1 | 恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义的破坏活动有增无减。 | Meanwhile , activities of terrorism, separatism and extremism are also increasing | |
2 | 两位小姐都期望地注视方鸿渐,他放下扇子,撇嘴道:“写这种字就该打手心! | Miss Su and Miss T’ang meanwhile both looked at Fang Hung-chien, anxiously waiting for his reaction to the poem.He put down the fan and with a wry face said, "The palm of whoever wrote those characters should be spanked | |
3 | 猎人看着绝望回头的梅花鹿,顿起恻隐之心,弓箭从青年猎人的手中滑落。 | The young man had meanwhile had his bow and arrow drawn but at the sight of the deer looking so beseechingly at him he was filled with great pity for his prey and the bow and arrow slipped from his hands | |
4 | 另据北京人民网报道,韩国昨天出现大面积“沙尘暴”,除仁川国际机场以外,国内六个航线停飞。 | Meanwhile , according to reports of Beijing People’s Net, a huge ’sandstorm’ occurred in South Korea yesterday. With the exception of Inchon International Airport, six domestic air routes were disrupted | |
5 | 另据拉合尔一家法院26日公布的一份文件说,为防止极端分子乘机潜入巴基斯坦,巴安全部门已经逮捕了363名从阿富汗返回的巴基斯坦人。 | Meanwhile , according to a document issued by a court in Lahore on July 26th, Pakistani security authorities had arrested 363 Pakistanis returning from afghanistan to prevent extremists to slip into Pakistan | |
6 | 另据美国商务部同日公布的报告说,6月份美国的耐用品订货额为1666亿美元,比5月份下降了3.8%,减少67亿美元。 | Meanwhile , according to a report by the US Trade Department, the order volume of US durable goods in June was 166 billion US dollars, down 3.8% from May, or a decrease of 6.7 billion US dollars | |
7 | 美国最大的行动电话服务商Verizon,已经同意支持禁止开车使用行动电话的立法,而芝加哥议会也正在辩论,是否要立法全面禁止开车讲行动电话. | Verizon, the largest US cellular telephone provider, broke with the industry and agreed to support laws that would ban handheld cellphone use while driving.Meanwhile , Chicago is debating whether to ban talking on cellphones while driving | |
8 | 蒙古号确是跑得很快,13号这一天,已经看见了莫卡四周塌倒的城墙,城墙上长着一些碧绿的海枣树。远处,在万山丛中,是一片一片的咖啡种植场。路路通眺望着这座名城不禁心旷神怡。 | Meanwhile the `Mongolia’ was pushing forward rapidly; on the 13th, Mocha, surrounded by its ruined walls whereon date-trees were growing, was sighted, and on the mountains beyond were espied vast coffee-fields | |
9 | 那边小客厅内,此时亦不寂寞。 | Meanwhile , the silence had been broken in the small drawingroom | |
10 | 那位国民公会代表却用一种谦虚诚挚的态度觑着他,从这里我们可以看出其中含有那种行将物化的人的卑怯神情。 | Meanwhile , the member of the Convention had been surveying him with a modest cordiality, in which one could have distinguished, possibly, that humility which is so fitting when one is on the verge of returning to dust | |
11 | 全疆总播种面积达到3404.12千公顷,比1955年扩大1倍 | Meanwhile , the total sown area was 3,404,120 ha, double the 1955 figure | |
12 | 然而与此同时,法国医生成功地利用基因疗法治愈了4例患先天免疫缺陷的婴儿。 | Meanwhile , doctors in France successfully used gene therapy to treat four infants suffering from a congenital immune disorder | |
13 | 他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。 | They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile we’ll have some coffee. | |
14 | 唐卡德尔号所以能走得这样好,首先是由于船上所有的海员工作都非常积极。 | Meanwhile they were progressing famously, and John Bunsby was in high hope | |
15 | 同时,MANAGEMENT(经营部门)可通过COMMUNICATE(通信)存取系统,检查STOCK中的数据,如果需要的话,请求重新订货。 | Meanwhile , MANAGEMENT accesses the system through communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a reorder | |
16 | 同时,打假和整顿文化市场、建筑市场、税收征管秩序,以及打击传销等项工作,2002年仍要继续进行。 | Meanwhile , the campaigns to crack down on counterfeit production and illegal pyramid selling, and rectify cultural and construction markets and tax collection and management order will continue | |
17 | 同时,核心党员都莫名其妙地相信战争是真的,最后必胜,大洋国将是全世界无可争议的主人,但他们决不会有人对这种信念会有片刻的动摇。 | Meanwhile no Inner Party member wavers for an instant in his mystical belief that the war is real, and that it is bound to end victoriously, with Oceania the undisputed master of the entire world | |
18 | 同时,花生的销售量已缩减到几乎没有了。 | Meanwhile , groundnut sales have shrunk to almost nothing | |
19 | 同时,积极吸收和借鉴世界一切先进的文明成果,这些文明成果对于中国的发展也起了重要的促进作用。 | Meanwhile , we have earnestly absorbed and drawn upon fruits of advanced world civilization, which in turn have greatly promoted the development of China. | |
20 | 同时,结果不曾改变﹔唯有在你燃烧的卡路里多于你吃进去的时候,你才有可能减重。 | Meanwhile , the bottom line has not changed: you lose weight only when you burn more calovies than you eat | |
21 | 同时,玛格丽特埋头学习法律,研究学术巨著,写论文,到法律教育委员会上课。 | Margaret meanwhile spent her days immersed in the law, studying tomes, writing essays and attending lectures at the Council of Legal Education | |
22 | 同时,乔丹又遭受了一次打击:帕布洛于夜间携带雷管逃走。 | Jordan, meanwhile , has received another shock: during the night Pablo has absconded with the detonators | |
23 | 同时,我还要去上海几日。 | In the meanwhile ,I’ll go for a few days to Shanghai. | |
24 | 同时,新经济的发展为企业创造着无穷的机会,企业之间的竞争不必你死我活,而可以是既竞争又合作,共同发展。 | Meanwhile , the development of new economy has created unlimited opportunities for companies, and their competition should rather be a cooperation through which both can make progress instead of being a life-and-death one | |
25 | 同时,应当向他们提出警告,决不可以因为成功,因为受到奖励,而骄傲自满。 | Meanwhile they should be warned not to let success and commendation make them conceited and self-satisfied | |
26 | 同时还将成立以地方资产为主的一个南方电网公司。 | Meanwhile , a southern power grid company based on local assets will be established | |
27 | 同时加快港口多用途码头的技术改造。 | Meanwhile , technological renovation of multi-purpose wharfs at various ports will be accelerated | |
28 | 同时我们进行丁调整、巩固、充实、提高。 | Meanwhile we embarked on a campaign to readjust,consolidate,fill out gaps and raise standards. | |
29 | 我马上就回来,你继续干下去好了。 | I‘ll be back soon, meanwhile follow on | |
30 | 我现在去叫我的主治医师来,同时,护理员会送他到手术室去。 | I’ll call my attending now and, meanwhile , the orderly will take him up to surgery |