1 | 这次我们采用戒严的方式解决了动乱问题,这是非常必要的。 | So we had to quell the turmoil by imposing martial law. | |
2 | 这个皇帝天赋文武双全。 | The Emperor is endowed with civil and martial virtues. | |
3 | 这只是年复一年会递到我们手中的苦酒的第一口,只是让我们先尝尝滋味,除非我们重振健全的道德和坚强的斗志从而重新站起来,一如往昔那样挺身维护自由! | This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time | |
4 | 政府撤消了戒严令。 | The government lift martial law. | |
5 | 执行戒严任务的人民解放军,在戒严指挥机构的统一部署下,由中央军事委员会指定的军事机关实施指挥。 | The units of the People’s Liberation Army assigned with martial law tasks shall, in carrying out the unified plans of the martial law command, be directed by a military organ designated by the Central Military Commission. | |
6 | 至少有两种重要作用。首先,它能促进血液和气的循环。 | There are at least two most important benefits of the martial art form. First, it stimulates the circulation of blood and of qi, or vital energy in the human body. | |
7 | 中国北方常见的体育还有武术,踩高跷,杂技,沙丘滑行,放风筝。每一项目都带有浓厚地方色彩。 | Popular sports activities in northern China include martial arts, high-stilt walking, acrobatics, land-yachting, kite flying, each with a rich local history of its own. | |
8 | 州长召集民兵进行了镇压。之后,小规模的各种抗租抗税活动在整个州蔓延开来,到1845年,州长被迫宣布实施戒严法。 | The governor called out the militia to quell the violence. Sporadic acts of resistance against rent and tax collection spread across the state, and in 1845 the governor declared martial law. | |
9 | 组织实施戒严的机关称为戒严实施机关。 | The organ that organizes execution of martial law is referred to as martial-law-executing organ. | |
10 | 最近一次旅行的目的地是河南,他们参观了永泰寺女子武术学校和少林寺。 | Most recently, students went to Henan Province, stopping at the Yongtai Temple Martial arts School for Girls and the Shaolin Temple. |