1 | 阿拉伯石油、矿山和化学工人联合会 | Arab Federation of Petroleum, Mines and Chemical Workers | |
2 | 北方有许多煤矿。 | There are many coal mines in the north. | |
3 | 不错,这些叫做“布赖顿美女号”和“布赖顿皇后号”之类的小船离开了它们那个天真浪漫的世界,闯进地狱,不怕炸弹、炮火、磁性水雷、鱼雷、机枪火网--去抢运我们的官兵。 | Yes, those Brighton Belles" and Brighton Queens" left that innocent foolish world of theirs--to sail into the inferno, to defy bombs, shells, magnetic mines , torpedoes, machine-gun fire--to rescue our soldiers | |
4 | 不赢利煤矿之关闭. | The closure of uneconomic pits,ie coal-mines | |
5 | 尝尝这个吧,秘鲁,古齐拉,戈尔康达的金矿都会打开在你眼前的。 | taste this, and the mines of Peru, Guzerat, and golconda are opened to you | |
6 | 抽取从波斯尼亚收集的地雷周围的土壤作样本,克罗克对细菌进行了探测,认为细菌是可靠的地雷识别者。 | Using soil samples collected from around land mines found in Bosnia, Krock detected bacteria that he thinks would be a reliable identifier of land mines | |
7 | 丛林小道上布下了地雷和陷阱。 | The jungle trails were seeded with mines and traps. | |
8 | 但愿苍天有眼,让他们到水银矿上去作苦工。 | By heaven, they ought to be worked in quicksilver mines | |
9 | 地雷(land mine)和普通火炮也曾有效地用于反坦克。 | Land mines , ordinary artillery, and other projectiles were used to destroy tanks in World War I. | |
10 | 地雷非常灵敏,一有触动便会爆炸。 | The mines are touchy as hell. | |
11 | 地下涌水引起水灾是凹陷露天矿的一个大问题。如矿床提供的矿石品位低,或矿藏已差不多采尽,停止开采是对付水灾的最好办法,否则就要把水排走才能继续开采。 | Water seeping through underground layers to cause flooding is a serious problem in open pit mines . If the deposit produces low-grade ore or is nearly worked out, danger of flooding may make it advisable to shut down the operation; otherwise water is pumped out to allow mining to continue. | |
12 | 而且并不是所有生活在城墙内的人都是公民,还有许多在家庭、工厂、矿场、船厂或田里劳作的奴隶。 | And not all those who lived within the city walls were citizens; there were the slaves, working as domestic servants, in industry, in the mines and dockyards and the fields | |
13 | 反坦克武器:攻击坦克用的枪炮、火箭、导弹和炸雷等。 | Antitank weapon: Any of several guns, missiles, and mines intended for use against tanks. | |
14 | 飞机里面的分光镜“读出”数据,并记录下地雷周围细菌的具体位置。 | Inside the aircraft, a spectroscope would "read" the data and record where the bacteria around land mines is located | |
15 | 弗兰克公司是一家机器制造商,生产矿井钻孔工具。 | The Frank Corporation is a machine-manufacturing factory. It produces a machine used to drill holes in mines . | |
16 | 该飞机制造公司的一位官员说,他认为装备这种飞机去探则地雷是可行的。 | An official of the aircraft company said he thought outfitting the aircraft to detect land mines was doable | |
17 | 工厂、矿山、林场、建筑企业或者其他企业、事业单位的劳动安全设施不符合国家规定,经有关部门或者单位职工提出后,对事故隐患仍不采取措施,因而发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的 | Any factories, mines , forestry centers, construction enterprises or other enterprises and institutions that have labor safety facilities failing to conform with the state’s regulations and do not take measures to prevent hidden dangers after a request was made by relevant departments or the units’ staff and workers, thereby giving rise to major accidents involving injury or death or other serious consequences | |
18 | 工厂、矿山、林场、建筑企业或者其他企业、事业单位的职工,由于不服管理、违反规章制度,或者强令工人违章冒险作业,因而发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的 | The staff and workers of factories, mines , forestry centers, construction enterprises or other enterprises and institutions who do not submit to management and violate the rules and regulations or force workers to work in a risky way in violation of the rules, thereby giving rise to major accidents involving injury or death and causing other serious consequences | |
19 | 工厂、土地、房屋、运输工具--都从他们手中夺走了;由于这些东西不再成为私有财产,那必然就是公有财产。 | Factories, mines , land, houses, transport--everything had been taken away from them: and since these things were no longer private property, it followed that they must be public property | |
20 | 工程师;建筑师;机械师 | Engineer/9endVI5nIE(r);9ZndVE`nIr/n 1 person who designs,builds or maintains engines, machines,bridges,railways,mines ,etc | |
21 | 工矿企业电力变压器经济运行导则 | Guides for the power transformers energy saving operation in factories and mines | |
22 | 工业生产中产生的焦炉煤气、高炉煤气和稳定抽放的煤矿瓦斯、合成氨驰放气等可燃性气体应当回收利用。 | Such combustible gases produced in the course of industrial production as coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, and gases released at a steady rate from coal mines and synthetic ammonia should be recycled and utilized. | |
23 | 海中布满了雷。 | The sea was sown with mines . | |
24 | 或者以其他危险方法破坏工厂、矿场、油田、港口、河流、水源、仓库、住宅、森林、农场、谷场、牧场、重要管道、公共建筑物或者其他公私财产,危害公共安全 | Or employing other dangerous means to sabotage factories, mines , oilfields, seaports, rivers, water sources, warehouses, dwellings, forests, farms, threshing grounds, ranches, important pipelines, public buildings, and other public and private property | |
25 | 基督教民主党人提出弹劾阿连德的劳工部长和矿业部长,指控他们激起铜矿工人罢工。 | The Christian impeached Allende’s Ministers of Labor and Mines charging them with precipitating the copper strikes | |
26 | 甲烷(亦称沼气):一种有机化合物,分子式CH4,无色,无臭的气体,自然界存在于天然气中(在煤矿中称作沼气),是在没有氧气的条件下细菌分解植被生成的(包括在牛或其它反刍动物的瘤胃中发生的)。 | Methane (marsh gas):Organic compound, chemical formula CH4, colourless, odourless gas that occurs in natural gas (called firedamp in coal mines )and from bacterial decomposition of vegetation in the absence of oxygen (including in the rumens of cattle and other ruminants and in the gut of termites). | |
27 | 将铁路和矿山收为国有 | Nationalize the railways and mines | |
28 | 较大的矿井用的是铁轨矿车、皮带运输机、铲运机或柴油动力胶轮矿车。卡车一般只只通风良好的矿井使用。 | Larger mines use cars mounted on tracks, conveyer belts, scrapers, or dieselpowered, rubber-tired cars. Trucks are usually employed only in mines with good ventilation. | |
29 | 今年破产关闭的重点是煤炭、有色、冶金、军工行业中扭亏无望的企业和资源枯竭的矿山。 | The main targets for this year’s closedown and bankruptcy are enterprises hopeless in turning from loss-making in coal, non-ferrous metal, metallurgical and ordnance industries, as well as mines whose resources are exhausted | |
30 | 金属矿材料车基本参数及尺寸 | Material supply wagon for metallic mines --Basic parameters and dimensions |