1 | 硅酮(亦称聚硅氧烷):可制成液体、树脂和弹性体多种形态的聚合物。 | Silicone (polysiloxane):Any of a diverse class of polymers manufactured as fluids, resins, or elastomers. | |
2 | 合同产品:本合同项目生产的具有本合同附件三规定的规格、性能、技术指标的产品。 | Contract Product means the products manufactured in the Contract Plant, the technical specifications, performance and guarantee indices of which are specified in Appendix 3. | |
3 | 合同产品是指与用专有技术和技术资料设计、制造、安装或检验的各类产品 | Contract Products refers to all types of the products designed, manufactured , assembled, or inspected with Know-how and Technical Documentation | |
4 | 很多汽车是欧洲制造的。 | A lot of cars are manufactured in Europe. | |
5 | 红细胞生长素通常由我们的肾脏产生,而EPO这种药物的发明主要是为了治疗严重的贫血症。 | It is manufactured naturally in our kidneys and was developed as a treatment to counter severe anaemia | |
6 | 检查有效期限(生产后一至两年内为有效期) | Review the expiry date (use them within a year or two of the date they were manufactured ) | |
7 | 将免费向许可方提供不超过__件的随机抽样样品 | Licensee shall furnish without cost to Licensor not more than___additional random samples of each article being manufactured and sold by Licensee hereunder | |
8 | 接受方保证合同产品符合附件二所规定的质量标准,同时合同产品的生产、出售、分销将符合销售地的法律 | The quality of the Contract Products should be up to the standard specified in Appendix 2 to the Contract and will be in accordance with all laws where the Contract Products are manufactured , sold and distributed. | |
9 | 她编造瞎话以掩盖事实 | She manufactured a false story to hide the facts | |
10 | 她捏造假情况以掩盖真相。 | She manufactured a false story to hide the facts. | |
11 | 今天,spam肉罐头还在生产,但喜欢吃它的人主要是孩子, | Today spam is still manufactured , but its fans are mostly children | |
12 | 金镍合金(含金量为2%或2%以上)未锻造或半制状态(不包括货币黄金及制品坯料) | gold nickel alloy (containing 2% or more by weight of gold)in unwrought of semi-manufactured forms (excl. monetary gold and blanks or articles) | |
13 | 金铜镍合金(含金量为2%或2%以上),未锻造或半制状态(不包括货币黄金及制品坯料) | gold-copper-nickel alloy (containing 2% or more by weight of gold)in unwrought or semi-manufactured forms (excl monetary gold and blanks of articles) | |
14 | 金银合金(含金量为2%或2%以上)未锻造或半制状态(不包括货币黄金及制品坯料) | gold-silver alloy (containing 2% or more by weight of gold)in unwrought of semi-manufactured forms (excl. monetary gold and blanks of articles) | |
15 | 金银铜合金(含金量为2%或2%以上)未锻造或半制状态(不包括货币黄金及制品坯料) | gold-silver-coper alloy (containing 2% or more by weight of gold)in unwrought or semi-manufactured foums (excl. monetary gold and blanks of articles) | |
16 | 精工名表,真正名贵,为您的手腕增光。 | Elaborately manufactured , the watch is truly famous and precious and will add luster to your wrist. | |
17 | 警方捏造了大部分的证据。 | The police had manufactured most of their evidence. | |
18 | 据非常权威的人士说,现在能够制造出一种炸弹,其威力比毁灭广岛的炸弹大2.5万倍。 | It is stated on very good authority that a bomb can now be manufactured which will be 25,000 times as powerful as that which destroyed hiroshima | |
19 | 聚氯乙烯一种普通热塑树脂,广泛用于产品加工,包括雨衣,花园浇水用的胶皮管,留声唱片,和地板砖 | A common thermoplastic resin,used in a wide variety of manufactured products,including rainwear,garden hoses,phonograph records,and floor tiles. | |
20 | 科纳克法国西部一城市,靠近查兰特河,在波尔多东北偏北。以酒厂著称,自18世纪以来一直制造和出口法国白兰地酒。人口20, | A city of western France on the Charente River north-northeast of Bordeaux.It is famous for its distilleries,which have manufactured and exported cognac since the18th century.Population,20,660. | |
21 | 科研工作者们利用遗传工程学DNA重组技术从细菌制成的胰岛素与由猪或牛得来的商业胰岛素做比较(融合) | Researchers.compared insulin manufactured by bacteria genetically engineered with recombinant DNA techniques to the commercial insulin obtained from swine or cattle(Fusion) | |
22 | 可以将尼龙制成纤维、长丝、硬毛或者单张,然后再制作成纱线、纺织品以及绳索,还可以制作模压产品。它耐穿、耐热、耐化学腐蚀。大部分用长丝的形式,制成诸如内衣、降落伞以及外套等物品。 | Nylon can be made to form fibres, filaments, bristles, or sheets to be manufactured into yarn, textiles, and cordage, and it can also be formed into molded products. It has high resistance to wear, heat, and chemicals. Most applications are in the form of filaments in such articles as hosiery, parachutes, and outerwear. See also W. H. Carothers. | |
23 | 可以通过一种安全的对环境负责的方式来制造、使用和处理NF3。由于它的不活泼性和正常状态下在水中的不溶解性,NF3几乎不会造成环境危害。 | NF3 can be manufactured , used, and disposed of in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. NF3 poses a minimal environmental hazard due to its non-reactivity and insolubility in water under normal conditions | |
24 | 老板捏造事实,把乔·希尔投入监狱。 | The bosses manufactured a story and then put Joe Hill into prison. | |
25 | 利用微生物催化法生产的聚丙烯酰胺,广泛应用于三次采油,提高采收率10%,其生产规模和产品水平均处于世界领先地位 | The polyacrylamide manufactured through microbial catalyzing has been extensively used in the tertiary oil recovery, raising the recovery rate by 10 percent, and both its production scale and product level have entered the leading ranks worldwide | |
26 | 六个胃腺(盲囊)制造的消化酶分泌到胃中执行这种功能。 | digestive enzymes manufactured in six gastric glands (caeca)are secreted into the stomach to carry out this function | |
27 | 木材被制成精细的家具。 | The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork | |
28 | 目前,保持架是用酚板和多孔的尼龙制造的,但其他材料也在进行研究中。 | At the present time retainers are being manufactured of phenolic laminates and porous nylons, but other materials ranges are being investigated | |
29 | 目前,几种重要的石化半成品是用高纯度氧生产的,包括乙烯、环氧丙烷(防冻剂)、氯乙烯(用于PVC)和己内酰胺(用于尼龙)。 | There are several major petrochemical intermediates that are presently manufactured with high-purity oxygen including ethylene and propylene oxide (antifreeze), vinyl chloride(for PVC), and caprolactam (for nylon). | |
30 | 那位不诚实的律师捏造证据。 | The dishonest lawyer manufactured evidence |