属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生命的终点 The end of the line
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-腹地美景 A hinterland beauty
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-忧郁的本质 Kind of blue
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-圣诞树 喜乐的枝桠
1 | 畅游在卢瓦尔河,仿佛是行进在历史、艺术与现实的交错之中。在这欧洲的一角,它已被深深镌刻在人们的心灵之中。 | A journey on the Loire is a meander in history, art and daily life. It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind. | |
2 | 河流流经平地时有蜿蜒曲折的倾向 | Streams tend to meander through level land. | |
3 | 黄河首曲草地气候变化及生态效应 | Climate Changes and Ecological Effects of the Grasslands in the First Meander of the Yellow River | |
4 | 黄河首曲气候变化及其对黄河断流的影响 | Climate Changes over First Meander of Yellow River and Their Effects on Cutoff in Lower Reaches | |
5 | 漫谈译员涉外接待的原则和程序 | Meander on the Principle and Procedure of Interpreters in Foreign Reception | |
6 | 那居住在丛林中的老人的趣闻轶事似乎永远也讲不完。 | The old bushman’s anecdotes seemed to meander on without end | |
7 | 你还可以穿着舒适的鞋子,打算漫步走过宽阔的外景场地,那儿摆着500多个露天布景和建筑物的正面布景,它们描绘出过去的西部、纽约市和欧洲等一些不同的场所。 | Wear comfortable shoes and plan to meander through the massive back lot, which has more than 500 outdoor sets and facades depicting locations as diverse as the Old West, New York City, and Europe | |
8 | 曲流河废弃河道的识别方法及其应用 | Identification and Application of Abandoned Channel in Meander River | |
9 | 曲折状CoFeSiB三明治薄膜及其巨磁阻抗效应 | Giant magneto-impedance Effect in CoFeSiB/Cu/CoFeSiB Sandwich Thin Films with a Meander Line Structure | |
10 | 陕西延川黄河蛇曲国家地质公园旅游资源研究与建设构想 | Tourist Resources and Constructive Visualization of the National Meander Geopark in Yanchuan, Shaanxi | |
11 | 双弯折线天线谐振特性的数值研究 | Numerical Investigation of Resonant Characteristics for the Dual Meander Line Antenna | |
12 | 它们滚滚冲下山脊,蜿蜒穿过平坦的农田。 | They tumble down mountainsides and meander through flat farmlands. | |
13 | 蜿蜒以不规则的路线前进;曲折而行 | To proceed in an irregular course;meander . | |
14 | 我们在公园里散步. | We meander ed through the park. | |
15 | 沿着河流下游迂回前进 | meander the lower reaches of the river | |
16 | 一条小溪从草地中蜿蜒流过. | A brook meander s through the meadow. | |
17 | 游客与当地人沿着塞纳河岸漫步聊天。 | Visitors and locals alike meander along the sidewalks of the Seine River. | |
18 | 最引人入胜的是海底漫步,你可以戴着潜水用的氧气头盔漫步在洋底,徜徉在珊瑚和成群的条纹鱼中间。 | Most intriguing is underwater walking, in which, wearing an oxygen helmet, you meander along the ocean bed among coral and shoals of stripped fish | |
19 | ||1:Murray女士在这趟旅行中出色地饰演了勇敢的向导一角。||2:她用引人入胜的方式带领读者去探索新鲜的文化和地方。||3:遗憾的是当她再过头来看自己的书,内容就没有那么精彩了。||4:一些趣闻似乎有些跑题:读者或许会好奇她美发店的婶祖母火化,还有她在中国食物中毒这些事情和主题有什么相关。||5:但是如果你准备好时不时地翻一两页书或者偶尔沉浸于书中的话,那么你将会在这本书中获益匪浅。 | ||1:Ms Murray excels in the role of intrepid tour guide.||2:She has an inviting way of taking readers by the hand to explore new cultures and places.||3:Unfortunately she is less strong when she turns her gaze back at herself.||4:Some anecdotes feel like a distraction—readers may wonder at the relevance of her hairdresser’s great aunt’s cremation, or of her bout of food poisoning in China.||5:But if you are prepared to meander and occasionally indulge, then there is a wealth to discover within these pages. | |
20 | ||1:水晶桥得名自水晶泉和多处桥梁,水晶泉在地面上流淌,而博物馆是围绕着桥梁设计的。||2:建筑师是摩西·萨夫迪,以其作品蒙特利尔的半野兽派、半俏皮的人居67生态公寓而闻名。||3:水晶桥由几个分立但有连接的建筑物组成,这些建筑物迂回曲折地悬绕在泉水供给的两个倒影池上方和周围,据萨夫迪说这样设计是为了呼应周围的地形结构。||4:博物馆的屋顶大部分是紫铜色,通常映有博物馆周围植物的荫影,秋天树叶掉光了,紫铜色烙上新彩。当然了紫铜色会逐渐变暗,转为深铁锈红,然后再转为深棕色,几年后会染上大家熟悉的浅绿的铜锈色。 | ||1:Crystal Bridges takes its name from Crystal Spring, which flows on the grounds, and from the multiple bridges around which the museum is designed.||2:The architect is Moshe Safdie, best known for his half-brutalist, half-playful Habitat 67 complex in Montreal.||3:Crystal Bridges comprises several discrete but linked structures that meander around and above two spring-fed reflecting ponds, a design that Mr Safdie says is meant to echo the surrounding topography.||4:Much of the museum’s roofing is copper, which currently has the umbral hue of the foliage around it—the leaves dying in autumn, the copper brand new—but which will of course gradually darken, turning a deep rust red and then dark brown before taking on the familiar light green patina in years to come. | |
21 | ||1:已经75岁了,琼·迪丹的注意力也涣散了。||2:她的回忆缓慢而又反反复复,只有在那些无法让人回答的悲情问题(“我所做的这一切都是错的吗/我得到的这些全都是错误吗?”)时才被打断。||3:这些问题经常是思考做为一个母亲她的选择(“总是我有问题?”),和她自己越来越多的弱点(“如果我再也找不到那些能用的词语会怎样?”)。||4:借着《忧郁的夜》,这部以某个夏日里生命之光暗淡时的那种紧张而又不吉之美命名的书,琼·迪丹将自己思维里悲伤的呻吟译成了对死亡深厚的沉思。||5:所产生的结果是与这位悲伤的智者一起伤痛。 | ||1: Now 75, Ms Didion’s gaze is turned backwards. ||2: Her recollections meander and loop back, interrupted only by distressing questions that no one is left to answer (“Did I get this all wrong?”). ||3: Often these questions consider the choices she made as a mother (“Was I always the problem?”) and her own increasing frailty (“What if I can never again locate the words that work?”). ||4: With “Blue Nights”, named for the intense and portentous beauty of the dying light on a summer day, Ms Didion has translated the sad hum of her thoughts into a profound meditation on mortality. ||5: The result aches with a wisdom that feels dreadfully earned. | |
22 | Lou Mignone今年购买了五棵圣诞树。他砍掉了位于康乃迪克州伊斯顿市的枫树林场的最后一颗树。在这个农场上的父母们带着圣诞帽在200英亩的旷野上四处漫步,希望找到最佳的圣诞树。大约有四分之一的购买者喜欢在林场里挑选中意的圣诞树。 | Lou Mignone bought five this year, cutting down the last at Maple Row Tree Farm in Easton, Connecticut, where mums and dads wearing Santa hats meander round the lush 200 acres looking for the perfect sapling. About a quarter of buyers like to pick their own at tree farms. | |
23 | U型湖干掉后的曲流痕往往孕育出湿地。 | Wetlands often develop in the meander scars of dried-up oxbow lakes. | |
24 | 按流动方向分:曲流式、轴流式; | According to the flow direction: meander type, axial flow type; | |
25 | 不要让你的事业听之任之;寻找机会、证明自己是一个主动、有领导能力的人。 | Rather than let your career meander , look for opportunities to prove you have initiative and leadership skills. | |
26 | 但是如果你做好了曲折旅途及偶尔放纵的准备,你就会在这本书中找到有价值的东西。 | But if you are prepared to meander and occasionally indulge, then there is a wealth to discover within these pages. | |
27 | 多层弯曲磁微执行器的有限元分析 | FEM Model Analysis of Magnetic Microactuator with a Multilevel Meander Magnetic Core | |
28 | 二者共同作用导致黄河首曲流域草地与湿地生态与自然环境退化。 | Both caused deterioration of the grassland and wetland in the first meander of Yellow River. | |
29 | 就像一幅由粉红色和绿色刷成的画那样,贝尔彻群岛在深蓝色的加拿大哈德逊湾中蜿蜒。 | Like sweeping brushstrokes of pink and green, the Belcher Islands meander across the deep blue of Canada’s Hudson Bay. | |
30 | 漫谈生鲜肉及其包装方式 | Meander on chilled meat and its packing |