属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会的改变 弱男子
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-面相学 面对真相
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-面相学 面对真相
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-强于汝 但终究源于汝
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-强于汝 但终究源于汝
1 | 不论这位外星人降落在地球上任何地点,都会察觉到人类中的男女性别。 | She would notice femininity and masculinity , no matter where on earth she landed | |
2 | 活产男女比例 | masculinity of live-birth | |
3 | 美国一家公司在巴西推销时因用了一只大鹿来表示男子气概而遇到麻烦。 | A U. S. firm marketing in Brazil was a bit embarrassed when it used a large deer as a sign for masculinity | |
4 | 明星变迁:李小龙的身体,或者跨区(国)身躯中的华人男性气质 | The Changes of a Star: The Body of Li Xiao-long, or, the Chinese Masculinity in the Trans-regional and Transnational Body | |
5 | 男人也有丰富的感情,但他们却不得不压制害怕这些感情,以便维持那种过时的、残酷的、杀戮大熊式的、海明威式的、普鲁士平头式的、用汽油弹炸死所有越南儿童式的、乒乓开枪杀人式的阳刚形象。 | Men have enormous capacities in them that they have to repress and fear in order to live up to the obsolete, brutal, bear-killing, Ernest Hemingway, crew-cut Prussian, napalm-all-the-children-in-Vietnam, bang-bang-you’re-dead image of masculinity | |
6 | 男性、女性、第三性-论《夜林》中超前的女性意识 | Masculinity , Femininity, and the Third Sex: On the Advance Feminist Consciousness in Nightwood | |
7 | 男性气概对监狱文化之形塑:一所台湾监狱的考察分析 | Masculinity Formation on Prison Culture-A Case Study in a Taiwanese Prison | |
8 | 男性气概实践的多样性分析 | The Multiplicity Analysis of Masculinity Practice | |
9 | 思乡病与“性症候群” 日治晚期台湾日台人男性的心气症 | Nostalgia and "Sexual Syndrome": Hypochondriasis and Masculinity in Late Colonial Taiwan | |
10 | 他们迟钝的男人性格碰上了那女人的又突然又出乎意料的什么名堂。 | Their dull masculinity was confronted by something sudden and unexpected in the woman | |
11 | 阳刚的关于阳刚的或对男子气概过分感兴趣的 | Relating to or overly concerned with masculinity . | |
12 | 由于公司倒闭,帕洛阿尔托--从前充满阳刚之气的圣地--目前的男性人口比例仅49%。 | Thanks to company shutdowns, Palo Alto the erstwhile Mecca of masculinity is now just 49 percent male | |
13 | 只要男人仍然不得不维护所谓的阳刚形象,压制男人身上被视为女人气的所有温柔和敏感之心,那么他们就不能自由地成为他们能够成为的那种人。 | And men will not be free to be all they can be as long as they must live up to an image of masculinity that disallows all the tenderness and sensitivity in a man, all that might be considered feminine | |
14 | ||1:那么问题来了,我们能做什么呢?其一在于改变文化态度。||2:在过去的一代,中产阶层的男士知晓了他们需要帮忙照看小孩,并由此改变了他们的行为。||3:工人阶层的男士们需要加紧脚步赶上来了。||4:女士知晓了她们可以成为外科医师和物理学家而不失其女性魅力。||5:男人们需要明白传统的体力工作一去不复返,他们可以成为护士或美发师而不失其男性霸气侧漏之美。 | ||1:What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes.||2:Over the past generation, middle-class men have learned that they need to help with child care, and have changed their behaviour.||3:Working-class men need to catch up.||4:Women have learned that they can be surgeons and physicists without losing their femininity.||5:Men need to understand that traditional manual jobs are not coming back, and that they can be nurses or hairdressers without losing their masculinity . | |
15 | 他和他的小组招募了70对夫妇,询问妇女她们如何评价自己男人的阳刚之气和吸引力, | He and his team recruited 70 couples and asked the women how they rated their men’s masculinity and attractiveness, | |
16 | 他们召集了70对伴侣,询问女性怎样评价男性的男子气概和魅力,以及她们产生性高潮的时间和频率。 | He and his team recruited 70 couples and asked the women how they rated their men’s masculinity and attractiveness, and how often and when they orgasmed. | |
17 | 他再次发现其所选择的指标要比人口健康状况指数更准确地放映女性对于男性外在阳刚特性的偏爱。 | Again, he found that his chosen indicator predicts preference for facial masculinity more accurately than the health figures do. | |
18 | 由于不平等社会更容易发生为争夺资源的暴力竞争,布鲁克斯博士预测在基尼系数较高国家的妇女可能更看重男人阳刚的一面。 | Since violent competition for resources is more pronounced in unequal societies, Dr Brooks predicted that women would value masculinity more highly in countries with a higher Gini coefficient, which is a measure of income inequality. | |
19 | (阳刚之气):在何种程度上传统的男性价值观是很重要的一个社会。 | (masculinity ): the degree to which traditional male values are important to a society. | |
20 | 《紫颜色》中的黑人男性气质分析 | Black Masculinity in The Color Purple | |
21 | 38.在不伤害一个男人自尊的情况下离开他是件麻烦事。 | Getting rid of a man without hurting his masculinity is a problem. | |
22 | Orlich声称她被排除在高尔夫球户外活动之外,并描述公司充满了“阳刚之气”,包括在交易大厅男性的俯卧撑比赛。 | Orlich claims she was excluded from golf outings, and recounts displays of "masculinity " including a push-up contest on the trading floor. | |
23 | 和海明威一样,在他的作品中一再出现的主题就是男人检验自己的刚毅和男子汉气概。 | A recurring theme in his writing, as in Hemingway’s, was man testing his masculinity . | |
24 | 基督徒性引导者在谈论男子气和同性恋问题时,大多回避世俗大众。 | Christian sex counselors are most alienating to worldly audiences when they talk about masculinity and homosexuality. | |
25 | 她能够发现男子气概之美,存在于一切粗犷的活力和甜蜜的健壮的完美。 | She sees the beauty of masculinity , in all its rough vigor and sweaty athletic perfection. | |
26 | 仅此一个趋势就足以让某些人宣称“男性危机”即将到来。 | This trend alone is enough for some to claim that a "crisis of masculinity " is on the horizon. | |
27 | 尽管“做自己”很久以来就成为一项男子汉气概的标准。却很少在实际中被认识到。 | Though "being one’s own man" has long been held up as a standard of masculinity , it’s rarely been realized in practice. | |
28 | 近三分之的人认为商务型的握手是一种过时的表现男子气概的方式。 | Nearly a quarter claimed that the firm handshake is an outdated display of masculinity . | |
29 | 可以部分预见到日本男权的衰落,甚至是日本女性获得更多生活方式的选择。 | Their outlook came, in part, from seeing their fathers’ model of masculinity falter even as Japanese women gained more lifestyle options. | |
30 | 迷人的父权制——韩国家庭剧中的现代性与男性气质 | Enchanting patriarchy: modernity and masculinity in Korean family dramas |