属类:文学表达-外国名著-JANE EYRE
属类:文学表达-外国名著-JANE EYRE
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物技术专利 自然正义
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加拿大零售业 药品生意
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国网络视频 主流媒体
1 | 人工智能在梅森增益公式中的应用 | Application of Artificial Intelligence to Mason Formula | |
2 | 石匠用锤子一点一点地把那块石头击碎。 | The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer. | |
3 | 手艺高超的石匠师傅. | a master mason | |
4 | 所有的人…有一定的继承权,对于这一继承权…无论怎样…他们不能从他们的后代身上夺走(乔治·麦逊)。Denude指去掉通常或自然的外表 | That all men.have certain inherent rights,of which.they cannot by any compact.divest their posterity(George Mason .To denude is to remove a usual or natural covering | |
5 | 他被蓄意谋杀了。被射杀了(鲍比·安·梅森) | He got fragged. Blown away(Bobbie Ann Mason ) | |
6 | 他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。 | He pedaled off to summon a mason | |
7 | 他学泥水匠这一行。 | He learned the mason ’s craft. | |
8 | 他在北曼斯菲尔德开的杂货店生意既然不错,就马上打定主意,认为最好还是把反对梅森的心思克制一下。 | Whereupon, having a satisfactory drug business in North Mansfield, he at once decided that it was best to pocket this opposition to mason | |
9 | 微型钢板治疗Mason Ⅲ型桡骨头骨折的疗效分析 | Effect and Treatment of Mason type-Ⅲ Radial Head Fractures with type-T Plate | |
10 | 位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街--这个都城最负盛名的地点之一--的福特纳姆及梅森商店正在寻找一名巧克力采购员,其职责是环游世界,品尝尽可能多的巧克力并为该店品味不凡的顾客们选出其中最好的品种。 | Fortnum & Mason in London’s piccadilly-one of the capital’s most prestigious addresses-is looking for a chocolate buyer to travel the world, taste as much chocolate as possible and select the best for its discerning customers | |
11 | 我打算接受梅森出的价,把牛和别的一切都卖给他,我到道森那里去干活,自己当不当家,倒无所谓。 | I’ll take Mason ’s offer for the cattle and things, and take that job of Dawson’s, boss or no boss | |
12 | 我们在直布罗陀受到总督梅森?麦克法兰中将的欢迎。 | At gibraltar we were greeted by the governor, Lieutenant General Sir F.N. Mason MacFarlane | |
13 | 我兄弟是泥水工。 | My brother is a mason . | |
14 | 我只是仰望繁星,让那黝黑而闪烁的天穹的博大无际充满我的灵魂(玛格丽特·梅森) | I just look up at the stars and let the vastness of that black and twinkling canopy fill my soul(Margaret Mason ) | |
15 | 译者即交际者-读哈提姆与梅森《字幕翻译中的礼貌》 | Translator as Communicator-On Politeness in Screen Translating by Basil Hatim and Iran Mason | |
16 | 在井上砌砖石结构 | mason up a wall | |
17 | 这时,麦森对自己刚才发脾气的举动,已经有点懊悔了,不过他的性情太倔强了,不肯承认错误,只是一个劲地在队伍前面赶路,一点也没有梦想到危险已经临头。 | Already penitent for his angry action, but too stubborn to make amends, mason toiled on at the head of the cavalcade, little dreaming that danger hovered in the air | |
18 | 正是她袭击了梅森先生,撕毁了简的婚纱。 | It was she who had attacked Mason and torn Jane’s wedding veil. | |
19 | 庄园里的人惊慌失措,罗切斯特使他们镇静下来。但他私下里要求简·爱帮助照料正在流血、失去知觉的梅森先生。 | Rochester quiets the household’s alarm but asks Jane privately to help nurse Mr. Mason who is bleeding and unconscious | |
20 | 庄园里的人惊慌失措,罗切斯特使他们镇静下来。但他私下里要求简·爱帮助照料正在流血、失去知觉的梅森先生。黎明前,这个负伤的男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。 | Rochester quiets the household’s alarm but asks Jane privately to help nurse Mr. Mason who is bleeding and unconscious. Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house. | |
21 | 走进福特南和梅森商店暖融融的茶室。 | Come into the warmth of the Fortnum and mason tearoom | |
22 | ||对于建造中世纪大教堂的那些人我们几乎一无所知。一个被刻进圆柱的工匠的标记;一个在石头上乱划的九人莫里斯游戏;||一个怪兽状滴水嘴的半人脸,那些工头或者大师的作品,都会让观者想起那些建造坎特伯雷,温彻斯特,科隆或韦伯大教堂的那些千万劳苦大众的在天之灵。 | ||ALMOST nothing is known of the men who built the great medieval cathedrals. A mason ’s mark chiselled on a column;|| a game of nine-men’s-morris scratched on a stone; a gargoyle’s half-human face, of foreman or master of works, are all that remind observers of the crowds of labouring souls who raised Canterbury or Winchester, Beauvais or Cologne. | |
23 | 分别来自赛克勒比较基因组学研究所和康奈尔大学的杰弗里·罗森菲尔德以及克里斯托弗·梅森,在《Genome Medicine》杂志发表的文章中指出,研究发现其他689个人类基因都含有BRCA1基因中的这段15个碱基对的DNA链,这表明麦利亚德公司的专利从学术角度来讲也涵盖这些不相关的基因。 | An analysis by Jeffrey Rosenfeld and Christopher Mason , of the Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics and Cornell University respectively, published in Genome Medicine, found that 689 other human genes contain 15-base-pair strings found in BRCA1, suggesting Myriad’s patents technically cover those unrelated genes, too. | |
24 | 乔治梅森的卡洛斯拉米雷斯和国际货币基金组织的Ling Hui Tan 2004发表的一篇文章表明,就资产净值而言,新加坡的国联企业比起私人企业有更高的市场价值。 | A 2004 article by Carlos Ramirez of George Mason University and Ling Hui Tan of the IMF showed that the country’s GLCs enjoyed a higher market value, relative to the book value of their assets, than comparable private firms. | |
25 | 世纪公司罗伯劳是维斯顿家族横跨大西洋帝国的一部分。在英国,它涉及食品制造到塞尔福里奇和福特纳姆&梅森百货商店。 | Century-old Loblaw is part of the Weston family’s transatlantic empire, which ranges from food manufacturing to the Selfridges and Fortnum & Mason department stores in Britain. | |
26 | 网上视频服务供应商最大的敌人是顾客的习惯,合一资本的徐梅森如是说。 | The biggest enemy to the online-video service providers is consumer behaviour, says Mason Xu of Heyi Capital, a venture-capital firm. | |
27 | “乔治·梅森是一所公立大学,政府会为其拨款,”斯坦指出。 | "George Mason is a public university, and receives public funds, " Stein noted. | |
28 | “如果他们想吃零食,他们就去买一包胡萝卜,”梅森高中副校长蒂姆基顿回忆道。 | "If they wanted a snack, they bought a bag of carrots, " recalls , Mason ’s assistant principal. | |
29 | “如果我是一个理性的人,我当时也许就会离开那里了”,梅森说。 | "If I was a rational person, I probably would have quit right there, " says Mason . | |
30 | “我觉得这个问题在司法部已经不能再糟糕了但是它也没什么不同于其他问题的,”Mason先生说。 | ’’I don’t think the problem is any worse among the judiciary but I don’t think it’s any different, ’’ Mr Mason said. |