属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 政治斗争在圣诞前夕暂息
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"漫威之父"斯坦·李去世 享年95岁(
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-优生学 保护野生动物要坚守立"场"
1 | 巴基斯坦和印度已在两国边界集结约一百万大军,两国交相发表好战声明,过去一周并在争执不断的克什米尔交火。 | Pakistan and India have massed about 1 million troops along their common border and have been exchanging bellicose statements. They have also been exchanging fires in the endlessly disputed Kashmir in the past week | |
2 | 部队正在边境集结。 | Troops are massing (are being massed )on the frontier. | |
3 | 丛生的,聚生的聚集成密丛的 | Crowded or massed into a dense cluster | |
4 | 大量练习平衡训练对于脑性麻痹儿童前置姿势调整的影响-个案报告 | Effect of Massed Practice Training on Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Case Report | |
5 | 但是那种力量依然聚集在外面,冷冷冰冰,对什么都不闻不问,似乎它在与这个干草色的飞蛾作对。 | Yet the power was there all the same, massed outside indifferent, impersonal, not attending to anything in particular. Somehow it was opposed to the little hay-coloured moth. | |
6 | 恶劣的天气并不一定能够抵销,或者不能长期地抵销,对敌人的交通线实行密集袭击所造成的必然结果。 | Bad weather could not blot out for certain or for a long period the inevitable result of massed attack on enemy communications | |
7 | 集中学习和分散学习 | massed and distributed learning | |
8 | 军队正在边境集结。 | Troops are being massed on the frontier | |
9 | 抗议者们在市政大厅前集结。 | Protesters massed in front of the city hall | |
10 | 你发鼻中的气,水便聚起成堆,大水直立如垒,海中的深水凝结。 | By your breath the waves were massed together, the flowing waters were lifted up like a pillar; the deep waters became solid in the heart of the sea. | |
11 | 骑兵部队集结在右翼. | The cavalry were massed on the right wing . | |
12 | 人群聚集的皇后要经过的路上。 | Crowds massed along the road where the queen would pass. | |
13 | 沙积集起来成了沙丘。 | The sand massed to form a dune. | |
14 | 试论新闻媒体分众化的趋势 | On the De-massed Trend of News Media | |
15 | 他将海分裂,使他们过去。又叫水立起如垒。 | The sea was cut in two so that they might go through; the waters were massed together on this side and on that. | |
16 | 他们把乐队集中起来。 | They massed the bands | |
17 | 他们那睁得圆圆的滞钝的眼睛,与这些言谈,这些殷切、不冲撞人的举止相左,然而他们晓得自己周围积怨甚深,明白一腔热忱是徒然的。 | Their full slow eyes belied the words, the gestures eager and unoffending, but knew the rancours massed about them and knew their zeal was vain | |
18 | 他们沿着一道蔓满了忍冬和野白玫瑰的篱笆走着,来到一扇敞开的大门前面,两侧是砖砌的门柱。 | They walked beside a fence massed with honeysuckle and Cherokee roses and came to a gate swinging open between two brick pillars | |
19 | 乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。 | Dark clouds massed and we expected rain. | |
20 | 乌云密集,我们企盼下雨。 | Dark clouds massed , and we expected rain. | |
21 | 要在境内竖立大旗,在各国中吹角,使列国预备攻击巴比伦,将亚拉腊,米尼,亚实基拿各国招来攻击她。又派军长来攻击她,使马匹上来如蚂蚱, | Let a flag be lifted up in the land, let the horn be sounded among the nations, make the nations ready against her; get the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz together against her, make ready a scribe against her; let the horses come up against her like massed locusts. | |
22 | 园区经济需要走集群化发展道路 | The Economy of Industrial Zone towards Massed Development | |
23 | 原来陀斐特又深又宽,早已为王预备好了,其中堆的是火,与许多木柴。耶和华的气如一股硫磺火,使它着起来。 | For a place of fire has long been ready; yes, it has been made ready for the king; he has made it deep and wide: it is massed with fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord, like a stream of fire, puts a light to it. | |
24 | 整体学习和部分学习 | massed and piecemeal learning | |
25 | 自从有了甲兵后,战场上已不再以个人武力决胜负,而是依靠大批甲兵方阵来冲破敌人的队形。 | From then on, battles were won not by individual champions but through the weight of massed hoplite phalanxes breaking through enemy ranks. | |
26 | ||1:可悲的是,这种信号太过强大,两党都把开支议案看做了一次短暂的战略性停火。||2:冷眼旁观的观察员则认为,美国民主越来越陷入势均力敌的僵局中—民主党主导城镇地区,在大众中开始占据微弱的多数优势,共和党则在市民(即更年长、更富有的白人)中占有优势,而这类人是实实在在的选民。||3:两党在高科技战中也许战平了,完善了选区划分、数据挖掘和选民定制工具,让主要支持者能被煽动、以前所未有的效率投票。||4:但就像1914年的大军一样,党派人士仍幻想着压倒性胜利是垂手可得的。 | ||1:Alas, the signs are that powerful forces in both parties saw the spending deal as a momentary, tactical ceasefire.||2:Detached observers may see American democracy as increasingly locked in a 50-50 stalemate, in which Democrats dominate urban areas and enjoy a slight majority among the overall population, while Republicans have the edge among those citizens (notably older, whiter and richer folk) who reliably vote.||3:Both parties may have fought each other to a draw in a technological arms race, perfecting gerrymandering, data-mining, and voter-targeting tools which allow core supporters to be fired up and turned out to vote with unprecedented efficiency.||4:But—like massed armies in 1914—partisans still dream that sweeping victories are within grasp. | |
27 | ||1:他陶醉于自己的能力。||2:这些创造出来的漫画形象不仅是活着的、有呼吸的人类, 有烦恼也有灵光乍现。||3:他们也有自己的语言和旋律,从时髦航天员银影侠的诗意转弯(“我也能感觉到可怕灾难的冰冷触感!”)到雷神索尔的莎士比亚调调(“汝欲何往”)。他让美国队长再次复兴,一个老宠儿被从北极冰盖拉出来,再次拯救世界。||4:他写了一些关于种族主义和滥用毒品的文章,以此来对抗大量嗅探漫画代码权威的假正经,直到他们投降!1963年,X战警在他脑海中迸发,代表了所有被抛弃的人,包括黑人、同性恋、残疾人,他们感觉自己像变种人。||5:但他同样挑战了嬉皮士和和平示威者,让他们爱钢铁侠,一个亿万富翁、武器制造商作为一个英雄,而不是一个恶棍! (这太容易了。||6:) 还有和自己战斗的英雄,就像布鲁斯·班纳博士,变成了那个铁青绿色的怪物,绿巨人! 班纳博士想治好自己,但是绿巨人不同意! 这是希腊悲剧的真实写照。||7:或者是弗洛伊德。 | ||1:He revelled in his powers.||2:These creations were not only living, breathing people, with the thought-balloons he had invented bubbling from their troubled heads.||3:They also had their own words, their own melody, from the poetic turns of that sleek spacefarer, the Silver Surfer (“I, too, sense the icy touch of dread disaster!”) to the Shakespearean tones of Thor (“Whither goest thou?”) He resurrected Captain America, an old favourite, pulling him out of the Arctic ice cap to save the world again.||4:He defied the massed sniffing prudes of the Comics Code Authority by writing about racism and drug abuse, until they capitulated! The X-Men, erupting in his brain in 1963, spoke for all outcasts, black, gay, disabled, who felt like mutants.||5:But he challenged hippies and peace-marchers just as much by making them love Iron Man, a billionaire arms-maker, as a hero and not a villain! (That would have been too easy.||6:) He had heroes who fought against themselves, like Dr Bruce Banner, who became that livid green monster, the Incredible Hulk! And tried to cure himself, but the Hulk didn’t agree! Right out of a Greek tragedy.||7:Or maybe Freud. | |
28 | 少有美洲豹敢于招惹一大群五百公斤(约一千一百磅)、双角水平的圣马尔蒂内若斯牛。 | Few jaguars dare to challenge a massed group of 500kg (1,100-pound) San Martineros, their horns levelled. | |
29 | 集散自动控制系统在乳化炸药生产中的应用 | The application of massed and distributed automatic control system in production of emulsion explosive | |
30 | 今天的葬礼不会有军队护送,街道两边没有拥挤的人群,也不会有盛大典礼。 | There were no military bands, no massed crowds lining the streets, and none of the pomp and ceremony that will accompany her funeral today. |