属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-清洁能源 让阳光普照大地
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(下)
1 | ||1:尽管用户产生的太阳能电力让公共电力公司愤怒,许多人依然会挤着去供应自家发的电。||2:2013年人们安装的太阳能发电板所发的电量由2012年的2390兆瓦上升到4100兆瓦。||3:可再生能源发电配额制,30个州要求公共电力公司生产一定份额的清洁能源电力是人们蜂拥安装太阳能电池板的原因之一。||4:对于理性的经济而言也是如此:安装费用低,人力资源消耗低,在中午用电高峰期输送清洁能源以及可以抵御波动的石油价格。 | ||1:Still, while user-generated solar power makes utilities skittish, many have rushed to embrace it on the supply side.||2:In 2013 they installed roughly 4,100MW of solar capacity, up from 2,390MW in 2012.||3:Renewable portfolio standards, which in 30 states force utilities to generate a certain share of their electricity from clean sources, are part of the reason.||4:But so is hard economics: low installation and labour costs, clean power delivery at peak midday hours and a hedge against fuel-price volatility. | |
2 | ||1:可再生能源会压低批发电价,比如在正午太阳当头时。||2:这也从灵活性上令投资者犹豫不决,因为天然气发电器需要在无风的阴天里提供后备支援。||3:“市场动态完全被破坏了”,四大电力公司之一的RWE老总Peter Terium说。||4:也有人讨论,电力公司有偿提供产能,而非电力。||5:但这样的支付方式会被市场扭曲理解为政府的另一项补贴。 | ||1:Renewables can depress wholesale prices, eg, when the sun creates a midday jolt.||2:This discourages investors in the flexible, gas-powered generation needed to provide backup for windless, cloudy days.||3:“The market dynamics are completely destroyed,” says Peter Terium, boss of RWE, one of the big four.||4:There is talk of paying generators to offer capacity, not supply power.||5:But such payments would add another subsidy distortion to the market. | |
3 | ||1:莉莉将自己视作一个老师,发扬歌曲(有一些新的歌曲,比如《大海》,与旧的歌曲混在一起),让人们去学习它们,卖给他们乐谱,这样他们就可以在家里练习了。||2:它是一个真正的公有企业。||3:另一个最受欢迎的地方是郊区的雷诺大型工厂外,正午警报响起时,一波又一波身穿蓝色工作服的工人就会涌出来,运气好的话,就围在她身边,一边听着,一边吃着他们的便餐。 | ||1:She thought of herself as a teacher, promoting songs (a few new ones, like “La Mer”, mixed in with the old), getting the people to learn them, and selling them scores so that they could practise at home.||2:It was a truly communal enterprise.||3:Another favourite pitch was outside the giant Renault factory in the suburbs, where at midday when the siren sounded a wave of workers in blue overalls would stream out and, with luck, cluster round her, chewing their casse-cro?te as they listened. | |
4 | ||1:因为要从“大尺寸”到“更多买家”策略的转变,这些快餐商家需要维持一天高的客流。||2:另外,一些商家看到了早餐市场巨大的商机,并不是因为高热量的食物那么简单。||3:麦当劳将在明年开始销售粥类食物。||4:伯恩斯坦的参议员莎拉表示,早餐市场具有赚钱的潜力。因为它的利润是相当高的。||5:快餐商家也在增加中午和夜晚小吃的种类,例如混合型饮料及包装食品。||6:正因为这个菜单包含的范围很广,那么以百胜集团财务部经理瑞克卡如茨的观点来说,“我们可以卖给消费者他们一整天都需要的食物。” | ||1: As fast-food companies shift from “super size” to “more buys” they need to keep customer traffic high throughout the day. ||2: Many see breakfast as a big opportunity, and not just for fatty food. ||3: McDonald’s will start selling porridge in America next year. ||4: Breakfast has the potential to be very lucrative, says Sara Senatore of Bernstein, a research firm, because the margins can be high. ||5: Fast-food companies are also adding midday and late-night snacks, such as blended drinks and wraps. ||6: The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu, “we can sell to consumers products they want all day,” says Rick Carucci, the chief financial officer of Yum! Brands. | |
5 | 午间小憩可降低血压 | A Midday Nap Could Reduce Your Blood Pressure | |
6 | “伊斯兰人有义务来保护以西结墓”,他在巡视墓地时碰到几个正午做礼拜的人时说。 | "It’s a Muslim’s duty to protect it, " he said during a tour of the tomb, interrupted by midday prayers. | |
7 | 20只通常在中午午休的狮子和老虎也来回走个不停; | The 20 lions and tigers, which normally would be asleep at midday , were walking around. | |
8 | 3月14日中午,施瓦茨与投资者召开电话会议时,他已经在办公室里度过了紧张的24小时。 | By the time Mr. Schwartz faced investors on a midday conference call on March 14, he had been at the office for more than 24 tense hours. | |
9 | McClellan还说,总统布什计划在中午就萨达姆被捕发表讲话。 | President Bush planned a midday national address on the capture, McClellan said. | |
10 | Wachovia股票在纽约股市午盘交易中市值跌去三分之一,而对冲其违约的成本猛涨。 | Its shares lost a third of their value at midday in New York, while the cost of protecting against a default surged. | |
11 | Yadav夫人会带孩子到拉贾斯坦乡下的Bhindusi村去,那里有一座邦立托儿所发放免费午餐。 | Mrs Yadav has brought her children to a state-run nursery in Bhindusi village in rural Rajasthan. The free midday meal is being dished out. | |
12 | 安哥拉全国选举委员会后来为投票推迟承担了责任,到了中午,大多数投票站都正常运转了。 | The National Electoral Commission later took responsibility for the delays and by midday most polling places were operational. | |
13 | 巴比尔省的警察局长凯伊斯·哈马扎·阿布德将军中午在他的车队遭袭时身亡。 | Gen. Qais Hamza Aboud, police chief for the Babil province, was killed in the midday attack on his convoy. | |
14 | 裁定在央视午间新闻播出,这可能是对其他商人的一个警告。 | The ruling was reported by state television on its national midday news, possibly as a warning to other businesspeople. | |
15 | 超声波提取法测定午餐肉中脂肪含量 | Determination of fat in Midday -meal eat by ultrasound extraction | |
16 | 但对多数人而言,正午并不是一天的正中,甚至不是工作日的正中。 | But midday is not the middle of most people’s day. It is not even the middle of most people’s working day. | |
17 | 但周四中午——通常是展会的高峰期——却没那麽热闹了。今年仅有13万人注册参会。 | Not so at midday on Thursday, typically the peak period for a show that 130, 000 people registered to attend this year. | |
18 | 当然还有其他原因:在夏天、正午、高海拔和靠近赤道的地方,紫外线特别强烈。 | And there are other factors: UV is strongest in the summertime, at midday , at higher altitudes, and close to the equator. | |
19 | 到了中午,昨天开始的雷雨天气已经过去,营地沐浴在阳光下。 | By midday the thunder and rain of yesterday’s storm had passed. | |
20 | 到中午,股价下跌至180便士,一天之内下跌36%。 | At midday , the price hit 180p, a fall of 36% on the day. | |
21 | 到中午他已经醉得几乎站不住了 | He was so drunk by midday that he could barely stand . . . | |
22 | 道琼斯工业平均指数(DJIA)本周创下新高,昨日午盘交易时较去年上涨16. | The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a record this week and was 16. 7 per cent higher on the year at midday yesterday. | |
23 | 第一轮测试过后,中午被实验者有90分钟的休息时间,这段时间他们被观察。 | At midday , after the first round, the subjects were given a 90-minute rest period, during which they were monitored. | |
24 | 对一些人来说,可能和些老朋友去小吃吧聊聊是不错的选择;而对另一些人来说,用大半天来睡懒觉更适合他们。 | For you it may be going to a tapas bar with old friends and for others it may be taking a long midday nap. | |
25 | 疯狗和英国人不仅会在中午顶着大太阳出门,还会坚持在暴风雪中打高尔夫球。 | Mad dogs and Englishmen not only go out in the midday sun but insist on hitting golf balls in a snowstorm. | |
26 | 高寒草甸麻花艽和美丽风毛菊的光合速率午间降低现象 | Midday Depression of Photosynthesis of Gentiana straminea and Saussurea superba in Alpine Kobresia humilis Meadow | |
27 | 好吧,我希望它不会,只要我把自己遮盖起来,涂上厚厚的欧莱雅SPF50防晒霜,并且躲开中午的太阳。 | Well, no, I hope it won’t, so long as I cover up, slather on the SPF50 and avoid the midday sun. | |
28 | 赫韦格说联邦航空局收到的大部分报告都来自星期日正午在德州从达拉斯到奥斯汀南部地区。 | Herwig said most of the reports the FAA received came in about midday Sunday in an area of Texas from Dallas south to Austin. iReport. com | |
29 | 截止昨日午盘,道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)下跌270点至13,660点。 | By midday yesterday the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 270 points lower at 13, 660. | |
30 | 截至6月22日中午,已有逾1100名商学院学生签署了这份于春季编制的誓言。 | By midday yesterday, more than 1, 100 business school students had signed the oath, created in the spring. |