属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会平衡器 与富人之间的距离
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战后英国 变革之后
1 | 1958年,英国一位名叫迈克尔·扬的社会学家生造了“meritocracy”(根据智商选择精英,或“智者统治”)一词,专指一个根据智商测试成绩进行组织的社会。 | In 1958 a British sociologist named Michael Young coined the word "meritocracy " to denote a society that organizes itself according to IQ-test scores | |
2 | 法正,管严与贤人领导、能者办事是新加坡成功之道。 | An efficient administration of justice, meritocracy and good leadership are the reasons for our success | |
3 | 特曼和许多早期拥护智商测试的人们都想到了创造一个精英统治的美国社会,尽管当时并没有“meritocracy”这个词。 | Terman and many other early advocates of IQ testing had in mind the creation of an American meritocracy , though the word didn’t exist then | |
4 | 英国是英才管理的国家吗? | Is Britain a meritocracy ? | |
5 | 这个术语也已进入了英语语言中,尽管它的市场渗透力比不上IQ一词----也没有包括扬在他的讽刺寓言故事《智者统治的崛起,1870-2033》一书中的贬义。 | That term too has entered the language, though it doesn’t have quite the market penetration that IQ does--or the disparaging overtone that Young intended in his satiric fable The Rise of the Meritocracy , 1870-2033 | |
6 | ||1:唉,真正的贤能统治是不可能的。||2:国家的自负和强权政治总是需要一些讨价还价。||3:但欧盟应尽可能关注实质内容。||4:从欧元区危机和移民危机,到英国退欧公投,欧盟近年来已数次与死亡擦肩而过。||5:毫无疑问,未来还会有更多。||6:欧盟的大块任务很重要。||7:不应该让占位符在最高职位。 | ||1:True meritocracy is improbable, alas.||2:National egos and power politics will always require some horse-trading.||3:But as much as possible, the EU should focus on substance.||4:From the eurozone and migration crises to the Brexit vote, the EU has had several brushes with mortality in recent years.||5:More are doubtless to come.||6:Its big jobs matter.||7:Placeholders should not apply. | |
7 | 4月份,在一场纪念新加坡建国50周年激动人心的系列演讲中,功成名就的商人何光平讨论了对精英体制衰落的信心。 | In April, in one of a stimulating series of lectures to mark SG50, Ho Kwon Ping, a successful businessman, discussed waning faith in meritocracy . | |
8 | 精英主义这个词是在1958年一名叫麦克杨的社会学者使用后开始流行,开始变得让人敬畏的。直到文法学校受到严厉批评,对于该词的重复引用才算告一段落。 | An excellent riff on “meritocracy ”, a term that was popularised by a sociologist named Michael Young in 1958, ends with a bruising critique of grammar schools. | |
9 | Apache的工作更象是一个精英,在团队合作工作的基础上做贡献。 | Apache has worked more as a meritocracy , with an oligarchy admitting people to a core team on the basis of contributions. | |
10 | 称这个公司为知识界的精英群一点都不为过。 | To call the company a meritocracy would be an understatement. | |
11 | 传统上讲,中产阶级比精英阶层更加支持精英统治和趋上流动。 | Traditionally, the middle class has supported meritocracy and upward mobility, more than the elite has done. | |
12 | 但米特福德在1954年写这些话的时候就知道,以任人唯贤为原则的精英制度已经在改变局面。 | But when she wrote this, in 1954, she knew that meritocracy was already changing things. | |
13 | 当保尔森先生在高盛开始职业生涯时,这家公司正在转型为全球精英领袖。 | Mr Paulson made his career at Goldman Sachs at a time when the company was transforming itself into a global meritocracy . | |
14 | 当人们称赞一个精英体制时,他们脑海中存在着某种“优点”,而那种“优点”往往在家族中流传。 | People have a certain kind of "merit" in mind when they speak glowingly of a meritocracy , and that kind of merit tends to run in the family. | |
15 | 到了2034年,这种仇恨发展成了平民主义的暴力革命,并最终推翻了精英统治。 | By 2034, this resentment leads to the creation of a violent populist revolution, which sweeps the meritocracy away. | |
16 | 对于他来说,洛杉矶是一个纯粹的精英领导体制和环太平洋圈的首都。 | LA is, to him, a pure meritocracy and "the capital of the Pacific Rim" . | |
17 | 而且,在一个民主自由的市场化社会里,一个融合多元文化的精英治理制度要比一个主教派的贵族统治更加合人胃口一点。 | And, in a democratic free market society, a multicultural meritocracy is much more palatable than an Episcopalian aristocracy. | |
18 | 而在精英制度中,你叫什么名字? | And in a meritocracy , what’s your name? | |
19 | 更糟糕的是,这种不平等似乎并没有反应出一个精英领导阶级,不论天才们是从那个阶级自我奋斗成长的。 | Making matters worse, such inequality does not appear to reflect a meritocracy in which the talented thrive whatever their origins. | |
20 | 没有精英制度的维护者在看到 | No defender of meritocracy is going to look at the effort | |
21 | 美国是才智型精英教育; | America’s is a talent meritocracy ; | |
22 | 女董事比例小也反映出企业文化缺少精英领导。在多数情况下毋庸置疑。 | Nor is there any doubt that in many cases low female representation also reflects a broader lack of meritocracy in corporate culture. | |
23 | 人们对美国精英统治的发动机一其教育体制——尤其担忧。 | There is a particular fear about the engine of American meritocracy , its education system. | |
24 | 任人唯贤的理念将渗透到商业伦理和企业过程中。 | An ethos of meritocracy will permeate business ethics and corporate processes. | |
25 | 甚至在我们继续试图让精英人士更完美的时候,事情向另外一个方向发展的迹象却正在激增。 | Even as we continue to strive to perfect the meritocracy , signs that things may be moving in the other direction are proliferating. | |
26 | 十个人里就有九个说,如果军队多一些任人唯贤,许多最优秀的军官就会留下。 | According to 9 out of 10 respondents, many of the best officers would stay if the military was more of a meritocracy . | |
27 | 首先,精英管理建立的基础,是对人才过于狭隘的定义。 | First, the meritocracy is based on an overly narrow definition of talent. | |
28 | 他们讨厌伴随美国人一切自由的观念而来的贫富两极分化。 | They dislike the extremes of wealth and poverty that accompany America’s supposed free-for-all meritocracy . | |
29 | 他甚至建议国会不应废止房产税,理由是“朝代财富(dynasticwealth),作为精英统治的障碍”其数量正在增长。 | He has even told Congress that it should not repeal the estate tax because "dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy , is on the rise. " | |
30 | 他同萨克斯一样热爱paypal的精英文化。 | Like Sacks, he loved PayPal’s meritocracy . |