属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国的学校改革 优胜劣汰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-集体行为 跟领导走
1 | 他屈尊与工人们交往。 | He condescended to mingle with the workers. | |
2 | 他由于太内向而怯于与他人交往。 | He is too shy to mingle with others. | |
3 | 许多外国游客夹杂在人流之中;他们中有的来自欧洲大陆,有的来自更遥远的地方 | Many foreign visitors mingle with the crowd, some from the Continent, some from more distant places | |
4 | 叶香混着海的强烈气息. | The smell of leaves mingle d with the sharp smell of the sea. | |
5 | 一个好的推销员通常很外向,喜欢和人们交往。 | A good salesman is usually an extrovert,who likes to mingle with people. | |
6 | 油和水不能交融。 | Oil will not mingle with water. | |
7 | 油和水不相融。 | Oil will not mingle with water. | |
8 | 在同一精神中会合 | in one another’s being mingle | |
9 | 这两条河在这里汇合起来了。 | The two rivers mingle their waters here. | |
10 | 真真假假. | truth mingle d with falsehood | |
11 | 注意我们真诚悔改的眼泪,和我们一同作纯朴的奉献吧。 | Note the sincerity of our repentant tears; mingle in our simple sacrifice | |
12 | ||1:唉,只观察鱼群不能说明鱼群中谁是领导,谁是追随者。||2:相反,Couzin博士已经设计了一条机器三刺鱼。||3:通过把机器三刺鱼跟10条真正的三刺鱼混在一起对进行研究——正与先前的预测一样,他们的确听其号令。||4:现在,博士正在做一个机器捕食者,看看鱼群对这些凶恶入侵者将会会做出如何反映。 | ||1:Alas, merely observing a shoal does not make it clear which individuals lead and which follow.||2:Instead, Dr Couzin has built a biddable robot three-spined stickleback.||3:A preliminary study of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with the robot and that they follow its leadership cues as predicted.||4:He is now making a robot predator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders. | |
13 | ||1:年轻人整天盯着屏幕看来看去已经让他们人与人之间的社交活动变得很生疏,父母们对此很担忧。||2:一份来自两个盈利性约会网站Christian Mingle和J-Date的调查发现,21岁到34岁之间的美国人,有36%到38%的是通过短信约会。||3:但是当他们见面的时候,他们仍然必须亲历亲为。||4:诙谐幽默和眉来眼去仍然有用武之地。 | ||1:Parents fret that staring at screens all day has made youngsters socially inept face-to-face.||2:A survey by Christian Mingle and J-Date, two niche dating sites, found that 36-38% of Americans aged 21-34 ask for dates by text message.||3:But when they meet, they must still make their moves in person.||4:Witty banter and a well-placed wink still have their uses. | |
14 | ||1:在位于英国伦敦的索罗门国王学院里,来自附近高层贫民楼的学生们正迎来他们新的学年。||2:学校里学生人种混杂:既有戴着头巾的穆斯林女学生,又有穿着肥大的新校服的加勒比黑人男学生。||3:由于家境贫寒,一部分小学生可享受免费的校餐。这部分学生在全校中的比例现已达英国平均比例的三倍之多。||4:然而,对于这所由某名为“ARK”的慈善机构所运营的学院,督学人员表示“表现优异”,同时,某著名私学校长安东尼·塞尔顿(Anthony Seldon)也对其大加赞誉。 | ||1:AT the King Solomon Academy in London, children from the nearby tower blocks are settling into a new school year.||2:Girls in hijabs mingle with Afro-Caribbean boys in over-sized new blazers.||3:The proportion of pupils receiving free school meals because their parents are poor is three times the national average.||4:Yet the academy, which is run by ARK, a charity, is ranked as “outstanding” by the schools inspector and has been lavishly praised by Anthony Seldon, headmaster of a leading private school. | |
15 | 对一个有十条真实刺鱼鱼群的初步研究显示,他们确实接纳了那条机器鱼,并且接受它的领导指示。 | A preliminary study of a shoal often flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with therobot and that they follow its leadership cues as predicted. | |
16 | 在地处吉达旁的阿卜杜拉国王科技大学里,男女同学可一起参加同一门课的学习并且自由地往来。 | At the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology outside Jeddah, male and female students attend the same lectures and mingle freely. | |
17 | Calico咖啡馆是今年东京新开的至少三家猫咪咖啡馆之一。在这里,顾客能一边喝茶一边和小猫们玩耍。 | Calico is one of at least three cafes that have opened up in Tokyo this year where visitors can mingle with cats as they enjoy a cup of tea. | |
18 | 不过,即便是在开始的时候,其宗旨也是为高管提供一个跨学科的平台,进行相互交流。 | But even from the beginning, the aim was to create an interdisciplinary platform for executives to mingle with others. | |
19 | 出于安全及经济因素,认为路堤填料采用Q4黄土掺入5%水泥改良土为宜。 | Considering safety and economy, the authors think it is suitable to mingle 5% cement in Q4 loess for filling in subgrade. | |
20 | 大教堂的钟楼可以俯瞰全市,而在教堂的地窖里,你会发现是个坟场。 | The top of the cathedral’s clock tower offers panoramic views, and the crypt below lets you mingle among the tombs. | |
21 | 对他的折磨从未停息,只有在被允许再次和其他犯人呆在一起的时候,他才开始克服绝望。 | He was tortured constantly. Only when he was allowed to mingle with other prisoners again did he begin to overcome his despair. | |
22 | 聚会在一个寒冷的夜晚举行,共计大约50名AlThagher校友觥筹交错,共享晚餐。 | The party took place on a wintry night; in all, about fifty Al Thagher alumni turned up to mingle and share a meal. | |
23 | 客服人员可以聚在聊天室里,无所不谈,侃侃工作和生活,甚至还分享菜谱和孩子的照片。 | Call center agents can mingle in chat rooms to gossip about work and life, sharing everything from recipes to baby pictures. | |
24 | 莫斯科安全部门保持高度警惕,身着便衣的美国安全人员同莫斯科警方混杂在一起。 | THE security services in Moscow are on high alert and plain-clothed American security men mingle with Moscow police. | |
25 | 那么您认为,阁下,那种领域的确存在,这些看不到的特殊人的确是和我们混杂在一的吗? | And you allow then, SIR, that spheres exist, and that these marked and invisible beings mingle amongst us? | |
26 | 那位公共关系署的官员没有太多表态,更糟的是,她厌恶和别人混在一起。 | b. The Public Relations Officer did not speak much. What is worse, she hated to mingle with people. | |
27 | 你需要和一些能促使你热情高涨、信心十足的人交往。 | You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you. | |
28 | 您还可以混合使用自动客户端重新路由技术与HADR数据库。 | You could also mingle automatic client reroute technique with the HADR databases. | |
29 | 然后将反质子推入到装有正电子的容器中,用大约一秒钟的时间等待它们混合。 | The antiprotons are then pushed into the same trap as the positrons and left to mingle for a second or so. | |
30 | 如果参与社交活动的话,你会开心的,也会遇到理想的伴侣。 | You can enjoy the company of others and come in contact with an ideal mate, if you get out and mingle . |