属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 965-5-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 965-4-1999
1 | (男子互称用语)朋友;老兄;老弟. | (used as a form of address between men)friend;mate | |
2 | ”“哪里,”大副说,“威利给她迷住了。” | "No," said the mate , "willies’s stuck on her | |
3 | BlackVoices.com网站的巴里·库伯说,"在虚拟环境中,最难的问题就是确定伙伴的真正意图。 | The biggest problem you have in a virtual environment is determining the true intent of your mate ," says Barry Cooper of Black Voices.com | |
4 | ISO普通米制螺纹. 公差.第5部分:与镀锌前最大公差位置为H的热浸镀锌外螺纹相匹配的内螺纹的尺寸极限值 | ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Limits of sizes for internal screw threads to mate with hot-dip galvanized external screw threads with maximum size of tolerance position h before galvanizing | |
5 | ISO普通米制螺纹.公差.第4部分:与由镀锌后公差位置为H或G攻出的内螺纹相匹配的热浸镀锌外螺纹的尺寸极限值 | ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Limits of sizes for hot-dip galvanized external screw threads to mate with internal screw threads tapped with tolerance position H or G after galvanizing | |
6 | ISO一般用途米制螺纹 公差 第4部分:热浸镀锌外螺纹的极限尺寸、与其相配的内螺纹镀锌后攻丝、内螺纹的公差 | ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 4: Limits of sizes for hot-dip galvanized external screw threads to mate with internal screw threads tapped with tolerance position H or G after galvanizing | |
7 | ISO一般用途米制螺纹 公差 第5部分:与镀锌前公差带位置为h最大尺寸的热沉镀锌外螺纹相配的内螺纹的极限尺寸 | ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 5: Limits of sizes for internal screw threads to mate with hot-dip galvanized external screw threads with maximum size of tolerance position h before galvanizing | |
8 | 把驴与马交配产下骡子。 | Mate an ass with a mare so as to produce a mule. | |
9 | 把一匹马同一头驴交配 | Mate a horse with a donkey | |
10 | 不可否认,由于我们自身的基因类型和我们对配偶的选择,我们已经限制了每一个孩子可获得的基因库。 | admittedly, already, through our own genotypes, and by our choice of mate , we limit the gene pool available to each child | |
11 | 长母音的属于、关于或作为英语元音的,如 | Of,relating to,or being a vowel sound in English,such as the vowel sound in mate or feet,that is historically descended from a long vowel. | |
12 | 长母音的属于、关于或作为英语元音的,如mate或feet中的元音按历史源于长元音 | Of,relating to,or being a vowel sound in English,such as the vowel sound in mate or feet,that is historically descended from a long vowel. | |
13 | 常常很难使被关的动物交配。 | It is often difficult to get animals to mate in captivity | |
14 | 齿轮啮合紧密。 | The gears mate well. | |
15 | 厨师的好伙伴 | A cook’s good mate | |
16 | 船长不在时将由大副负责。 | The first mate will be in charge when the captain is away. | |
17 | 船长总是设法找大副的麻烦。 | The captain was always devising how to get the mate into trouble | |
18 | 雌虫通常不止一次交配和产卵,但在实验室内有8%的雌虫从不交配。 | Females usually mate and lay eggs more than once, but 8 percent of females never mate in the laboratory. | |
19 | 雌性动物守巢时,雄性动物猎食。 | The male hunts for food while his mate guards the nest | |
20 | 大副是个残酷的人,一言顶撞他即将你拉去拷打。 | The first mate is a cruel fellow;if you give him a word,you’ll be brought to the gangway. | |
21 | 大副正在学习准备当船长。 | The first mate was studying to become a master. | |
22 | 大批的五分镍币和两角五银币,在柠檬企图同李子相配时消失得无影无踪。 | Nickels and quarters by the score could vanish as lemons tried to mate with plums | |
23 | 但多数鸟类仅以泄殖腔互相接触,藉肌肉收缩而把雄鸟的精子送给雌鸟。有胎盘哺乳动物及多数硬骨鱼无泄殖腔。 | Most birds mate by joining their cloacas in a "cloacal kiss"; muscular contractions transfer the sperm from the male to the female. | |
24 | 到了傍晚,大副和水手长恳求船长砍掉前桅;此事船长当然是绝不愿意干的。 | Towards evening the mate and boat-swain begg’d the master of our ship to let them cut away the foremast, which he was very unwilling to. | |
25 | 到一定时候,即使做不了船长,说不定也能当上个大副或船长助手什么的。可是,命中注定我每次都会作出最坏的选择,这一次也不例外。 | Yet at the same time I had learn’d the duty and office of a fore-mast man; and in might have qualified my self for a mate or lieutenant, ifs a master. But as it was always my fate to choose for the worse, so I did here | |
26 | 鸸的跑速每小时可达30哩(50公里),被困时用三趾的大脚踢人。鸸终生配对,成小群取食果实和昆虫,有时会毁坏庄稼。 | Emus can run up to 30 mph (50 kph); if cornered, they kick with their large feet. They mate for life and forage in small flocks for fruits and insects but sometimes damage crops. | |
27 | 返回赛道后,名次位居第七,刚好排在德拉罗萨前面。 | The Finn resumed in seventh place just ahead of his team-mate . | |
28 | 范小姐比刘小姐老,比刘小姐难看,不过她是讲师,对象该是地位较高的系主任。 | Miss Fan was older and homelier than Miss Liu, but then she was a lecturer.Her mate should be a rather high-ranking department chairman | |
29 | 狗和猫不能交配。 | Dogs do not mate with cats. | |
30 | 光滑表面的阀板:这些阀板上的"配套"使得密封非常有效,防止泄漏到轴区域内。 | Smooth Finished Disc Flats: These "mate " with seat flats to give a highly efficient seal; prevents leakage into shaft areas. |