1 | 举例说,试玩味一下这句话:“通往明智的最稳当的道路就是大量的沉默。” | Chew, for example, on the idea that "the surest way to smartness is through massive dumbness" | |
2 | 据尼泊尔国家广播电台9日援引军方发言人的话说,当地时间8日夜10点左右,数千名反政府武装分子突然向阿尔卡哈奇县政府所在地发动了大规模进攻。 | nepalese state radio quoted an army spokesman on the 9th, who said several thousands of Maoist rebels launched a massive assault on Agarkhanchi government in the evening of the 8th at about 10 o’clock local time | |
3 | 可以看出,致密的矿脉可用电阻率法来发现。 | We can see that the massive vein is revealed by resistivity | |
4 | 矿石部分呈块状,部分呈浸染状(细脉状和斑点状),围岩中并有矿物的浸染晕存在。 | The ore is partly massive and partly disseminated (veinlets and speckles)and there is a halo of disseminated minerals in the surrounding rock | |
5 | 牢固的金链条 | A massive gold chain | |
6 | 老太爷六十大寿那天,他孝敬父亲一口柳州木寿材。 | He had lovingly presented to his father on the Venerable’s sixtieth birthday the massive coffin made of wood from the forests of Liuchow | |
7 | 沥青铀矿铀矿的一种 | A massive variety of the mineral uraninite. | |
8 | 另一方面,这需要推行巨大的计划去建设基础设施,重整我们的城市,教育我们的人民。 | In turn, that requires massive programmes for infrastructural development, for the regeneration of our cities, and for the education of our people | |
9 | 另一个推论是:在有质物体近旁的弯曲时空中,时钟会走得比较慢。 | Another consequence was that in the warped space-time near a massive object, clocks would run more slowly | |
10 | 没有这种强大的影响,学院里的生活显得不实在了。 | Without that massive influence the college seemed to lack so solidity | |
11 | 每一任新政府都想“即刻表现”,可是正因为如此,肯尼迪误入猪湾,艾克[艾森豪威尔]批准“毁灭性报复”政策,约翰逊深陷越南,里根一开始就谴责苏联为“邪恶帝国。” | Every new administration wants"to hit the ground running"but this was what Kennedy did when he stumbled into the Bay of Pigs,what Ike did when he approved the doctrine of"massive retaliation"what Johnson did when he plunged deeper into Vietnam,and what Reagan did when he started off condemning the Soviet"evil empire" | |
12 | 美洲野牛北美洲西部的一种牛类哺乳动物(美洲野牛野牛属),前半身大,有浓粗的鬃毛,上有弯曲的短角的巨大头部;野牛 | A bovine mammal(Bison bison)of western North America,having large forequarters,a shaggy mane,and a massive head with short,curved horns;a buffalo. | |
13 | 明智得多的办法是发射一艘配备有巨型安全气囊的宇宙飞船,气囊可以膨胀到数公里(英里)宽,用以驱使入侵的太阳系天体逐步偏离撞向地球的航向。 | Far better to send up a space ship equipped with a massive airbag that could be inflated to several kilometers (miles)wide and used to gently buffet the invading solar body away from a collision course with earth | |
14 | 目前被认为有可能是黑洞的天体有:X射线双星天鹅座X-1的那颗已经坍缩了的伴星,某些密实的球状星团的核心,以及我们银河系内部的一个大质量的致密天体。 | Likely candidates for black holes include the collapsed companion of an X-ray binary, Cygnus X-1; the cores of several compact globular star clusters; and a massive condensed object within our own galaxy | |
15 | 南猿有着素食动物的巨大的臼齿,而头盖骨较大的是能人猿。 | australopithecus had massive teeth, the grinding molars of a vegetarian.It was Homo habilis that had a bigger brain case | |
16 | 你还可以穿着舒适的鞋子,打算漫步走过宽阔的外景场地,那儿摆着500多个露天布景和建筑物的正面布景,它们描绘出过去的西部、纽约市和欧洲等一些不同的场所。 | Wear comfortable shoes and plan to meander through the massive back lot, which has more than 500 outdoor sets and facades depicting locations as diverse as the Old West, New York City, and Europe | |
17 | 凝聚这种体系时需要用大量凝结剂盐类进行相当激烈的处理。 | Coagulation of such systems requires rather drastic treatment with massive doses of coagulant salts | |
18 | 其它的研究人员用一次由近海地震或是远距离水下山体滑坡所 | Other researchers believe a massive wave, caused by either an offshore earthquake or a distant underwater landslide, could explain the catastrophe | |
19 | 奇怪的是,马西后来耗费大量笔墨谈论安娜·安德森,那自称安娜斯塔西娅之人,以及其他冒名者。 | Massive then takes the curious decision to devote many pages to Anna Anderson, the woman who claimed to be Anastasia, and other impostors | |
20 | 乾隆接见万里东归的蒙古土尔扈特部杰出领袖渥巴锡,就是在正殿。 | It was in this main hall that Emperor Qianlong received the heroic Mongolian chieftain Wobaxi of the Turhot tribe who led his tribesmen on their massive migration back to China from Russia | |
21 | --取得决定性军事优势的前景,即使在理论上是可能的,在政治上也是不能容忍的,双方的任何一方都不会消极地听任核均势发生重大变化。 | --The prospect of a decisive military advantage, even if theoretically possible, is politically intolerable; neither side will passively permit a massive shift in the nuclear balance | |
22 | 日本公司,这个曾被喻为大规模商业公司的日本强大经济,正处于困境之中。 | Japan Inc., the powerhouse economy of Japan which has been likened to a massive business corporation, is in a muddle | |
23 | 圣诞节前两天天气终于转晴,英美空军大显身手,大举轰炸德国供应线和驶上狭窄崎岖的山间公路的军队和坦克。 | And two days before Christmas the weather had finally cleared and the anglo-american air forces had begun to have a field day with massive attacks on German supply lines and on the troops and tanks moving up the narrow, tortuous mountain roads | |
24 | 手术时发现大量小肠由于扭转而坏死。 | At operation, massive small bowel infarction due to volvulus was found | |
25 | 苏联给埃及、伊拉克和叙利亚运来大量军事装备,这就使它比较深入地插手于这个地区。 | The Soviet Union implanted itself more firmly in the region by sending massive military supplies to Egypt, Iraq, and syria | |
26 | 苏联终于用很大的努力胜利地完成了整个农业的社会主义改造,并且在农业方面完成了强大的技术改造。 | Eventually, by a great effort the Soviet Union successfully accomplished the socialist transformation of the whole of its agriculture and at the same time achieved a massive technical reconstruction of agriculture | |
27 | 苏维埃制度下令人难以置信的普遍的冷漠官僚主义(b约翰·肯尼思·加尔布雷斯) | the incredibly massive and stolid bureaucracy of the Soviet system(bJohn Kenneth Galbraith) | |
28 | 苏维埃制度下令人难以置信的普遍的冷漠官僚主义(约翰·肯尼思·加尔布雷斯) | the incredibly massive and stolid bureaucracy of the Soviet system(John Kenneth Galbraith) | |
29 | 所以他们洗了个澡--一同洗的,我想,是为了节约用水,那个小个子为他健硕的伴侣擦洗。 | So they bathed-entering the tub together, I imagined, in order to conserve water, the small figure soaping his massive consort | |
30 | 他的头发一直垂到肩膀,浓密的胡子几乎遮住了半张脸。在他粗壮的胳膊和厚实的胸膛上刺着文身。 | His hair hung to his shoulders, a full beard obscured half of his face; his massive arms and chest were covered with tattoos |