属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 45545-1966
1 | 色谱条件:色谱柱为Ion Pac CS2A阳离子交换柱及其相应的CS2A保护柱(50mmx4mm i.d.),流动相为20mmol\L甲基磺酸-20%乙腈水混合溶液(体积比为87∶13),流速为1.0mL\min | The analysis was performed on an Ion Pac CS2A column with a GS 2A guard column (50 mmx4 mm i.d.). The mobile phase was a mixture of 20 mmol\L methylsulfonic acid and 20% acetonitrile\water at the ratio of 87∶13 (v\v). The flow rate was set at 1.0 mL\min . | |
2 | 色谱柱为Discovery C18柱(5μm,4.6mm i.d.X250mm);流动相为1.7mmol/L氯化锂-甲酸-甲醇(体积比为65∶1∶34)混合溶液,流速为1.0mL/min;柱温为40.0℃ | a Discovery C 18 column (5 μm ,4.6 mm i.d.X250 mm), 1.7 mmol/L LiCl-formic acid-methanol (65∶1∶34, v/v)solution asmobile phase, flow rate 1.0 mL/min and column temperature 40.0 ℃. | |
3 | 实验室检查:血红蛋白160g/L.白细胞10.8109/L(10,800/立方毫米)出血时间1分30秒,凝血时间30秒.尿常规检查正常 | Laboratory examination, Hemoglobin 160g/L . White Blood cell count 10.8 109/L (10,800/cu mm). Bleeding time 1 min . 30sec. Coagulation time 30sec. Routine examination of the urine was normal. | |
4 | 使用μ-Bondapak C18柱,以甲醇-水为流动相,采用紫外检测器在306nm处对样品中的白藜芦醇进行测定,外标法进行定性定量分析。 | A μ-Bondapak C18 column was used with 0.6 mL/min methanol-water as mobile phase. Detection was performed with UV detector at 306 nm. The quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were carried out with external standard. | |
5 | 衰变/分,裂变/分 | DIS/min [=disintegrations per minute] | |
6 | 双侧颈静脉怒张,心律尚齐,心率60次;分,心音极弱。后胸部可闻湿罗音。肝在右肋缘下可触知。 | The neck veins on both sides were engorged. Her heart rate was 60/min with a fairly regular rhythm, but with very weak heart sounds. There were moist tales audible over her posterior lung fields. The liver was costal margin. | |
7 | 水溶液中苯胺初始浓度200mg/L,O3流量5.0mg/min。 | The initial concentration of aniline in aqueous solution is 200mg/L The flow rate of O3 is 5.0mg/min . | |
8 | 虽然这样的转子直径比较小,但其圆周速度可高达13000米/分 | Although such a rotor is of comparatively small diameter, its peripheral speed may be as high as 13000m/min | |
9 | 他那3分2秒的记录仍未打破. | His time of 3 min 2 sec remains unbeaten. | |
10 | 台湾三民乡沙阿鲁阿族的族群现象 | The Ethnic Phenomenon of Saalua in San-min County of Taiwan | |
11 | 堂吃外买,免费送菜上门 | EAT-IN, TAKE-OUT, Free Delivery (Min . Order $10.00) | |
12 | 体格检查:体温40℃,呼吸60次;分,心率180~200次;分,腹胀并左在腹部可扪及一肿物。 | Physical examination: body temperature 40℃, respiration rate 60/min , heart rate 180 ~200/min. Abdominal distension with a mass palpable on the left of abdomen. | |
13 | 通常,热水提取物是通过用热水或沸水浸泡茶叶15分钟来制备的,但是任何合适的温度-时间关系都可以使用,只要它可以带来商业上令人满意的质量和产量。 | Normally, hot water extracts are prepared by extracting the tea with hot or boiling water for a period of up to 15 min , but of course any suitable temperature-time relationship leading to a commercially satisfactory quality and yield may be used. | |
14 | 同步测试唱片331/3和45转/分 | Wow and Flutter Test Records 33 1/3 and 45 U/min (r.p.m.) | |
15 | 细菌细胞有比动物细胞高得多的代谢速率,在理想条件下,某些细菌能在20分钟内增加一倍,而大多数动物细胞在快速生长条件下需要24小时。 | Bacterial cells have a much higher rate of metabolism than animal cells. Under ideal conditions some bacteria will double in size and divide in 20 min , whereas most animal cells under rapid growth conditions require 24 h. | |
16 | 香港民安保险公司 | Min An Insurance Company of Hong Kong | |
17 | 香港民安保险有限公司 | The Min An Insurance Company Limited | |
18 | 小分子有机酸采用离子色谱仪测定,分离柱为;电导检测器;淋洗液:甲醇(3%);流速0.45mL/min;进样量20μL。 | Small molecule organic acid is determined in IC with a separating column and electrical conductivity detector; eluent:methanol(3%);flow velocity: 0.45mL/min ;sample loop: 20μL. | |
19 | 血清标本经5%(体积分数)高氯酸溶液去除蛋白质后取上清液直接进样,10min内完成测定。 | samples were first precipitated with a 5% perchloric acid solution, then centrifuged to remove protein residuals and finally assayed by HPLC with UV detection at 215 nm for 10 min . | |
20 | 血压14.7/12.0千帕(110/90毫米汞柱),脉率60次/分 | Her Blood pressure was 14.7/12.0kPa (110/90mmHg), her pulse rate 60/min | |
21 | 颜色:淡绿,施工工具:抹刀,混合比例:(体积比)主漆/固化剂2/1,覆盖率:1平方/升,干燥时间:16小时后可用砂磨,重涂时间:最小12小时最多24小时 | COLOUR: Light Green,APPLICATION: Spatula ,MIXING RATIO: (in volume)base/Hardener 2/1,COVERAGE: 1m2/lt,DRYING TIME: sandable after 16-24 hours, Dry to recoat time: min . 12 hours max: 24 hours | |
22 | 也谈闽语全浊声母的送气现象 | A Discussion of Aspiration of Voiced Initials in Min Dialects | |
23 | 一、本贷款将用于为我对中国出口合同金额的50%以内提供资金,每项合同不低于……美元。 | 1. The loan is to be used to finance up 50% of the contract value (min . US$… per contract)of our exports to China. | |
24 | 以不同比例的异丙醇-正己烷为流动相,对丙卡特罗进行了拆分,其分离因子α的范围为1.54-1.67。 | The effect of 2-propanol contents in the mobile phase on the resolution was determined experimentally. The separation factors obtained were between 1.54-1.67 when using different mobile phase compositions of 2-propanol-hexane at 26 ℃ and 2.0 mL/min . | |
25 | 因而许多细菌通过横二分裂方式进行大量繁殖,在最适宜温度下20分钟繁殖一代,在12时间内一个单体细胞就能产生1千万个细胞。 | Since bacteria multiply themselves by binary fission, often at 20 min intervals at their optimum growth temperature, it is possible for one single bacterial cell to produce over 10 million similar bacterial cells in 12 h. | |
26 | 用NaOH梯度淋洗,流速为1.8mL/min,成功地同时测定了三聚磷酸盐中的Cl-NO-3SO2-4磷酸盐焦磷酸钠三偏磷酸钠等杂质的含量。 | Separation was performed with NaOH as gradient mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.8 mL/min . Good results were achieved for determinations of Cl-, NO-3, SO2-4, phosphate, pyrophosphate and trimetaphosphate. | |
27 | 运用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)制备了胡黄连中胡黄连甙Ⅱ的对照品,色谱条件为C18制备柱(300mmX20mm i.d.,10μm),流动相为甲醇-水(体积比为1∶1),流速8mL/min | A high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC)method was developed for the preparation of picroside Ⅱ control from Rhizoma Picrorhizae using a C 18 column (300mmX20mm i.d.,10μm)and methanol-water (1∶1,v/v)as mobile phase at a flow rate of 8 mL/min | |
28 | 在此停车,不得超过10分钟,驾驶员必须留在车内 | 10 Min Parking. Driver must remain with vehicle. | |
29 | 在慌乱飞行中,猎鸟的糖原降解速度非常高,大约为每克鲜组织每分钟产生120μmole G1-P。 | During a "panic flight," the game bird’s rate of glycogen breakdown is quite high, approximately 120μmole/min of glucose 1-phosphate produced per gram of fresh tissue. | |
30 | 在急诊室,病人被发现苍白、指甲和嘴唇脱色。上腹部轻度压痛,心率120次;分,大便柏油样,潜血试验强阳性。 | In emergency clinic, he was found pale, and dispigmentation of the nail and lips of the mouth. Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat 120/min , stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive. |