属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类的磁性感知能力 禽类新发现
1 | 升迁就是将数据库对象的部分或全部从 Microsoft Access 数据库迁移到新的或已有的 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库或新的 Microsoft Access 项目 中的过程。 | Upsizing is the process of migrating some or all database objects from a Microsoft Access database to a new or existing Microsoft SQL Server database or new Microsoft Access project. | |
2 | 实验性急性肝内胆汁淤积幼年大鼠胃肠消化间期移行性肌电复合波的变化 | Changes of Gastrointestinal Interdigestive Migrating Myoelectric Complex in Rat Intrahepatic Cholestasis Induced by alpha-naphthyl-isothiocyanate | |
3 | 是否正在考虑迁移到 Access 2003?它比您想象的要容易。 | Thinking of migrating to Access 2003? It′s easier than you think. | |
4 | 同时,该站还记录到太阳表面出现了愈来愈多的火焰--一些温度异常高的亮点--以及太阳黑子在顽强地向太阳赤道地区移动扩散。 | It was also recording increasing numbers of flares--exceptionally hot blotches on the solar surface--and a proliferation of sunspots migrating inexorably toward the sun’s equator | |
5 | 豚鼠胆结石形成过程中消化间期小肠IMC的变化 | Changes of the Small Intestine Interdigestive Migrating Motor Momplex in the Process of Gallstone Formation in Guinea Pigs | |
6 | 外出打工者肺结核病危险因素分析 | Analysis on Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Farmers of out-migrating for Work | |
7 | 网格计算中一种负载均衡聚类匹配迁移算法 | Migrating Algorithm Matched with Hierachical of Load Balancing in Grid Computing | |
8 | 围垦堤内迁徙鸻鹬群落的生态学特性 | A Study on Ecological Characteristics of Community of the Migrating Waders in Wetlands insides Cofferdam near the Pudong National Airport | |
9 | 我国资源枯竭型城市剩余劳动力的迁移模式探析 | A Probe into Migrating Model of Surplus Labor Forces of Resources-exhausted Cities in China | |
10 | 我在安大略省中南部父亲的农场里长大,常见高空中成人字形的雁阵向南或向北呼啸飞过。 | When I grew up on my father’s farm in south-central Ontario, migrating flocks of wild geese would pass high above, honking their way either north or south in great chevrons | |
11 | 无线迁移工作流环境中程序按需移动 | Code-on-demand Migration in Wireless Migrating Workflow Environment | |
12 | 下丘脑外侧区微量注射胃动素对大鼠十二指肠消化间期复合肌电活动的影响 | Effects of Motilin in the Lateral Hypothalamus Area on the Interdigestive Migrating Myoelectrical Complex in the Rat | |
13 | 胸椎结核合并流注脓肿的外科治疗 | Surgical Treatment for Thoracic Spine Tuberculosis with Migrating Abscess | |
14 | 研究移住/居台湾:社会学研究现况 | Migrating to Taiwan: Appraisals and Critiques to Sociology of Migration in Taiwan | |
15 | 一个基于同步器扩充的迁移工作流系统模型 | Migrating Workflow System Model Based on Synchronizer | |
16 | 一种移植串行系统到并行环境的MSP方法 | An Method of Migrating Sequential System to Parallel Environments | |
17 | 移行肌电复合波,游走肌电复合波 | migrating myoelectric complexes | |
18 | --移植组件,如Solaris操作系统、数据库、应用程序和服务器,以及存储、组网和安全系统。 | --Migrating components such as the Solaris operating system, databases, applications and servers, as well as storage, networking and security systems. | |
19 | 以急性声门上喉炎表现的游走性口咽部异物 | A Migrating Oropharyngeal Foreign Body Presenting as Acute Supraglottic Laryngitis | |
20 | 由情节迁徙谈暴力电影发生社会影响的一种方式-以贾樟柯作品的两组镜头为例 | The research on the Violence Film’s Social Influence by the Analysis of the Plots Migrating -With Jia Zhangke’ Two Group Scenes as the Example | |
21 | 与短时间的紧张活动如逃跑的兔子的肌肉中的糖酵解相比,长期的紧张活动如候鸟,这两种调节为什么不同? | Compare the regulation of muscle glycolysis during short-term intense activity, as in the fleeing rabbit, and during extended activity, as in the migrating duck. Why must the regulation in these two settings be different? | |
22 | 运行的很好。我们希望这个情况可以使得旧代码移植能够容易一些,我们确信它能使书写新代码更容易。 | Would work fine! We hope that this fact would ease the pain in migrating old code to new code a bit, and we’re confident it’s going to make writing new code easier. | |
23 | 在18世纪夏延部落迁移到大平原地区之后成了捕猎水牛的游牧部落,在平原印第安人抵抗白人入侵的斗争中异常勇猛. | The Cheyenne became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating to the Great Plains in the 18th century and figured prominently in the resistance by Plains Indians to white encroachment. | |
24 | 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。 | In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas. | |
25 | 在人们迁居到新的地方的同时,也把动植物带到了那里。 | It started as people began migrating to new areas, bringing plants and animals with them. | |
26 | 在任何政治舞台上,移居国外的少数人总是“他们”,而不是“我们”。 | In any political arena, the migrating minority is "them", not "us" | |
27 | 这些鱼由小溪游往大海。 | The fish are migrating from streams to the ocean. | |
28 | 中国实施移民扶贫开发的主要做法有:一是插户移民。即由贫困户自行投亲靠友,分散安置,政府给予一定补助。 | The major methods of aiding the poor by migration include: First, governments subsidize the poor households for migrating and resettling near their relatives or friends | |
29 | ||1:这样的巨鳄能在这样的生态系统中轻松担当顶级掠食者的角色。||2:但这并不能完全解释兽脚亚目食肉恐龙的缺位。||3:现代迁徙类食草动物成为众多食肉动物的牺牲品:大型猫科动物、狼、鬣狗,就拿这三样来说。||4:然而,比起在干燥陆地上进化的掠食者,恐龙公路所处的湿地环境(形成并使恐龙足迹得以保存的原因)也许更受鳄鱼目动物欢迎。||5:在那样一种环境下,即便是一头巨大的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙也会不时回头张望。||6:它们为何没有在恐龙公路上留下足迹呢?真正的原因或许是它们同样亡于其它掠食者。 | ||1:Such megacrocs, then, could easily have acted as top predators in this ecosystem.||2:But that does not completely explain the absence of theropod tracks.||3:Modern migrating herbivores fall victim to many sorts of carnivore: big cats, wolves and hyenas, to name but three.||4:The marshy conditions of the dinosaur freeway (the reason its footprints formed, and have survived) may, though, have favoured crocodilians over predators that had evolved on drier land.||5:In that sort of environment even a big theropod would constantly have been looking over its shoulder.||6:Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well. | |
30 | 假如它们为旅行所牵绊,为黑暗而烦恼,它们会穿梭于两极之间,过着永远有光亮的生活。 | They might even, if truly gripped by wanderlust and a hatred of the darkness, live in near-perpetual daylight by migrating from Pole to Pole. |