属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 965-4-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 965-5-2002
1 | 使不适当地婚配或使不适当地配在一起 | To mate or match unsuitably. | |
2 | 他对我的谈话很感兴趣,因为那时我的谈吐也许不怎么令人讨厌。他听我说要出去见见世面,就对我说,假如我愿意和他一起去,可以免费搭他的船,并可做他的伙伴,和他一起用餐。 | And who taking a fancy to my conversation, which was not at all disagreeable at that time, hearing me say I had a mind to see the world, told me if I would go the, voyage with him I should be at no expense; I should be his mess-mate and his companion | |
3 | 他们把大副的船吊到船上。 | They hoisted the mate ’s boat aboard | |
4 | 他们决定提升那位大副为船长。 | They decided to elevate the first mate to the position of captain | |
5 | 他言行不一。 | He didn’t mate his words with deeds. | |
6 | 天知道那位满脸怪须的大副会怎样来“解释”我的所作所为。 | Goodness only knew how that absurdly whiskered mate would“account”for my conduct | |
7 | 我不会与他结伴。 | I will not mate with him. | |
8 | 我不要和他做朋友。 | I will not mate with him. | |
9 | 我们心目中的理想伴侣形象受到诸多因素的影响,其中最明显的因素之一就是"爱情图谱"--即我们脑中存在的一组描述个人喜好的编码。 | Of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate , one of the most telling is our "love map"--a group of messages encoded in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes | |
10 | 我认为非亚裔或白种人的一方应当喜爱配偶的文化。 | I think it’s the non-Asian or the caucasian that has to have the affinity for the mate ’s culture | |
11 | 我是一位三副,比起我的同班同学,我的工资不算很高,但作为我离开大学之后的第一份真正的工作,也还算不错。 | I was a third mate , and the pay was low compared with my classmates, but it was OK for a first real job after college. | |
12 | 我与和我同住一单元的人关于谁应做家务事吵了一架. | I had a quarrel with my flat-mate about who should do the housework. | |
13 | 我这里特别要提一下那些纸、笔、墨水;船长、大副、炮手和木匠的一些东西,三四个罗盘啦 | As in particular, pens, ink, and paper, several parcels in the captain’s, mate ’s, gunner’s, and carpenter’s keeping, three or four compasses | |
14 | 无论在海上或在港内,航海日志是有关船舶所有工作情况的记录。 | The Mate ’s log is a record of everything appertaining to the working of the ship, whether the vessel is at sea or in port. | |
15 | 下象棋时攻击对方的"将"或"帅" | put sb. on the spot;mate ;challenge;embarrass | |
16 | 先父遗传是与母畜第一次交配的公畜,对以后该母畜与其它公畜交配所生的后代会有影响。 | telegony is the supposed influence of a female’s first mate on the offspring of her later matings with other males | |
17 | 现在我不再睡在搬上岸的那张床上了,而是睡在一张吊床上,这吊床原是船上大副所有,质地很好。 | And now I lay no more for a while in the bed which I had brought on shore, but in a hammock, which was indeed a very good one, and belong’d to the mate of the ship. | |
18 | 雄蜂雄性蜂,尤指雄性蜜蜂,其特点是无螫针,不作工,不采蜜。其唯一职能是与蜂后交配 | A male bee,especially a honeybee,that is characteristically stingless,performs no work,and produces no honey.Its only function is to mate with the queen bee. | |
19 | 许多动物在春天交配。 | Many animals mate in the spring. | |
20 | 一般用途ISO米制螺纹.公差.第4部分:与由镀锌后公差位置为H或G攻出的内螺纹相匹配的热浸镀锌外螺纹的尺寸限 | ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 4: Limits of sizes for hot-dip galvanized external screw threads to mate with internal screw threads tapped with tolerance position H or G after galvanizing | |
21 | 一般用途ISO米制螺纹.公差.第5部分:与镀锌前最大公差位置为H的热浸镀锌外螺纹相匹配的内螺纹的尺寸限制 | ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 5: Limits of sizes for internal screw threads to mate with hot-dip galvanized external screw threads with maximum size of tolerance position h before galvanizing | |
22 | 依我看你女儿和小张性情相投。你干吗要阻拦他们结婚呢? | As far as I can see, Xiao Zhang is a soul mate of your daughter, Why should you object to their marriage? | |
23 | 有时,在提单之前,先向发运人发出大副收据。提单的签发需要一定的时间。 | Sometimes a mate ’s receipt is given to the shipper in advance of the B/L, which takes time to issue. | |
24 | 有时在签发提单以前,先给发货人一张大副收据,因为签发提单得花一些时间。 | Sometimes a mate ’s receipt is given to the shipper in advance of the B/L, which takes to issue | |
25 | 与这只袜子配对的另一只在哪里? | Where is the mate to this sock? | |
26 | 杂交为产生杂种而交配;杂交 | To mate so as to produce a hybrid;interbreed. | |
27 | 在椽子上干活的木匠将斧子传给下面的伙伴。 | The carpenter working on the rafter passed his axe down to his mate below. | |
28 | 在繁殖季节中未交配的雄性动物,特别指被较年长的雄性拒于交配领地之外的年轻的雄性海豹。 | a male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males. | |
29 | 在过去的10年里,科学家发现许多昆虫、蜘蛛、蝎子、两栖动物、爬行类动物和啮齿类动物,以及大型的哺乳动物,都会利用振动来保卫领地,寻找配偶及发现猎物等。 | In the past decade many insects, spiders, scorpions, amphibians, reptiles and rodents, as well as large mammals, have been shown to use vibrations for purposes as diverse as territorial defence, mate location and prey detection | |
30 | 在经历了与民主党候选人约翰·克里的激烈角逐后,总统布什于11月2日成功连任。他拿“饼干”和他的竞选伙伴“肉汤”开玩笑说:“他们曾经和既有‘耐心’又‘坚忍不拔’的竞争对手展开激烈角逐。” | The president, who won re-election on November 2 after a tight race against Democrat John Kerry, joked that biscuits and his running-mate , "Gravy," had run "neck-and-neck" against a rival ticket of "Patience" and "Fortitude." |