1 | 如果马丁拒不从命,他恐怕免不了被开除。 | Martin was not free from a fear of dismissal if he refused to obey. | |
2 | 如果你想找个善良、体贴、考虑周到的丈夫,马丁对你再合适不过了。 | If you are looking for a kind,considerate,thoughtful husband,Martin is your huckleberry. | |
3 | 如何把Martin变成“超级妈妈”? | (How to make Martin the big momma?) | |
4 | 圣公会竹园马田法政牧师老人社区中心〔圣公会教区福利协会〕 | SKH Chuk Yuen Canon Martin Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [SKH Diocesan Welfare Council] | |
5 | 圣马丁教堂的钟声说,你欠我三个铜板, | You owe me three farthings, say the bells of St Martin ’s | |
6 | 实际上,天主教会中更为进步的一派已经鼓励对天主教徒和诸如甘地、达·哈马斯基奥德和马丁·路德·金等的非天主教徒不拘一格地加以推崇。 | Indeed, the more progressive wing of the Church has encouraged the informal veneration of both Catholics and non-Catholics such as gandhi, Dag Hammerskjold and Martin hither King | |
7 | 实际上,约翰?马丁已经收到阿拉伯加国政府的询盘。 | However, John Martin has had an enquiry from the arabian government | |
8 | 是“伊登先生”这个称呼激动了他--这一辈子他都被人叫做“伊登”,“马丁·伊登”或者是“马丁”。 | "Mr. eden," was what he had thrilled to-he who had been called "eden," or "Martin eden," or just "Martin," all his life | |
9 | 随着她对马丁兴趣的增长,重新塑造他的生命便成了她的一种激情。 | As her interest in Martin increased, the remodelling of his life became a passion with her | |
10 | 他见马丁阴郁地戳着煮得半熟的燕麦粥,问,“昨几晚上又喝醉了?” | he demanded, as Martin dipped dolefully into the cold, half-cooked oatmeal mush. "Was you drunk again last night?" | |
11 | 他慢慢踱到广场北面,竟认出了圣马丁教堂,心里有那么点儿高兴。这教堂的钟声(当然是它还有钟声那会儿),还吟过"你欠我仨铜板"哩。 | He walked slowly up to the north side of the square and got a sort of pale-coloured pleasure from identifying St Martin ’s Church, whose bells, when it had bells, had chimed ’You owe me three farthings.’ | |
12 | 他们谈海洋事业,这是马丁了如指掌的话题。事后莫尔斯先生说他似乎是个有头脑的青年。 | They talked about the sea as a career, a subject which Martin had at his finger-ends, and Mr. Morse remarked afterward that he seemed a very clear-headed young man | |
13 | 通宵聚会黎明时回到家里。今天早晨我下来时看到他躺在长靠椅子上睡着了。 | Martin came home at dawn after an all-night party and when I came down his morning I found him flat our on the settee. | |
14 | 为了实行这个决定,在两位弟兄谈起大学行话,几次提到“三角”时,马丁·伊登便问 | In pursuance of this decision, when the two brothers, talking university shop, had used "trig" several times, Martin Eden demanded:- | |
15 | 喂,你好,我是美国洛杉矶来的马丁。 | Hi, Martin from Los Angeles, USA. | |
16 | 温斯顿忍不住要偷看一眼马丁的蒙古人种的脸。 | Winston could not help snatching another sidelong glance at Martin ’s Mongolian face | |
17 | 我不认识马丁本人。 | Martin is personally unknown to me. | |
18 | 我的一位客户就不愿持有武器股,所以我不会为她买进诸如洛克希德·马丁公司、利顿工业公司、考顿科技公司或卡曼公司的股票,但这类股票会出现在许多其他客户的投资组合中。 | One of my clients doesn’t want to own weapons stocks, for her, I won’t buy stocks such as Lockheed Martin Corp, Litton Industries Inc, Cordant Technologies Inc. or Kaman Corp, but stocks of that type will be in many other clients’ portfolios | |
19 | 我没有武装的真理与没有条件的爱在现实生活中是最有发言权的(小马丁·路德·金)。 | I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality(Martin Luther King,Jr. | |
20 | 我们有雷米马丁尼,先生。 | We have Remy Martin , sir. | |
21 | 我认识马丁已有好几年了。 | I’ve known Martin for years. | |
22 | 我也很荣幸认识您,马丁先生。我希望你在这里教书愉快。 | Pleased to meet you, too, Mr. Martin . I hope you will enjoy teaching here | |
23 | 小马丁。路德。金因为主张民权运动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年诺贝尔和平奖。 | Martin Ruther King Jr.was awarded the peace Nobel Prize of1964for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights. | |
24 | 要是在船上他肯定是个告黑状、翻是非、哼哼叽叽的主儿,而他,马丁·伊登准比他强。 | On shipboard he would be a sneak, a whiner, a tattler.He, Martin Eden, was a better man than that fellow.The thought cheered him | |
25 | 已近傍晚时分,马丁把西莉亚送到剑桥火车站,两人正儿八经而又有些不自在地道了别。 | It was early evening when Martin dropped Celia at Cambridge station and they said a formal, somewhat strained good bye | |
26 | 因此她把马丁·伊登看作一个罕见的人,奇怪的人;只把这样的人对她所产生的影响当作奇人异事。 | So it was that she looked upon Martin Eden as a novelty, a strange individual, and she identified with novelty and strangeness the effects he produced upon her | |
27 | 因为跟姐夫的接触,马丁·伊登还窝了一肚子气。他摸索着穿过没有灯光的后厅,进了自己的屋--一间小屋,只放得了一张床、一个盥洗台和一把椅子。 | Martin Eden, with blood still crawling from contact with his brother-in-law, felt his way along the unlighted back hall and entered his room, a tiny cubbyhole with space for a bed, a wash-stand, and one chair | |
28 | 由于回避土精俗语和寻找恰当的字眼,马丁说话放慢了速度,这能使他便于找到心中最好的想法。 | In his avoidance of slang and his search after right words, Martin was compelled to talk slowly, which enabled him to find the best thoughts that were in him | |
29 | 元首的秘书马丁·鲍曼接着在3月23日发表了一道同样荒唐的命令,这个地鼠一样的人现在在希特勒宫廷中的地位超过任何其它纳粹暴吏。 | It was followed on March 23 by an equally monstrous order by Martin Bormann, the Fuehrer’s secretary, a molelike man who had now gained a position at court second to none among the Nazi satraps | |
30 | 在精通音乐的制作人乔治·马丁的帮助下,甲壳虫乐队将他们的音乐从简单的伴唱流行歌曲的领域推进到复杂高级的作品,从而为流行音乐划定了新的界限。 | With the aid of the musically wise producer George Martin , the beatles took their music from the realms of simple singalong pop songs into sophisticated pieces that set new boundaries for popular music |