1 | 他在矿场里辛勤工作了三十年。 | He labored in the mines for 30 years. | |
2 | 他在矿里工作了30年。 | He labored in the mines for 30 years | |
3 | 它对它所开采的四种重要的金属中任何一种的市场动向(如全球的生产与消费对比)都加以详细描述,并介绍这些动向背后的推动力(如存货数量和金属价格)。 | For each of the four most important metals it mines , Noranda describes the dynamics of its marketplace (for example, global production versus consumption)and the drivers behind these dynamics (including inventory levels and metal prices). | |
4 | 唐山路矿学堂 | Tangshan College of Railways and Mines | |
5 | 我毙了你,我蒸发你,我送你去开盐 | I’ll shoot you, I’ll vaporize you, I’ll send you to the salt mines !’ | |
6 | 我们通常认为波帕事件是很多相关人物的灾难性失败,如美国联碳公司和印度当地政府,而发生的大量矿井工作丧生的事件更应该引起应的关注。 | Although people generally acknowledge the Bhopal disaster as a catastrophic failure of many parties, such as Union Carbide and the Indian government, the enormous damage of the manslaughter in the mines has yet to receive the attention it deserves. | |
7 | 我用探雷器小心翼翼地向前探测,看看是否埋有地雷。 | I probed cautiously ahead of me for mines . | |
8 | 五年来,他们肩并着肩,在河上,路上,帐幕里,矿山里,一块面对着旷野,洪水同饥荒所造成的死亡的威胁,结成了患难之交。 | For five years, shoulder to shoulder, on the rivers and trails, in the camps and mines , facing death by field and flood and famine, had they knitted the bonds of their comradeship | |
9 | 西南非洲矿地、工厂和矿物修正法 | Mines , Works and Minerals in South West Africa Amendment Act | |
10 | 新矿正在开发 | New mines are opening up | |
11 | 许多三角架都是伸缩式的,特别是用于矿山的那种。 | Many tripods are telescopic, particularly those used in mines | |
12 | 鼹鼠挖地道。 | A mole mines its way. | |
13 | 要求对矿井事故中丧生的人进行经济赔偿听起来可能有点儿市侩,因为生命是无法用金钱衡量的。 | It might sound cynical to ask how much compensation should be paid for each life lost in the mines , since we can never measure a life in monetary terms. | |
14 | 一队驮着秘鲁矿中金银的骡子正缓慢行进。 | A train of mules laden with gold and silver from the mines of Peru was slowly approaching | |
15 | 一架飞机在一块布满地雷的无人居住的陆上空飞过,用能源束对每颗地雷进行扫描、定位并作下记录。 | An aircraft flies over a no man’s land sown with land mines , scanning it with an energy beam that pinpoints each mine and records its location | |
16 | 因其在矿井中导致窒息而得名 | So called because it causes suffocation in mines . | |
17 | 印第安人被迫在矿井里工作。 | Indians were compelled forced to work in the mines | |
18 | 应该像波帕事件一样,不同的人群共同承担对丧生矿工应负的责任--没有履行安全措施的公司和没有检查矿井状况的当地政府。 | Similar to the Bhopal case, many parties share the responsibility for the deaths of the miners, including each company that failed to impose security measures and the local governments that failed to check the conditions of the mines . | |
19 | 由于许多中等职业学校都由企业、机关、煤矿和工厂开办的,所以毕业生常常可以直接在办学单位里工作。 | Since many secondary vocational schools are run by enterprises, institutions, mines and factories, the graduates of these schools often can go directly to work in the sponsoring organizations. | |
20 | 有色金属矿山试验室、化验室及技术检查站工艺设计标准 | Standard for process design of laboratory,test cabinet and technical inspection station of non-ferrous metals mines | |
21 | 与此同时,在海峡的另一边,德国人也孜孜于构筑和加固由炮弹箱、机枪掩体、大炮、地雷和水下障碍物组成的‘大西洋城墙’。 | Meanwhile, on the other side of the Channel, the Germans were busy strengthening their Atlantic Wall made up of pillboxes, machine-gun nests and artillery, as well as mines and underwater obstructions | |
22 | 与耐克公司不人道的工作环境类似,这些矿井塌方事件表明商业活动中最有价值的资产--“人”的尊严对于那些只注重利润的人来说是微不足道的,甚至可能遭受他们的践踏。 | Like Nike’ s inhumane working conditions, the accidents in the mines give evidence that employer’ s obsessed with profits often overlook, or completely trample over, the most valuable asset to the business process--the human being. | |
23 | 原来是一个士兵,没注意在河滩附近设的标有“小心地雷”的牌子,踩上一颗地雷,被炸身邙。 | It turned out that a soldier had not noticed the "Danger, Mines ," sign and had accidentally stepped on a mine near the riverbank and was immediately blown to bits | |
24 | 在2000年9月贵州省木冲沟发生的灾难性爆炸事件中,至少有169名矿工身亡。 | In the catastrophic explosion at the mines in Muchongguo, Guizhou province, in September 2000, at least 169 miners were killed. | |
25 | 在矿工案例中。这些报道不应该只局限于事故本身,而应该客观地报道矿井的现状和已经取得的常规进步。 | In the case of the miners, the reports must not be limited to accidents, but must objectively report the status quo and regular progress being made in the mines . | |
26 | 沼气一种在矿坑里由煤腐烂而自然产生的可燃气体,主要成分是甲烷 | A combustible gas,chiefly methane,occurring naturally in mines from the decomposition of coal. | |
27 | 这份资料提供了有关露天矿、采石场,坝基和公路堑的边坡资料。 | The information refers to slopes in opencast mines , quarries, dam foundation excavations and highway outs | |
28 | 这是敌人一惯的作法,即使对于占领一个小山或是其他地区,亦同样立即布置地雷。 | The enemy’s invariable practice upon capture of a hill or other feature was to plant his mines instantly | |
29 | 这些矿提供了制造了硫酸氨的原抖。 | These mines supply the raw material for making ammonium sulphate. | |
30 | 政府官员视察所有厂矿以确保工人安全。 | Government officials inspect all factories and mines to make sure that they are safe for workers. |