1 | 回到实验来:学习冥想的学生团队进行了一个七小时的研讨会,然后必须去进行每天一小时的练习。 | Back to the experiment: The group of students who learned to meditate did a 7-hour workshop and then had to practice for an hour each day. | |
2 | 她说那些花几个小时时间冥想来增加心率可变性的人当中就有这种高度轻松状态的特征。 | She said in people who meditate for hours increased heart rate variability is one of the characteristics of being in a highly relaxed state. | |
3 | 每天放牛看书,疲倦时还到佛香亭学习坐禅。 | Hou. The daily cowherd reads, weary when also arrives the Buddha incense pavilion study to meditate . | |
4 | 每天腾出可以小到10-15分钟的“自己时间”,用来冥思,祈祷或者散步。 | Build "me time" into every day. "It can be as little as 10 or 15 minutes to meditate , pray or take a walk, " Albert said. | |
5 | 每天只冥想几分钟的效果,好过三天打鱼两天晒网每次二十分钟。 | It’s better to meditate just for a few minutes every single day than to do it for 20 minutes sporadically. | |
6 | 面试官问了一个比较难的问题,结果求职者要求到房间外面去思考思考。 | After a difficult question, the candidate asked if he could leave the room for a moment to meditate . | |
7 | 冥想和瑜伽练习 | Meditate and practice yoga, like Madonna and Sting. | |
8 | 冥想能够使人安静,让你变得更有耐心。尽量多做。 | Meditate . Meditation quiets your mind and teaches you patience. Try it as often as you can. | |
9 | 冥想其实并非必须项目,因为在我看来,她是我认识的人中心境最为平和的了。 | And she meditates, not that she really needs to meditate because she is also one of the most peaceful people I know. | |
10 | 冥想时万物能量通过顶轮通达全身。 | When you meditate you get universal energy through your crown chakra into the whole of your body. | |
11 | 冥想与练习的越多,看到的颜色就越深。最终你就能看到自己的第三只眼了。 | The more you meditate and practice, the stronger colours get and then you finally will be able to see your third eye. | |
12 | 你慢慢的睁开眼睛,坐起来安静的回想着刚才的梦。 | Your eyes slowly open. You sit up in bed and silently meditate over your dream. | |
13 | 你应该如此行事:花点时间坐下来,沉思,设想一旦事情发生形势将如何发展。 | Here’s how: Take some time to sit, meditate , and visualize how things will be once the event has taken place. | |
14 | 平静的头脑让你能够更好地思考。 | A peaceful mind improves the ability to meditate . | |
15 | 前几年我曾经有冥想的强烈愿望。 | A few years ago I had a burning desire to want to meditate . | |
16 | 人应当默想上帝的作为,不要好奇地猜测上帝的荣耀 | Meditate on God’s Works, Do Not Speculate on God’s Glory From | |
17 | 如果你还没有为些做好准备,不要强迫自己冥想太久。 | Don’t force yourself to meditate longer if you are not ready to do that. | |
18 | 他每天出去托钵,得到足够的食物饱腹后,就回去他的小茅屋打坐,日子过得很惬意。 | he would beg and get enough to eat, and then he would go and meditate . It was very beautiful. And he had a small hut. | |
19 | 它也不介意你尝试“理性”地让它离开,沉思或者放空你的心。 | It doesn’t care if you try to calmly let it go. It doesn’t care if you meditate and empty your mind. | |
20 | 通过日常的精神锻炼、画画、冥想、祈祷、享受自然时光或是瑜伽来获得精神力量。 | Draw strength from a daily spiritual practice, draw, meditate , pray, spend time in nature or do yoga. | |
21 | 通过学习冥想,你能获得许多好处,包括:放松、精力,甚至是对生活的新看法。 | By learning to meditate , you can reap the benefits of this body state which include relaxation, energy and perspective on your life. | |
22 | 为自己安排些时间吧:休整、祈祷、记日记或仅仅只是沉思。 | Schedule some time for yourself: meditate , pray, write in a journal or just dive deeply into your thoughts. | |
23 | 我尝试这样去做,当然像很多其他人那样尝试第一次冥想一样,我难以置信的受挫。 | So I tried this for a while and of course, like most people that try to meditate for the first time, I was incredibly frustrated. | |
24 | 我的计划包括了使用RPM,起床,如厕,冥想。每个早晨我起床,进浴室,然后马上开始冥想。 | My plan included using the acronym RPM, rise, pee, meditate . Each morning I would rise, use the bathroom, and immediately meditate. | |
25 | 我的计划里面包括使用缩写词RPM,起床,去厕所,冥想。 | My plan included using the acronym RPM, rise, pee, meditate . | |
26 | 我的时间越长的替代品,我看不到在文本之间作出选择的理由他们打坐。 | The longer I meditate on those alternatives the less I see reasons in the text to choose between them. | |
27 | 我个人的五大健康建议:从腹部呼吸,喝足够的水,运动,为能量而进食,沉思冥想。 | My personal top 5 health tips. Breath into your belly, drink plenty of water, move, eat for energy and meditate . | |
28 | 我建议你深入自己内心深处,好好想想“你是谁”这个神秘的问题。或者更进一步,想想你可以成为什么样的人。 | I encourage you to ponder into the deep side of you and meditate upon the mysteries of who you are, or better yet, of whom you can become. | |
29 | 我开始更加注重现在。每天都会让自己有更多的冥想和沉默。 | I started to be more present. I meditate more and I stay in silence more. | |
30 | 我冥思苦想着那些乱七八糟的人群和我周围那些阴暗不清的面孔的未知命运 | I meditate on the unknown fates of the amorphous masses and the shadowy faces that surround me, |