1 | 节英一种不开裂的豆荚,如被套车轴草的果实。通常压缩于种子之间,成熟时分成包有一籽的小室 | An indehiscent legume,as of the tick trefoil,usually constricted between the seeds and separating at maturity into one-seeded segments. | |
2 | 她青年时期的消瘦到她半老时,转成了一种清虚疏朗的神韵,令人想见她是一个天使。 | What had been leanness in her youth had become transparency in her maturity and this diaphaneity allowed the angel to be seen | |
3 | 就综合现金流动表而言,现金等价物代表年期短期而变现能力高之投资,减去由提供垫款之日起须于三个月内偿还之银行垫款。该等投资可随时兑换为已知金额之现金,并于取得后三个月内到期。 | For the purpose of the consolidated cash flow statement, cash equivalents represent short-term highly liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which were within three months of maturity when acquired, less advances from banks repayable within three months from the date of the advance. | |
4 | 具有常被作为成熟之特征的温和性情、智慧和忍耐力 | Having the gentleness,wisdom,or tolerance often characteristic of maturity . | |
5 | 开裂,裂开到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从花粉囊中散发出的花粉 | An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther. | |
6 | 可用于指妇女,含有端庄和成熟的意思. | Handsome may be applied to women and suggest dignity and maturity .*handsome | |
7 | 块件可以在很早就进行预制,以便使块件混凝土达到足够的强度和龄期。 | Segments may be precast long enough to reach sufficient strength and maturity | |
8 | 零存整取储蓄 | Installment savings (with the principal and interest obtainable at maturity ); small deposits for(或towards)lump withdrawal | |
9 | 买方对卖方开具的见票后××天付款的跟单汇票,于第一次提示时即予承兑,并应于汇票到期日即予付款,付款后交单。 | The Buyer shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at × × days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity . The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only. | |
10 | 买方对卖方开具的见票后××天付款的跟单汇票,于第一次提示时即予以承兑,并应于汇票到期日即付款,承兑后交单。 | (3)The Buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at × × days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity . The shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance. | |
11 | 没有比这更令人心旷神怡的时刻了--这是一个风和日丽的下午,正当托斯卡纳春意盎然的季节。 | Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion---a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the tuscan spring | |
12 | 没有比这更令人心旷神怡的时刻了--这是一个风和日丽的下午,正是托斯卡纳春意盎然的季节。 | Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion-a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the tuscan spring | |
13 | 棉纤维成熟度 | maturity of cotton fibre | |
14 | 那同样宁静的炉火纯青的意境,也表现在悼念林肯之死那首伟大的《上次丁香在门前庭园盛开的时候》里。 | The same tranquil maturity is revealed in his great poem on the dead Lincoln, "When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d" | |
15 | 男人通常20岁成熟。 | Men usually come to maturity at the age of 20 | |
16 | 年金债券:无限期支付利息,无到期日的债券 | Annuity bond: Bond on which interest is paid indefinitely and which has no maturity date. | |
17 | 评价肉羊的标准与评价肉牛相似:优良品质表现为育肥时间短(早熟),全身多精肉,脂肪分布均匀,无过多积累。 | The points of the mutton sheep correspond rather closely to those of the beef ox, the valuable qualities being a tendency to fatten early in life(early maturity )--a thick covering of lean meat and an even and not wasteful distribution of the fat. | |
18 | 青春期处于儿童和成年之间的生命时期 | The time of life between childhood and maturity . | |
19 | 青春期从青春发育期到成熟期的一段生理与心理的发展阶段 | The period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity . | |
20 | 如果不是即期而是远期付款单据,提示行必须在要求承兑时毫不拖延地提示承兑,在要求付款时,不应晚于适当的到期日办理提示付款。 | In the case of documents payable at a tenor other than sight the presenting bank must, where acceptance is called for, make presentation for acceptance without delay, and where payment is called for, make presentation for payment not later than the appropriate maturity date. | |
21 | 使计划趋于完备 | On Bring a plan to maturity | |
22 | 使用附录A表述的方法可以为管理者提供对组织业绩和质量管理体系成熟水平的总体评价 | Use of the approach described in annex A can provide management with an overall view of the performance of the organization and the degree of maturity of the quality management system. | |
23 | 宿存的,不落的持续保持成熟后的状态而不凋落,如茄子的花萼或松果的鳞苞 | Lasting past maturity without falling off,as the calyx on an eggplant or the scales of a pine cone. | |
24 | 他不知道特德在汽车修理厂经过一个暑假的磨练后,在大学学习会不会勤奋一些。 | He was wondering whether, after the summer’s maturity of being a garageman, Ted would "get busy" in the university | |
25 | 他的经验缓慢地成熟。 | His experience has a slow maturity . | |
26 | 他们成长起来,我们就放心了。 | When they reach maturity , we shall rest easy. | |
27 | 他们了的小孩正在逐渐成熟。 | Their children are advancing toward maturity . | |
28 | 他那二十年没曾动过的脑筋受到成熟的欲望的驱使,更对书本紧抓不放,孜孜吃吃,就初学者而言其啃劲之猛十分罕见。 | And his fresh mind, untaxed for twenty years and impelled by maturity of desire, gripped hold of what he read with a virility unusual to the student mind | |
29 | 它反映了公司以营业活动的净现金流量偿还当期债务的能力。 | It reflects a corporation’s ability of using net cash flows from operating activities to meet its current maturity of debts. | |
30 | 它描写一位青年从不成熟到成熟的发展过程。 | It traces the development of a young man from immaturity to maturity |