1 | 地图需要经常修订. | Maps need regular updates. | |
2 | 地图纸:印地图用的特别纸.它结实耐用,耐折性能好,符合地图,挂表等印件的要求. | Map paper: Special paper used for map printing, durable and strong with good folding qualities, as is required for maps , charts and similar work. | |
3 | 地形勘查揭露出现有地图的不妥之处。 | The geographical explorations had revealed the inadequacies of the existing maps | |
4 | 地形图不仅表示出平面位置,而且还通过某种方法显示地貌。 | topographical maps not only show planimetric position but also indicate relief by some method | |
5 | 第十七条 土地、建筑物、构筑物以及地面上其他附着物的权属界址线测绘,按照县级以上地方人民政府确定的权属界线的界址点、界址线或者提供的有关登记资料和附图进行。 | Article 17 Surveying and mapping of the estate boundary location lines of lands, buildings, structures and other aboveground objects attached to the land shall be conducted in accordance with the estate boundary location points and estate boundary location lines determined by the local people’s governments at or above the county level or by relevant registration data and attached maps provided by such governments. | |
6 | 对许多工业有益的GRAS微生物还未建立基因图谱 | Genetic maps have not been constructed for most of the industrially useful GRAS microorganisms | |
7 | 多因素分析、参与和结构 | multivariate analysis, participation and structure (MAPS ) | |
8 | 而印刷精美的地图更非昔日的鸡毛所能比拟。 | And the nifty custom made maps are a big improvement over chicken feathers | |
9 | 方法受土壤信息和长期农场产出数据决定。苏联时期有很好的土壤地图。林地也采用收益法估算。 | Approach driven by soil information and long term farm production data. Excellent soil maps from Soviet period. Forested land also valued by income approach. | |
10 | 房地产地籍簿需要的信息分布在不同部门:建筑记录在技术部,土地记录在土地委员会,地图在测绘机关。 | Information needed for constructing property cadastre was held in several agencies: building records with Bureau of Technical Inventory, land records with Land Committee, maps with Geodesy and Mapping Agency. | |
11 | 房地产需要指定房地产注册号,以连接建筑记录和关于使用情况的信息,并联系到地图和土地坐标。 | Properties needed to be assigned property identification numbers, linked to building records and information about property use and condition, and connected to maps and land coordinates. | |
12 | 弗米尔也沉浸在这种道义上的爱国主义中,这在他的许多绘画中那些装饰在墙上的醒目的地图可以很清楚地看出来。 | Vermeer shared this moral patriotism, as is clear from the bold maps that grace the walls in many of his paintings | |
13 | 复杂的仪器使得欧洲人得以进行海上探险,例如星盘、象限仪及好的航海图都是由穆斯林所发明的。 | Sophisticated instruments which were to make possible the European voyages of discovery, such as the astrolabe, the quadrant, and good navigational maps , were also developed by Muslims. | |
14 | 各类专题地图,均应注明专题资料来源和日期。 | Thematic maps should always be annotated with the source and date of the topical information | |
15 | 各种地图和水文地理图或类似图(包括地图挂图、地形平面和地球仪)印制的,未装订成册的 | map and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds (including wall maps ,topogaphical plans and globes),printed,not in book form | |
16 | 国家基本比例尺地形图分幅和编号 | Subdivision and numbering for the national primary scale topographic maps | |
17 | 国家基本比例尺地形图修测规范 | Revision survey specifications for the national primary scale topographic maps | |
18 | 国家土地委员会(环境部)评估土地要市政府同意。国家土地委员会制定分区图要市级委员会同意。 | Valuation by National Land Board (Ministry of Environment), subject to approval of valuations by municipal governments. National Land Board develops zone maps for approval by municipal councils. | |
19 | 霍弗抱着几摞案卷,挟着两卷地图从接待室走了进来。 | Hofer came in from the anteroom carrying several files and a couple of rolled-up maps under his arm | |
20 | 集体矿山企业必须测绘井上、井下工程对照图。 | Collectively-owned mining enterprises must survey and draw maps showing the correlation between surface and underground workings. | |
21 | 军用地图上的箭头和小针,从四面八方,一天一天地向华沙和拜伦?亨利逼近。 | The arrows and the pins on the military maps were closing in day by day, from all directions, on warsaw and Byron Henry | |
22 | 例如,航磁图除可以展示出一个沉积盆地的总体趋势和走向,也可揭露大量的细节部分。 | For example, airborne, magnetic maps shows a lot of general trends in a sedimentary basin, and usually a lot of details too. | |
23 | 连同附属该书刊、装订完好之所有地图、图片或其他版画,免费送交文康市政司。 | together with all maps , prints or other engravings belonging thereto, properly bound, sewed or stitched and produced on the best paper on which the book and any map, print or other engraving thereto is printed or produced. | |
24 | 流程图拟订了系统,突出了系统的主要物理部件。 | The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components | |
25 | 马王堆出土的西汉地图 | ancient maps unearthed from a tomb of the Han Dynasty | |
26 | 摩根先生看着地图,没有抬起头来,但是他低声招呼了一声。 | Mr. Morgon did not look up from his maps , but he muttered a greeting. | |
27 | 那些世界地图是他们的。 | Those maps of the world are theirs. | |
28 | 墙上挂着地图. | The walls were draped with the maps . | |
29 | 请给我看看PVC工厂3号反应器原来的图纸和毗邻区域的地图。 | I’d like to see the early blueprints for reactor three on the PVC plant, and the maps for the surrounding area please. | |
30 | 区域踏勘是定线测量的第一步。定线人员利用现有地形图,有时利用飞机对该区域进行探测。 | Reconnaissance of the area as the first step, the locator, using available topographic maps and sometimes an airplane, explores the area. |