1 | "Xpeedior100"却能够利用生理盐水喷流冲掉血栓中的软物质,然后吸走其余的血栓残渣。 | The catheter, called the Xpeedior 100 and manufactured by Minneapolis-based Possis Medical, blasts clots with jets of saline to remove the soft material and then suctions away the debris | |
2 | (为什么蛋白质是以基因制造成的长长的氨基酸单链开始,而又会自动地折叠成它们以后的各种形状,仍是现代生物学上一个最大的未解之谜)。 | (Why proteins, which start as long, simple chains of amino acids manufactured by genes, spontaneously fold into the shapes they do remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in modern biology.) | |
3 | “808”魔带,运用先进的科学原理,药效直达您的肺腑,治标治本,多年隐患,一带了之。 | 808 Magic belt, manufactured on the advanced scientific principle, gets its magical effect right into your body to relieve the primary and secondary symptoms at the same time. It can effectively remove your years’ hidden trouble. | |
4 | “亚太客户中心”为亚太地区的客户(中国和日本除外)按定单生产台式机、工作站、笔记本电脑、服务器和存储产品。 | Desktops, workstations, notebooks, servers and storage products are manufactured to order for customers throughout asia Pacific (excluding China and Japan). | |
5 | bootleg指非法运送、制造及出售货物(尤指酒). | Goods(especially alcohol)are bootlegged when they aresmuggled or manufactured and sold illegally. | |
6 | 半制状态的黄金(包括镀铂黄金),非货币(不包括制品坯料) | gold (incl. platinum-plated gold)in semi-manufactured forms,non-monetary (excl. blanks or articles) | |
7 | 本厂出品的世界上最先进的食品加工设备,将为生产当代最高级的食品服务。 | The most advanced food processing machine in the world manufactured by our factory will be used for producing the best foods nowadays. | |
8 | 本技术规范适用于生产和维修零件的组织现场在该现场生产顾客指定产品 | This Technical Specification is applicable to sites of the organization where customer-specified parts, for production and/or service, are manufactured . | |
9 | 超过国家规定的污染物排放标准的汽车,不得制造、销售或者进口。 | Vehicles whose discharges of pollutants exceed the standards prescribed by the State shall not be permitted to be manufactured , marketed, or imported. | |
10 | 初级产品和制成品世界出口价格指数 | world export prices indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods | |
11 | 除此之外,许多耐用织物是采用平纹组织工艺生产的。 | In addition, some of the most durable fabrics are manufactured by the plain weave technique. | |
12 | 从根本上说,经编是生产平幅织物的加工系统。织物具有直的侧边,生产速度高,产量较大。 | Essentially, warp knitting is a system for producing fabric that is flat, has straight side edges, and is manufactured rapidly and in large quantities. | |
13 | 大多数工业品由铁路运送到农村地区。 | Most manufactured goods were delivered to country areas by rail | |
14 | 大自然,当她把她的作家们发明、制造出来并赐予专利权之后,才设法用剩下的零碎木屑把批评家造出来的。 | Nature, when she invented, manufactured , and patented her author, contrived to make critic out of the chip that was left. | |
15 | 带有这些系统的汽车用新型化油器,都经过专门校准,以抵偿这种额外的空气。 | New carburetors manufactured for cars with these systems are specially calibrated to compensate for the additional air | |
16 | 胆红素产生数量与经细胞破坏的数量直接有关。 | The amount of bilirubin manufactured directly relates to the quantity of blood cells destroyed | |
17 | 毒品的数量以查证属实的走私、贩卖、运输、制造、非法持有毒品的数量计算,不以纯度折算。 | The quantity of drugs shall be calculated according to the verified amount of the drugs smuggled, trafficked, transported, manufactured or illegally held, and not in terms of purity | |
18 | 杜比噪音减低系经杜比实验证明公司授权制造。 | Dolby noise reduction manufactured under the license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. | |
19 | 非货币、未锻造或半制的或粉状黄金(包括镀铂黄金) | gold (including gold plated with platinum),non-manufactured forms,non-monetary (incl. blanks or articles) | |
20 | 费尔斯通,哈维·塞缪尔1868-1938美国工业家,建立了费尔斯通轮胎和橡胶公司(1900年),首制充气轮胎 | American industrialist who organized the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company(1900)and first manufactured the balloon tire. | |
21 | 钢瓶的设计和制造是按照相应的压力和温度所适用的法规和规范。 | Cylinders are designed and manufactured according to applicable codes and specifications for the pressures and temperatures involved. | |
22 | 钢瓶的设计和制造是按照相应的压力和温度所适用的法规和规范。容器的产品容量有它的水容积和额定压力来决定。 | Containers are designed and manufactured according to applicable codes and specifications for the pressure sand temperatures involved. The quantity of product a container can hold is determined by its water capacity and pressure rating. | |
23 | 钢瓶的制造依照交通部的规定,该规定指定了建材、制造和测试方法、允许填充的产品以及其它细节。 | Cylinders are manufactured according to Department of Transportation(DOT)regulations, which specify the material of construction, method of manufacture, testing, and what products they are permitted to be filled, as well as other details. | |
24 | 根据对原料茶加工过程中酶活性的不同,通常可将市售商品茶分为几类。 | The manufactured teas available on the market are usually divided into some groups, which are distinguished essentially based on the activity of tea enzymes in the course of raw tea treatment. | |
25 | 根据非常权威的说法,现在能够制造出威力等于炸毁广岛的原子弹25,000倍的氢弹。 | It is stated on very good authority that a bomb can now be manufactured which will be 25, 000 times as powerful as that which destroyed hiroshima | |
26 | 根据管道是用于运输还是永久安装在某处,按照DOT的规定或者ASME的规定制造管道。 | Tubes are manufactured according to DOT regulations or they may be made to ASME codes, depending upon whether they are used for transportation or mounted permanently at a site. | |
27 | 根据管道是用于运输或者永久安装在某处,按照DOT的规定或者ASME的规定制造管道。 | Tubes are manufactured according to DOT regulations or they may be made to ASME codes, depending on whether they are used for transportation or mounted permanently at a site. | |
28 | 工厂的技师们开发制造了一台卧式发动机。 | The technicians of the factory developed and manufactured a horizontal engine. | |
29 | 工业品的进口税 | Tariffs on the import of manufactured goods | |
30 | 公司捏造证据来证明他们是无辜的。 | The company manufactured some evidence to show that they were innocent. |