属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-早期的热气球 转变的观点
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-澳大利亚和日本 逐利先锋
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-第一次世界大战 再回首 忧心忡忡
1 | 《英格兰和飞机》:军国主义,现代性和机械制造 | England and the Aeroplane: Militarism , Modernity and Machines.By David Edgerton | |
2 | ||1:阿伯特宣称“日澳关系不针对于任何国家”。||2:但确切来说,在安倍到访后该言论值得斟酌。||3:中国在海防上的压制令周边国家感到焦虑,这也是日本想要加强国防,拉拢邻国的原因。||4:但是日本因战事导致的与邻国的恶劣关系,中国可以兜老底,称日本军国主义依然遗留。||5:澳洲也十分担心激怒中国。 | ||1:Mr Abbott claims that “ours is not a partnership against anyone”.||2:But that is precisely where doubts remain in the wake of the Abe visit.||3:China’s bullying of neighbours over maritime claims is behind much anxiety in Asia, and a chief reason why Japan wants to bolster its own security and recruit friends.||4:Yet Japan’s poor relations with neighbours, mainly over wartime history, allows China to tout the myth that Japanese militarism is on the prowl once more.||5:Australians care more than most when China chooses to be angry. | |
3 | 正如凯恩斯所言,军国主义和帝国主义,种族和文化对抗,贸易垄断、限制和排外等种种计划和政策正如失乐园的撒旦化身大蛇一样,然而在伦敦人看来,不过是日报上的娱乐新闻罢了。 | As Keynes put it, The projects and politics of militarism and imperialism, of racial and cultural rivalries, of monopolies, restrictions and exclusion, which were to play the serpent to this paradise, were little more than the amusements of…daily newspaper. | |
4 | “尚善”与“尚武”--中西方传统文明观比较 | "Benevolence" vs. "Militarism " --In Comparison of Sino-Western Traditional Civilization | |
5 | 比较国防开支占国内生产总值(GDP)的比率,未必显示中国军国主义的崛起。 | Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism . | |
6 | 朝鲜战争与日本军国主义的复活 | The Korean War and the Revival of Japanese Militarism | |
7 | 对于巴赫来说,“他的六首大提琴组曲和普鲁士的黩武精神有着很直接的联系。” | For Bach, for instance, "there is a straight line connecting Prussian militarism with [his] six suites. " | |
8 | 二战时期日本军国主义推行愚民政策及对其国民意识的影响 | The Obscurantist Policy Pursued by Japanese Militarism During the Second World War and Its Influence on Japanese National Sense | |
9 | 罗斯福发现这位德国元首“像孔雀一样爱慕虚荣”,而且也没有把对他军国主义倾向的警告放在心上。 | Roosevelt found the German leader "vain as a peacock, " and resistant to his warnings about militarism . | |
10 | 孟加拉虽面对军人干政与伊斯兰主义的困扰,但发展前景明朗。 | Bangladesh has emerged in a promising way from the challenges of militarism and Islamism. | |
11 | 民族主义,在我看来,不过是把军国主义和侵略冠冕堂皇地合理化罢了。 | Nationalism, on my opinion, is nothing more than an idealistic rationalization for militarism and aggression. | |
12 | 清末尚武思潮述论 | The Commentary about the Trend of Thought on Militarism at the End of the Qing Dynasty | |
13 | 人们指责新保守主义犯了许多错误:帝国主义、列宁主义、托洛茨基主义(纽约学派)和军国主义。 | The neo-cons stand accused of many errors: imperialism, Leninism, Trotskyism (New York school), militarism . | |
14 | 日本家族国家伦理观与近代军国主义的融合 | Mixture of Ethical Concept of Japanese Familial Nation and Modern Militarism | |
15 | 日本军国主义根源探析--岛国环境、骑马民族、历史特点与日本军国主义 | On the Root of Japanese Militarism --Island Country, Riding Nation, Historical Characteristic and Japanese Militarism | |
16 | 日本军国主义纪念馆——游就馆 | Yushukan-Memorial Hall of Japanese Militarism | |
17 | 日本天皇与军国主义侵略扩张 | The Mikado and Japanese Aggression and Expansion of Militarism | |
18 | 日本投降前后美国的对日政策与战后日本军国主义的复活 | American Policy to Japan around Its Surrender and the Revival of Japanese Militarism in the Postwar Period | |
19 | 日本修改和平宪法的要害是复活军国主义 | The Essence of Japan Modifying It’s Peace Constitution is Reviving Militarism | |
20 | 如果这些这些男人走军国主义,甚至是帝国主义道路,请不要感到吃惊。 | Don’t be surprised if, in the next generation, it takes the form of macho militarism and even imperialism. | |
21 | 施拉姆认为,毛泽东早期思想主要包括民族主义、尚武精神、崇尚意志、反传统和“天然的列宁主义”五项内容。 | Schram holds that early Mao Zedong thought includes nationalism, militarism , willpower upholding, anti-tradition and "natural Leninism" . | |
22 | 试论日本军国主义势力复活的历史潜因 | Trial discussion on the historical talent cause of the revival of Japanese militarism | |
23 | 试析日本军国主义的历史根源 | A Preliminary Analysis of the Historical Root of Japanese Militarism | |
24 | 武士道善恶观与军国主义战争观 | Bushido Good and Evil Views and Militarism | |
25 | 在那里他发现他的听众没把自己的话当回事,军备竞赛和军国主义正在愈行愈远。 | There he found his audience less receptive to warnings about the growing dangers of arms races and militarism . | |
26 | 这触发了日本向军国主义、疯狂的公共支出和恶性通胀滑落。 | That triggered a slide towards militarism , wild public spending and hyperinflation. | |
27 | 这些问题激起了中国的怒火,一如既往地指责日本军国主义复活。 | Both issues have roused Beijing’s ire, producing the usual accusations of ’resurgent Japanese militarism . | |
28 | 这些足见日本法西斯军国主义的狼子野心和颠倒是非。 | All these indicate the wild ambition of Japanese Fascist militarism arid the confusion of right and wrong. |