属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 673-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3900-E18-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 3900-E17-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 12137-1-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 12137-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 12137-2-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5178-1998
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工会的力量 The power in the unio
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 菲律宾大选菲版特朗普获胜 朝鲜总参谋长并未被
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊拉克的基督徒 几近消失
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊拉克的基督徒 几近消失
1 | 色漆和清漆 耐划伤测定 第1部分:用弧形针划法 | Paints and varnishes-Determination of mar resistance-Part 1: Method using a curved stylus | |
2 | 色漆和清漆 耐划伤测定 第1部分:用弧形针划法 技术勘误1 | Paints and varnishes-Determination of mar resistance-Part 1: Method using a curved stylus; Technical Corrigendum 1 | |
3 | 色漆和清漆 耐划伤测定 第2部分:用尖针划法 | Paints and varnishes-Determination of mar resistance-Part 2: Method using a pointed stylus | |
4 | 使自己 [某人] 扫兴; 影响自己 [某人] 的情绪 | mar one’s [sb.’s] mood | |
5 | 塑料耐磨损性的测试方法 | Test Method for Mar Resistance of Plastics | |
6 | 损毁或毁坏…的面容或外形;使变丑 | To mar or spoil the appearance or shape of;deform. | |
7 | 他对这一危机的处理可能决定他事业的成败。 | His handling of the crisis can make or mar his career. | |
8 | 涂料的试验方法.使用尖底描形针法测定耐损伤力 | Methods of test for paints-Determination of mar resistance using a pointed stylus | |
9 | 涂料的试验方法.使用曲线描形针法测定耐损伤力 | Methods of test for paints-Determination of mar resistance using a curved stylus | |
10 | 涂料和清漆.耐损伤力的测定.第1部分:利用曲线描形针法 | Paints and varnishes-Determination of mar resistance-Part 1: Method using a curved stylus | |
11 | 涂料和清漆.耐损伤力的测定.第1部分:利用曲线描形针法.技术勘误1 | Paints and varnishes-Determination of mar resistance-Part 1: Method using a curved stylus; Technical Corrigendum 1 | |
12 | 涂料和清漆.耐损伤力的测定.第2部分:利用尖底描形针法 | Paints and varnishes-Determination of mar resistance-Part 2: Method using a pointed stylus | |
13 | 完全成功或失败到底 | Make [mend] or mar | |
14 | 细颗粒石英光释光测年:简单多片再生法 | Luminescence Dating of Fine-Grained Quartz in Chinese Loess-Simplified Multiple Aliquot Regenerative-Dose (MAR )Protocol | |
15 | 橡胶、塑料软管和软管组合件标志、包装和运输规则 | Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies--Specification for mar king,package and transportation | |
16 | 新生儿马方综合征1例 | Case Report of Neonatal Mar Fan Syndrome | |
17 | 一羊生癣,群羊受害。 | One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock. | |
18 | 用于超速信号处理和编码的空间-时间光学系统/最终报告 | Space-Time Optical Systems for Ultrahigh-Speed Signal Processing and Encryption; Final rept. 21 Sep 1998-20 Mar 2000 | |
19 | 有机覆层耐损伤的试验方法 | Test Method for Mar Resistance of Organic Coatings | |
20 | 宰牲节(3月6日)、耶稣受难日(4月13日)、劳动节(5月1日)、卫舍迦节(5月7日)、国庆节(8月9日)、开斋节(12月17日)、圣诞节(12月25日)。 | Mar .6 (Feast of the Sacrifice), Apr.13 (Good Friday), May 1 (Labor Day), May 7 ( Vesak Day), Aug. 9 (National Day), Dec.17 (End of Ramadan), Dec.25 (Christmas Day). | |
21 | 糟蹋自已 [某人] 的生意; 使自已 [某人] 遭受损失 | mar one’s own market | |
22 | 糟蹋自已 [某人] 的生意; 使自已 [某人] 遭受损失 | mar sb.’s market | |
23 | 这次罕见的船队大集中,体现了高度的准确性,唯一美中不足的是,船队有三艘船只被潜艇击沉。 | The only incidents which occurred to mar the precision of this remarkable concentration were the loss by u-boat attack of three ships in convoy | |
24 | 这样的婚姻说不定会毁了你的一生。 | Such a marriage might mar your career. | |
25 | 植树节(1月15日)、宰牲节(3月6日)、阿拉伯联盟日(3月22日)、伊斯兰教新年(3月26日)、独立日(5月25日)、穆罕默德诞生日(6月4日)、侯赛因国王就职日 | Jan. 15 (Arbor Day), Mar .6 (Feast of the Sacrifice), Mar. 22 (Arab League Day), Mar. 26 (Islamic New Year), May 25 (Independence Day), Jun.4 (Birth of Mohammad), Aug. 11 (King Hussein’s Accession) | |
26 | 最近,加拿大法院和议会做出决定,给予同性恋者结婚的权利,这一决定使美国反对同性恋的人大为吃惊,因为这样一来美国的同性恋者就可以自由地去加拿大结婚了。 | The recent decision by Canada’s courts and parliament to extend the right to marriage to same-sex couples has stunned US opponents of gay rights, as American homosexual cou-ples will be free to go to Canada to get mar -ried | |
27 | ||1:对此,巴达克则不置可否。||2:依他之见,查韦斯担负有两个主要责任:维持对抵制的支持,“这点他做得非常好”,至于管理工会“这点做得很糟糕”。||3:作者注明,即使查韦斯为声援抵制葡萄及反杀虫剂运动而绝食36天,工会会员数在80年代末期也不断下降。||4:他的结论看上去过于偏激,但巴达克是一名“老左”,对他来说,破坏罢工者几乎全是“工贼”,而推波助澜者甚至可以置之不理。||5:这不得不说是种遗憾,因为其它方面的睿智的、深刻的历史有损于这种偏见。 | ||1: Mr Bardacke is only half-impressed with all this. ||2: As he sees it Chávez had two main responsibilities: to sustain support for boycotts, “which he did magnificently”, and to administer the union, “which he did badly”. ||3: The author notes that the union’s membership continued to decline in the late 1980s even after Chávez fasted for 36 days to support its grape boycott and anti-pesticide campaign. ||4: His verdict seems unduly harsh but then Mr Bardacke is an old-fashioned leftist. For him, strikebreakers are almost always “scabs” and growers not even worth listening to. ||5: This is a pity, for such prejudices mar an otherwise intelligent, thorough history. | |
28 | ||1:罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)以压倒性的优势战胜马尔·罗哈斯(Mar Roxas)获得菲律宾总统大选的胜利。罗哈斯是即将卸任总统贝尼格诺·阿基诺(Benigno Aquino)内阁成员。||2:杜特尔特曾任棉兰老岛(Mindanao)东南部城市达沃市(Davao)的市长,在任期间发动了一场颇具争议的反腐运动。||3:他曾宣称如果有必要,所有的嫌犯都该被杀。 | ||1:Rodrigo Duterte won the presidential election in the Philippines in a landslide victory over Mar Roxas, a former member of the cabinet of the outgoing president, Benigno Aquino.||2:Mr Duterte had been the mayor of Davao, a city in the southern island of Mindanao, where he waged a controversial anti-corruption campaign.||3:He once asserted that suspected criminals should be killed if need be. | |
29 | ||1:一些人认为十年前摩苏尔有约六万基督徒;而到今年六月份为止这数字可能已经降了一半。||2:如今,这是一千六百多年以来这座城市第一次一个基督徒都不剩。||3:马尔本赫纳姆修道院的历史可以追溯到公元四世纪。||4:其他诸如什叶派、雅兹迪派这些与拜火教的古老信仰有关联的宗派都被严厉地对待。 | ||1:Some reckon that a decade ago there were around 60,000 Christians in Mosul; by June this year that figure is said to have fallen by half.||2:Now, for the first time in over 1,600 years, the city will have been emptied of Christians.||3:The Mar Behnam monastery dates from the 4th century.||4:Other sects, including Shia Muslims and Yazidis, who follow an ancient religion linked to Zoroastrianism, are being equally harshly treated. | |
30 | ||1:在阿拉伯语里N代表Nassarah,也就是基督徒的意思,而这个符号被用漏字板喷印在了基督徒们的房子上以表明这是“伊斯兰国财产”。||2:来自坐落于摩苏尔东南部靠近Qaraqosh地区的马尔本赫纳姆修道院的僧侣们只被允许携带随身衣物离开。||3:“这地方不属于你们了。”圣战分子们在报道中这样说到。 | ||1:The Arabic letter for N for Nassarah, meaning Christian, was spray-painted on their houses, with stencils declaring them to be “Property of the Islamic State”.||2:Monks from the monastery of Mar Behnam, near Qaraqosh, south-east of Mosul, were allowed to take only the clothes they were wearing.||3:“You have no place here any more,” the jihadists are reported to have said. |