulator in the Selection of Shanghai LNG Reception Terminal Project |