属类:行业标准名称-ISO标准-(100 mm/min)
1 | 在上述pH范围内,反应5分钟就基本完成, | At this pH, the reaction will finish on the whole within 5 min . | |
2 | 这批轨距为1米的柴油机车装有东芝的电气设备和美国的柴油发动机,并由Kawasaki重工组装,其功率为3200马力,但在实际使用中功率将降低为2400马力,转速为每分钟1500转。 | Assembled by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, the metre-gauge locos have Toshiba electrical equipment and diesel engines from U. S.a. These are rated at 3,200 hp, but they are derated on site to give a continuous output of 2,400 hp at 1,500 rev/min . | |
3 | 这是基于实际测量的。该测量显示,大到30,000ppm x min的暴露不会在实验室动物身上导致对健康的负面影响,而当暴露达到120,000ppm x min时确实发生了贫血。 | This is based upon actual measurements which indicate that exposure of up to 30,000 ppm x min did not cause any negative health effects in laboratory animals, while anemia did occur at exposures of 120,000 ppm x min. | |
4 | 浙闽赣区域似大地水准面精化 | Improvement of Regional quasi-geoid in Zhe Min Gan | |
5 | 纸和纸板.抗张性能的测定.第3部分:恒速拉伸法 | Paper and board-Determination of tensile properties-Part 3: Constant rate of elongation method (100 mm/min ) | |
6 | 中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。 | The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation. | |
7 | 中国商务部副部长魏建国、吉林省省委书记王云坤、省长王珉、壳牌集团非常规能源业务执行副总裁斯蒂文·马特出席了在长春举行的签字仪式。 | China′s Vice Minister of Commerce Wei Jianguo, Party Secretary of Jilin Province Wang Yunkun, Governor of Jilin Province Wang Min , and Stephen Mut, Executive Vice President of Shell Unconventional Resources Energy, witnessed the event in Changchun.? | |
8 | 柱子用氮气作载气于180°C下吹扫过夜。操作条件为:炉温100或130°C;进样口温度160°C;氮气流速35ml/min;氢气流速28ml/min;氧气流速100ml/min。 | The column was conditioned overnight at 180oC with a flow of nitrogen carrier gas. Operating conditions were:Oven temperature 100 or 130oC;Injection temperature 160°C;Nitrogen flow; 35ml/min ;Hydrogen 28ml/min;Oxygen 100mL/min. | |
9 | 转/分,每分转数 | rev/min [=revolution(s)per minute] | |
10 | 自由体操由有芭蕾舞动作的跳跃和体操动作组成,在地毯上用音乐伴奏进行,时限一般为两分钟。 | Floor exercises are balletlike routines of tumbling and gymnastic maneuvers, performed to music on a mat. The time limit is 2 min . |