属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理周刊袭击案 恐怖下的巴黎
1 | 一种适合射频功率放大器应用的图形化SOI LDMOSFET新结构 | A Patterned SOI LDMOSFET by Masked SIMOX for RF Power Applications | |
2 | 银行的警卫被3个带面罩的强盗开枪击倒。 | The bank guard was gunned down by three masked robbers | |
3 | 银行抢劫犯戴了假面具。 | The bank robbers masked their faces | |
4 | 银行抢劫犯戴了面具。 | The bank robbers masked their faces. | |
5 | 银行抢劫犯们都戴着面具。 | The bank robbers masked their faces. | |
6 | 隐蔽型双侧性上斜肌麻痹之发生率及临床特征 | Incidence and Clinical Features of Masked Bilateral Superior Oblique Palsy | |
7 | 于是卡特·德路斯就这样离开了童年的故乡当兵去了。 | So Carter Druse, bowing reverently to his father, who returned the salute with a stately courtesy which masked a breaking heart, left the home of his childhood to go soldiering | |
8 | 遮幅式观片灯原理及其对影像识读系统影响的评价 | Principle of Masked Viewbox and Its Effect in Imaging Reading System | |
9 | 这可能是由于这种机遇比人们预期的还要少,也可能是他们被夸克在粒子内部运动的效应所掩盖。 | Either such encounters are rarer than expected, or they are masked by the effects of the motions of the quarks inside the particles | |
10 | 这些猪在自然条件下已受到含有隐蔽流感病毒的肺丝虫寄生。 | These pigs had acquired lungworm infestations presumably containing masked influenza virus under natural conditions | |
11 | 中国语言语产制中的音节遮蔽促发效果 | Masked Priming of the Syllable in Mandarin Chinese Speech Production | |
12 | 自然场景兴趣区的分量组合-压缩快速分割法 | Fast Segmenting ROI of Field Scenario Based on RGB Combination and bit-masked Reduction | |
13 | ||1: 在国家剧院上演的《合作者们》也是一部引人注意的新剧,假想了斯大林与布尔加科夫之间的故事。导演是Nicholas Hytner,编剧是John Hodge,之前凭借《浅坟》和《猜火车》为人所知。 ||2: 这部新剧在Cottesloe开演之后,很快会转至更大的国家奥利弗主剧院演出。剧中布尔加科夫(Alex Jennings饰)被迫写一部关于独裁者早年经历的剧本,以庆祝他的60岁诞辰。 ||3:回报就是他得到允诺,他关于莫里哀的反动剧作不会被禁演。于是这个剧作中的奇怪晦涩的场景会不时插入到为斯大林献礼的剧作中,传达出既滑稽又恐怖的信息。 | ||1: “Collaborators”, a coruscating new play at the National Theatre, imagines a relationship between Stalin and Bulgakov himself. Directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner and written by John Hodge, previously best known as the screenwriter for “Shallow Grave” and “Trainspotting”. ||2: The production will soon transfer to the National’s main Olivier stage after opening at the smaller Cottesloe. Bulgakov (Alex Jennings) is coerced to write a play about the dictator’s early years to celebrate his 60th birthday. ||3: In return, along with his life and his wife’s, he is promised the un-banning of his subversive drama about Molière—grotesque, masked scenes from which intrude on the main story, as do comically appalling passages from the Stalin tribute. | |
14 | ||1:当然,个人才能也包括在其中。||2:贝雅特深知一直以来她比大多数普通人更了解日本:例如,作为一个在加利福尼亚州成长起来的学童,贝雅特清楚的知道在日本战时广播宣传节目中存在的被其他加州人所忽略的言语之间的细微差别和威胁。||3:在和平年代,贝雅特觉得自己有必要竭尽所能去重塑美国人对日本这个国家的认知。||4:从1954年起,作为日本协会的工作人员,贝雅特不知疲倦地将众多日本艺术大师介绍到美国,从而使得在佛罗里达州和俄亥俄州的人们能够欣赏到诸如茶艺中的鞠躬和啜饮,或是在小时候让贝雅特兴奋不已的文雅的古筝表演,或是通过面具能传达庄严的能剧表演。||5:20世纪70年代贝雅特所在的日本协会演变成亚洲协会—贝雅特游历亚洲大陆,勇敢地面对过丛林,季风,令人窒息的世界屋脊以及塔什干的七小时宴会,她为美国人民请回了爪哇的舞者,河内的水上木偶戏以及来自韩国的清唱歌手。 | ||1:Yet skill was involved, too.||2:She knew she had always understood Japanese better than most people: picking up as a student in California, for example, the threats and nuances that others missed in Japan’s wartime propaganda broadcasts.||3:In peacetime, she felt bound to do whatever she could to rebuild and improve understanding of the country.||4:From 1954, on the staff of the Japan Society, she worked tirelessly to bring Japanese masters to America, so that people in Florida or Ohio could watch the bows and sips of the tea ceremony, or the gentle koto-playing that had delighted her as a child, or the masked solemnity of Noh plays.||5:Moving on in the 1970s to the Asia Society, she travelled the continent—braving jungles, monsoons, the breathless peaks of Tibet and seven-hour banquets in Tashkent—to bring back Javanese dancers, water puppets from Hanoi, pansori-singers from Korea. | |
15 | ||1:迈克尔·富特并不总是备受爱戴。||2:在二战前、中、后的一段时间,他作为一名左翼记者在右翼领袖东马克斯·弗布鲁克旗下工作,他那充满责骂鄙视的文章伤害了一些人的自尊——这些人实际上没有意识到他的文章完全不带有对个人的蓄意伤害。||3:但时间和世故人情消融了他的锐气。||4:“好人,迈克尔”,安东尼·克罗斯兰如是说——20世纪70年代,修正社会主义者安东尼·克罗斯兰在与迈克尔·富特的论战中度过了大部分时光。 | ||1: He was not always so popular. ||2: As a left-wing journalist working for the right-wing proprietor Max Beaverbrook before, during and after the war, the vituperative scorn of his prose injured those who did not realise that it masked a complete lack of personal malice. ||3: But age and familiarity smoothed the sharp edges. ||4: “Sweet man, Michael,” remarked Anthony Crosland, a revisionist socialist who, in the 1970s, had spent most of his time fighting him. | |
16 | ||1:意大利的情况不同。||2:当地银行不需要政府纾困。||3:实际上意大利经济已经十多年都停滞不前,人们对于缺少发展机会表示愤恨,意大利年轻人的不满则更是因此不满。||4:但这并不是暴力活动的原因。||5:成年上万的人在罗马市中心和平游行几分钟后,一些头戴面具的抗议者们就抢劫了一家超市,践踏了一所教堂,烧毁了车辆,在一大教堂附近的广场上同警察产生冲突。||6:一个放置在银行外面的土炸弹把一个试图将其运走的和平示威者炸成重伤。||7:意大利内政部长Roberto Maroni说的很正确,这些冲突可能是致命的。||8:一个被抗议者点燃后爆炸的装甲小货车险些夺走了一个制止暴乱的警察小分队的人的性命。 | ||1:Italy is very different.||2:Banks there have not needed bailing out.||3:Discontent among young Italians stems rather from burning resentment at the lack of opportunity in an economy that has been at a virtual standstill for more than ten years.||4:But that does not explain the violence.||5:Minutes after the start of a peaceful march by several tens of thousands through the centre of Rome, masked protesters looted a supermarket, defiled a church, set cars alight and battled police in a square near a cathedral.||6:A crude bomb planted outside a bank badly injured a peaceful protester who tried to move it to safety.||7:Italy’s interior minister, Roberto Maroni, rightly noted that the clashes could have been lethal.||8:A detachment of riot police narrowly escaped from an armoured van that was set alight by the protesters and exploded. | |
17 | ||1:最新一期的法国讽刺杂志查理周刊聚焦在了Michel Houellebecq身上—一位创作了一本关于法国乃至整个欧盟都被伊斯兰化的新小说的作者。||2:书中伊斯兰教徒赢得了法国总统选举并削弱了国家自由,批评者们谴责他的书是在危言耸听、散布伊斯兰恐慌。||3: 然后,就在这本书出版的那天,蒙面的持枪者袭击了查理周刊的巴黎总部。||4:他们一边叫喊着“真主至上”一边杀害了12人,打伤多人,这是法国半个世纪以来最为严重的恐怖主义袭击。||5:持枪者逃走了,警察将两兄弟列为嫌犯。||6:随着反对移民—尤其是反对穆斯林族群的浪潮横扫欧洲大陆,从德累斯顿的街头抗议到英国的投票结果,再到如今的巴黎暴行,都似乎残忍地证实了这片土地最为黑暗的噩梦;事实上,这几乎是讽刺漫画的现实翻版。 | ||1:THE latest issue of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, spotlights Michel Houellebecq, author of a new novel that imagines the Islamisation of France and then the European Union.||2:Critics had denounced Mr Houellebecq’s book, which depicts a near future in which Islamists win France’s presidency and compromise its freedoms, as Islamophobic scaremongering.||3:Then, on the day of its publication, masked gunmen attacked Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris.||4:They yelled “Allahu Akbar” as they murdered 12 people and wounded others, in France’s worst terrorist attack for half a century.||5:The gunmen fled; police have named two brothers as suspects.||6:As anti-immigrant sentiment—especially the anti-Muslim kind—seeps across Europe, from street protests in Dresden to English ballot boxes, the atrocity in Paris seemed ghoulishly to realise the continent’s darkest nightmare; almost, in fact, to caricature it. | |
18 | 1840年,第一个狂欢节是还只是富人们和权贵们的游戏。 | In 1840, the first Carnival was a lavish masked ball thrown for the wealthy and powerful. | |
19 | 4月季节性影响因素以石油价格5%的涨幅呈现。 | Seasonal adjustment factors masked a 5% rise in gasoline prices in April. | |
20 | 暗红色的部分代表的是完全抄袭或者隐蔽抄袭部分。 | The dark red represents complete or masked plagiarism, while the lighter red represents different categories of plagiarism. | |
21 | 报告称,他们以商业交易作为幌子,设立私人公司接受汇款。 | They masked the thefts as business transactions by setting up private companies to receive the money transfers, according to the report. | |
22 | 被遮盖数字的位置将会由负责处理个别首次公开招股的股份登记机构所设计的电脑程式随机选定。 | Digits. The masked positions in each IPO will be randomly selected by a computer programme designed by the share registrar handling the IPO. | |
23 | 博茨瓦纳南部的黑脸织布鸟也能熟能生巧,上图显示的是它们用草编织了一个复杂的鸟巢。 | Practice makes perfect for the Botswanan Southern Masked Weaver, shown above weaving a complex nest of out grass. | |
24 | 不断扩大的贸易顺差也掩盖了7月份进口的强劲增长——较上年同期增长27%。 | A growing trade surplus also masked strong growth in imports in July, up 27 per cent year on year. | |
25 | 参加一个化装舞会,既没面具也没请柬。 | to attend a masked ball without a mask or an invitation | |
26 | 串联型罗仑兹混沌遮掩保密通信电路 | A Series Type Circuit for Secure Communications with Digital Signals Masked by Lorenz Chaotic | |
27 | 从果子狸谈起--从SARS的流行省思人与自然的关系 | Something Beyond Masked Civet--Rethinking About the Relationship between Man and Nature from the Epidemic of SARS | |
28 | 大多数的衍生产品的利润是被掩盖的。 | And the profits on most derivatives are masked . | |
29 | 大学生隐形肥胖运动处方的设计与实施 | The design and implementation of exercise prescription for masked obesity suffered by college students | |
30 | 大学生隐形肥胖运动处方的实验研究 | The experimental study of Masked Obesity exercise prescription in university students of China |