属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 消失的极右领袖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 消失的极右领袖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉 政治宣传改头换面(1)
1 | 英格兰和苏格兰接界 | England marches with Scotland. | |
2 | 这个士兵组成的方阵,里面没有一个是雇佣兵,因此仍然保持着一个整体而存在,他们从拥有古老而荣誉的声名的过去的岁月中齐步走来。 | This body of soldiery-which still sustains a corporate existence, and marches down from past ages with an ancient and honourable fame-was composed of no mercenary materials. | |
3 | 中国继续改革开放 | China marches further down the road of developing a market economy/push ahead with reforms and modernisation of China | |
4 | ||1:1月19日,在德累斯顿爆发了一场由Pegida(或者称作“爱国欧洲人反对西方的伊斯兰化”)发起的游行。||2:本来这次游行应该在13号举行,但是由于警方获知了刺杀该运动领袖卢茨巴赫曼行动的“详细”信息而被取消。||3:1月21日,巴赫曼因为在“脸书”(Facebook)上传其模仿希特勒的照片而被德国小报争相报道。||4:他声称这只是一个玩笑,但是随后他宣布辞职。||5:Pegida计划下周恢复游行。 | ||1:THE march on January 19th in Dresden by Pegida, or “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the Occident”, would have been its 13th.||2:But it was cancelled because the police had “concrete” information of plans to assassinate its organiser, Lutz Bachmann.||3:On January 21st Mr Bachmann was exposed in German tabloids for posing as Hitler on his Facebook page.||4:He called it a joke, but later resigned his position.||5:Pegida plans to resume its marches next week. | |
5 | ||1:抗议者们没有说明(而且经常似乎不知道)要达成什么目标才能宣告胜利,解散回家。||2:他们的第一个有实际意义的提议是是取消国外的军事行动,转而资助一项大规模的公共就业项目。||3:该提议引起了大争论。||4:抗议继续进行的最简单的方法或许是通过更多的不合作运动,这样做能够这样做让人们自以为是正人君子(也让人觉得受人迫害),但是就取得更广泛的支持方面成效甚少。||5:同时,抗议者们的政治作用似乎很不确定。||6:他们谴责包括奥巴马在内的政客们试图讨好他们的做法。||7:工会的支持虽然能够增加他们的影响力,但是这样的支持力度不一。||8:诸如Teamsters这样的工会都参与了纽约的游行,但是在经济支持方面他们就表现的十分谨慎。||9:西班牙的愤怒者运动使人们对于社会主义党政府更加不满,因此帮助了右翼政党,他们在下个月的大选中肯定能获胜。 | ||1:The protesters have not said (and often seem not to know) what would make them declare victory and go home.||2:The first practical proposal, to cancel military operations overseas to pay for a big public-works programme, caused a big row.||3:The easiest way for the protest to develop may be through more civil disobedience.||4:That stokes feelings of self-righteousness (and persecution) but does little to win wider support.||5:Meanwhile, the protests’ political effect seems very uncertain.||6:Protesters decry what they see as attempts by politicians, including Barack Obama, to curry favour with them.||7:Union support, which could add muscle, is patchy.||8:Unions like the Teamsters are visible in New York’s marches , but their offers of financial support are treated warily.||9:In Spain the indignados have fanned fury with the Socialist government—thus helping the centre-right, which is set to win next month’s election. | |
6 | ||1:一些人责备警察们因为薪水减少意志消沉,工作做得不好。||2:Maroni先生希望采取更加严厉的措施打击抗议活动,罗马市长下令禁止在该市举行游行,为期一个月。||3:一些人批评了极左势力的人的团体,这些人中的大部分人曾经都擅自占用过别人的土地。||4:都灵的Askatasuna社团在其网站上发表声明支持人们就紧缩措施的反对和“不用质疑的愤怒”。 | ||1:Some blame poor work by police demoralised by pay cuts.||2:Mr Maroni wants tougher powers against protests and the mayor has banned marches for a month.||3:Some blame communities of far-leftists who are mostly ex-squatters.||4:One in Turin, called Askatasuna, carried a statement on its website that celebrated mass resistance and “sacred rage” against austerity. | |
7 | ||1:在该运动众多的追随者中,除了巴赫曼这种滑稽行为的人,新纳粹仍是少数。||2:据来自德尔德累斯顿技术大学的汉斯?福尔兰德尔讲,其中有一位的游行示威者是较为典型,他是一个来自于萨克森州的中年中产阶级男性,他对政治和自由媒体漠不关心,却呼唤一个同文同种的父国。||3:柏林社会科学研究中心的Dieter Rucht说到,这支游行队伍可能已经“越过底线”。||4:也许会带来某些政治后果。||5: Pegida运动中有十分之九的支持者拥护德国新选项党(AfD),该党于2013年刚刚成立,享有东部三个州的议会席位。 | ||1:Among its followers, despite Mr Bachmann’s antics, neo-Nazis are a small minority.||2:The typical marcher is a middle-aged, middle-class Saxon man who, says Hans Vorl?nder at the Technical University of Dresden, is alienated from politics and the liberal media, and yearns for a homogenous fatherland.||3:The marches may have “passed the peak”, adds Dieter Rucht at the Berlin Social Science Centre.||4:Yet there will be political fallout.||5:Nine-tenths of Pegida supporters back the Alternative for Germany (AfD), founded only in 2013 and represented in three eastern state parliaments. | |
8 | 他们在加拉斯加的主干道上举行了沉默的、静坐的游行示威。 | They have held raucous banner-waving marches , a silent demonstration and a sit-in on Caracas’s main roads. | |
9 | “每一次美国要行进到某处,它都强调一个事实,即它往往充当世界警察”。 | "Each time America marches in somewhere, it highlights the fact that it tends to act as global policemen. " | |
10 | “我很奇怪为什么那些游行示威的人都不穿高跟鞋。”她曾这么说过。 | "I’d wonder why nobody on these marches was wearing heels, " she has said. | |
11 | 20年来,印度人非暴力的抗议、游行和罢工打败了英国人的抵抗。 | For 20 years, non-violent protests, marches and strikes by the Indians wore down British resistance. | |
12 | 埃尔加:英国作曲家,其交响乐作品有《谜》(1896年)和五部《排场进行曲》(1901-1930年)。 | Elgar: British composer whose orchestral works include Enigma Variations (1896) and five Pomp and Circumstance marches (1901-1930). | |
13 | 巴里是一个感性的男人,曾参加过反对向女性施暴的游行活动,举着蜡烛和一群女人在学院山上集会。 | A sensitive male, Barry took part in Take Back the Night marches , bearing a candle up College Hill with a crowd of women. | |
14 | 不到十年前,坦率的原ETA能吸引成千上万的人,组织起更多更广泛的民族独立主义的游行示威。 | Less than 10 years ago, openly pro-ETA marches could attract tens of thousands, and broader nationalist demonstrations many more. | |
15 | 参议院和众议院有很大的差异,参议员所面临的重新选举才每六年一次,而不是每两年一次。 | The Senate marches to a different drum than the House does, with senators facing re-election only every six years, not every two. | |
16 | 但是同时他也对反克里姆林宫当局的公开示威采取严厉措施,拒绝允许同性恋游行,称同性恋是“邪恶的”。 | But he also cracked down on anti-Kremlin protests and refused to allow gay-pride marches , calling homosexuality "satanic. " | |
17 | 多数时间他们组织在首都圣地亚哥游行,通常未经允许。 | Most weeks they stage marches , often unauthorised, in Santiago, the capital. | |
18 | 而现如今聚光灯却落在了那些除了组织抗议游行之外更有作为的黑人领袖身上。 | Now the spotlight is falling on black leaders who have led more than just protest marches . | |
19 | 服务生原地向后转,快步走向厨房。 | The waiter turns on his heel and marches our order back to the kitchen. | |
20 | 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 | Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches , rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. | |
21 | 过去两个月里出现了大规模的学生抗议游行,其中一小撮暴力分子还与防暴警察发生了冲突。 | The past two months have seen huge protest marches by students, in which a small, violent minority have clashed with riot police. | |
22 | 或许,随着乐观情绪稳步高涨,只有批评家会出现愤世嫉俗的疲劳。 | Maybe only a critic will develop cynical fatigue at all, as the optimism marches on. | |
23 | 抗议游行活动已经开始:在5月1日,全国多达100万的民众走上街头,绝非他们所有的人都是西班牙裔。 | The marches have begun again: on May 1st, up to a million people across the country took to the streets, by no means all of them Hispanic. | |
24 | 昆船物流:在持续创新中前进 | KSEC Logistics Marches with Persistent Innovation | |
25 | 那时候青年激进分子到华盛顿来是为了筹款,而不是搞游行示威。 | Washington in that time was a place for Movement people to come for money, not marches . | |
26 | 请记住,幸福不是目的地,而是行进中的漫漫旅程。 | Please keep in mind that happiness is not a destination, but a journey that marches on slowly. | |
27 | 然而,剧中充满了对人民解放军的赞美,是他们排着整齐的队伍来到唐山拯救那些幸存者。 | There is abundant celebration, however, of the People’s Liberation Army, which marches in pretty files to rescue the Tangshan victims. | |
28 | 然而同性恋婚姻一直在进展中,取得了一些自己的胜利。 | And yet gay marriage marches on, scoring its own victories along the way. | |
29 | 上个月的那场为争取自由而进行的游行,以及对它的暴力镇压不仅被记录下来,而且被个人化的描写为一个神话般的悲剧故事。 | Last month’s marches for freedom and the violent crackdowns were not only documented but personalized into a story of mythic tragedy. | |
30 | 上图中,金博士与当地及全国的民权领袖会面,协商游行方案。 | Here, King meets with local and national civil rights leaders to discuss strategy for the marches . |