1 | 也是踏入新世纪,我们在这迅速崛起、潜力无可限量的中国大陆市场的策略性发展上一个重要的里程碑。 | Another milestone for our strategic presence in the enormous, up-and-coming China market in the new millennium. | |
2 | 一九七二年,公司的发展步入另一重要里程碑,南顺(香港)有限公司在香港股票市场上市,集团辖下的子公司:南顺食品工业有限公司亦于一九九一年上市。今日,南顺集团的总资产值已超过二十亿港元。 | A major milestone to this success came in 1972, when Lam Soon (HK)Ltd was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In 1991, Lam Soon Food Industries Ltd, one of the subsidiaries of the Lam Soon Group, also listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, contributing to the Lam Soon Group’s total asset value of approximately HK$2,000 million today. | |
3 | 由此,BMW在业余和职业高尔夫领域相互辉映,在中国把高档品牌和高尔夫运动的结合推向了一个新里程。 | Thus, by virtue of the amateur and professional golf events, BMW has brought the combination of a well-known brand and golf to a new milestone . | |
4 | 由于技术复杂,终端设备价格昂贵,多媒体通信的普及还需要一段较长的时间。不过,通信系统发展的下一个里程碑将是多媒体通信。 | Since the technology, is rather complicated, end equipment is quite expensive, there will probably be some time before the popularity of multimedia communication. However, the next milestone in the development of communication systems will be multimedia communication. | |
5 | 远程教育教学论纲:逻辑起点及框架构建 | Distance Education Teaching Theories: Logic Milestone and Building up the Frame | |
6 | 这次大会必将作为一个重要里程碑,载入中非友谊合作的光辉史册。 | It also marks an important milestone and will inevitably enter the glorious annals of China-Africa friendship and cooperation | |
7 | 这倒并非是我背熟了地图,而是父亲曾详细给我讲了,在过了离故乡最近的那个小镇后,在每一个路标可见到些什么,因此,我相信这段落对我来说会是很熟悉的。 | It was not that I actually remembered anything at all. But my father had described over and over again what we should see at every milestone , after leaving the nearest town, so that I was positive I should recognize it as familiar territory. | |
8 | 这是社会主义制度的伟大胜利,是中华民族发展史上一个新的里程碑。 | This is a great victory for the socialist system and a new milestone in the history of the development of the Chinese nation. | |
9 | 这是双方战略联盟项目发展中的一个重要里程碑,展示了两家公司之间密切的合作关系。 | This is a significant milestone in the development of our Strategic Alliance Projects and demonstrates the close cooperation between our companies.″ | |
10 | 这是中俄关系发展史上具有里程碑意义的大事。 | This great event is a milestone in the development of Sino-Russian relations | |
11 | 这是中华民族发展史上一个新的里程碑。 | This reality is a new milestone in the history of the Chinese nation | |
12 | 这是自2002年11月项目通过最终投资决策以来. | This marks another major milestone in the start-up phase of the world-scale cracker project. | |
13 | 这一胜利是我国历史的转捩点 | This victory was a milestone in our country’s history | |
14 | 中国第四纪冰川研究的里程碑-《中国第四纪冰川与环境变化》述评 | A Milestone in the Studies of Quaternary Glaciations in China-Book Review: The Quaternary Glaciations and Environmental Variations in China | |
15 | 祝贺你荣获耶鲁大学文学博士学位。像你这样的年龄能取得这样的学术成就是非常了不起的。 | My congratulations on your having received a Doctorate in literature from Yale University. To have reached this milestone in your scholarship at a young age is simply great. | |
16 | 作为“纪程碑”的开明版“新文学选集” | Selected Works of the New Literature Published by Kaiming Press as a "Milestone " | |
17 | "酷日本"活动一个里程碑事件是明年是IMF和World Bank 将聚首东京,此举让人摸不着头脑。 | One milestone in the Cool Japan campaign is, bewilderingly, a gathering of the IMF and World Bank in Tokyo next year. | |
18 | ||1:在戈德斯韦特,他的工作是给火鸡授精:捕捉火鸡。他要给这些40磅重的火鸡挤精液,然后快速跑去给母鸡授精。||2:当他和其他一块工作的人-大多数是白人,有些是黑人,他们都有精神问题,他所有的兄弟-被卡车运到一千里以外的爱荷华州去处理火鸡时,事情变得更艰难了。||3:确实很艰难,他们的经历对美国有精神疾病的工人来说是个里程碑。||4:新工作一开始似乎没问题。在自由西部的肉类加工厂,威利一天工作12小时,但是他已经习惯了。||5:他们会在凌晨4点30分到达那里,4点45分穿上实验服和胶靴,在5点之前给第一个出笼的火鸡加上镣铐。 | ||1:In Goldthwaite his job was turkey insemination: catching the toms, all 40 thrashing pounds of them, milking their semen and running fast to impregnate the hens.||2:When he and the others he worked with—mostly white, some black, all with a mental disability, all his brothers—were trucked 1,000 miles up to Iowa to handle turkeys there, things got harder.||3:So hard, indeed, that their case marked a milestone for workers with mental disabilities across the United States.||4:The new job seemed okay at first. At the meatpacking plant in West Liberty he worked 12-hour days, but he was used to that.||5:They would get there by 4.30 am, lab coats and rubber boots on by 4.45, first bird out of the coop and flipped onto the shackle by 5. | |
19 | 大麻合法化的里程碑 | Marijuana milestone | |
20 | 股市里程碑折射出德国企业的乐观心态 | A stockmarket milestone reflects optimism for German companies | |
21 | 积层制造即3D打印再创里程碑。 | Another milestone has been passed in the adoption of additive manufacturing, popularly known as 3D printing. | |
22 | “WestSeti工程的建设将成为尼泊尔的里程碑,这是个有关民族尊严的项目。”他补充说。 | "Construction of West Seti will be the milestone for Nepal. It is the project of national pride, " he added. | |
23 | “三个代表”思想是马克思主义中国化的第三个里程碑 | The Thought of "Three Represents" is the Third Milestone of Marxist Concretion in China | |
24 | “所以说,这个里程碑来得比我们想象的还要快。而且Kindle销量在平装书销量持续增加的情况下稳居第一。” | "So this milestone has come even sooner than we expected - and it’s on top of continued growth in paperback sales. " | |
25 | 14.ATLAS实验设备内装探测器组装的一个主要里程牌。 | A major milestone in the assembly of the ATLAS experiment’s inner detector. | |
26 | 1997年,EOS相机的产量超过一千万台,十年内达到第一个里程碑; | By 1997, manufacturing of EOS cameras had passed the 10 million mark, reaching the milestone within 10 years | |
27 | 2010年中旬,脸谱网宣布它已经到达一个令人惊诧的里程碑:在全世界拥有五亿用户。 | In mid-2010, Facebook announced it hadreached an amazing milestone : 500 million signups worldwide. You may well beone of them. | |
28 | 2行为:这里指的是个体行为,而且是两个阶段目标之间的行为。 | 2. Actions: These are the individual activities that must be performed to get from one milestone to the next. | |
29 | NASA勇往无畏的旅行者2号探测器今天在慢慢征途上迎来一个里程碑——6月28日是它连续工作12000天的纪念日。 | NASA’s plucky Voyager 2 spacecraft has hit a long-haul operations milestone today (June 28) -- operating continuously for 12, 000 days. | |
30 | NBC的喜剧“威尔与格蕾丝”,1998年首次公演,是另一座文化里程碑。 | NBC’s comedy "Will & Grace, " which premiered in 1998, is another cultural milestone . |