属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大师级 Masterclass
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大师级 Masterclass
1 | ||1:对向往长生不老的人而言遗憾的是,凯夫做出了一个结论:永生是种幻想。||2:不过就事论事,他对此的解析的确很吸引人。||3:调查中,关于灵魂的部分对与之相关的“生机论”教义做了有力的攻击,即灵魂与身心二元论——这是一种非常直接,且许多人都相信的思想,他们认为某种超自然的力量赋予了生物生命,一个人的人格及意识能够超越死亡而存在。||4:基督徒会对凯夫探讨复活的章节感兴趣,因为他探讨了上帝重造已死者的肉体这一点是怎样一直做为各基督教派的教义保留下来的。||5:人们认为,一个人的灵魂,不同于其躯体,它终会上天堂或是下地狱,则是在该思想(上帝可以重造肉体)之后才发展出来的一种修饰。 | ||1:For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfortunately concludes that immortality is a mirage .||2:But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right.||3:The section on the soul is an able attack on the related doctrines of “vitalism”, the soul and mind-body dualism—the intuitive and still widely held body of ideas that hold that living creatures are animated by some sort of supernatural spark, and that an individual’s personality or consciousness can survive death.||4:The chapters on resurrection will interest Christians, as Mr Cave examines how the literal recreation, by God, of dead people’s bodies remains the doctrine of most branches of Christianity.||5:The idea of one’s soul, as opposed to one’s body, ending up in heaven or hell is a subsequent embellishment. | |
2 | ||1:她看了两年的精神病医生,后来大方的承认了此事。||2:如果有需要,为什么不接受帮助呢?她在当第一夫人期间患上了乳腺癌,把“乳腺”和“癌”说的响亮,她接受了乳房切除手术并鼓励其他病人也接受手术治疗。||3:为什么不呢?她告诉全世界她依然可以穿着自己的晚礼服。||4:她因颈椎病依赖药品和鸡尾酒疗法而染上酒瘾,这时她又公开预定诊所接受治疗,甚至还和其他三位女性共用一个病房。||5:1982年,在加州的兰乔米拉市成立了贝蒂·福特中心,在这里,她会和病人们打招呼:“嗨,我叫贝蒂。||6:曾经沉溺于药品,嗜酒成性”。 | ||1:She went to him for almost two years, and openly admitted it later.||2:Why not get help if you needed it? It was the same when breast cancer struck her as First Lady.||3:She spoke “breast” aloud and “cancer” aloud, had a mastectomy and urged others to do the same.||4:Why, she told the world, she could even wear her evening clothes.||5:When she became addicted to pills for neck pain and, over martini-filled years, started drinking too much, she publicly booked into a clinic to recover, sharing a room with three other women, and then in 1982 founded the Betty Ford Centre for addiction in Rancho Mirage , California.||6:There she would tell patients: “Hi, I’m Betty. | |
3 | ||1:在他的总结里他写道,大多数关于对冲基金的书都是由它的"拥护者"写的。||2:他的野心在于将这场辩论点燃,并寄希望于此以改变整个行业。||3:至于他在这一点上是否成功了,还有待考证。||4:对冲基金总裁们已经对《对冲基金的海市蜃楼》一书表示愤怒,这显示了要面对镜子里的自己是痛苦的。||5:他们担心民众对其慷慨赞美的日子已经终结,这倒不是杞人忧天。 | ||1: In his conclusion Mr Lack argues that most hedge-fund books are written by their “proponents”. ||2: His ambition was to spark debate and help to change the industry. ||3: Whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen. ||4: Hedge-fund executives have already reacted angrily to “The Hedge Fund Mirage ”, which suggests that looking into the mirror may be painful. ||5: They rightly worry the days of easy praise are over. | |
4 | 对冲基金的海市蜃楼:巨资的幻象及其难以置信的原因,Simon Lack著。 | The Hedge Fund Mirage : The Illusion of Big Money and Why It’s Too Good To Be True. By Simon Lack. | |
5 | “我们非常、非常认真,”身为美高梅高级副总裁的PhilipWang答到。 | "We are very, very serious, " replied Mr Wang, a senior vice-president for MGM Mirage . | |
6 | “这是痴人说梦,德国人是昏了头了”,一位高级外交官如是说。 | "It’s a mirage . The Germans are losing their heads, " says one senior diplomat. | |
7 | 《巨头的诅咒》一书却认为,这些利好只是海市蜃楼。 | "The Curse of the Mogul" argues that this upside was a mirage . | |
8 | 2004年,MGMMirage宣布在Strip街建设大规模公寓楼群CityCenter以供应市场需求。 | In 2004 MGM Mirage announced plans for a massive complex on the Strip, CityCenter, to cash in on rising demand. | |
9 | TheMirage并未对新闻周刊对更多信息的要求作出回应。 | The Mirage did not respond to NEWSWEEK’s request for more information. | |
10 | 八国集团的承诺似乎可能成为泡影。 | It seems likely the G8 promise was a mirage . | |
11 | 北极熊在一英里以外,只有用望远镜才能看到,它在冰雾中懒散地行走,像神话那样遥远。 | It was miles off, visible only through binoculars: leggy in an ice mirage , loping, sloth-like, mythically remote. | |
12 | 北楼标准单人房,宁波凯洲大酒店预订 | North Building Standard Single Room Mirage Hotel Ningbo Reservation | |
13 | 北楼标准双人房,宁波凯洲大酒店预订 | North Building Standard Twin Room Mirage Hotel Ningbo Reservation | |
14 | 本周二,米高梅幻影(MGMMirage)通过发行高级担保债券融资8.45亿美元,票面利率为9%。 | On Tuesday, MGM Mirage raised $845m of senior secured debt, paying a 9 per cent coupon. | |
15 | 不仅如此,把怀疑、焦躁等等心理因素视为幻像,这一说辞也日益不得人心。 | Moreover, it has been harder to accept that psychological factors like uncertainty and anxiety really are a mirage . | |
16 | 不进食,我们就不能存活,没有燃料,汽车就不能发动,(也正是因为这个原因)永动机仅仅是一个现实中不存在的幻影而已。 | We cannot live without eating, cars do not run without fuel, and perpetual-motion machines are just a mirage . | |
17 | 除了无需披露的购股交易外,云顶还购入了米高梅幻影1亿美元的有担保债券。 | In addition to the share purchase, which Genting was not required to disclose, the group also bought $100m in MGM Mirage secured notes. | |
18 | 此外,对于电动汽车的核心批评观点认为,其所宣称的“零污染”根本就是空中楼阁,纯属不切实际之谈。这也是电动汽车不得不面对的问题。 | Furthermore, the central, unavoidable criticism of going electric is that the "pollution free" claim is largely a mirage . | |
19 | 但MGMMirage的经历,突现出做生意时将有利可图的美国市场排除在外的问题。 | But the experience of MGM Mirage highlights the problem of doing business without access to the lucrative US market. | |
20 | 对于我们的多数人来说,“美国梦”已经变成了一个遥不可及的海市蜃楼。 | The "American dream" has become a mirage for too many of us. | |
21 | 法国:至少有12架战机参加战斗,包括幻影战机和阵风战斗机,部署了航空母舰,战舰。 | France: Carried out mission with at least 12 warplanes including Mirage fighters and Rafale jets; deploying aircraft carrier, warships. | |
22 | 海市蜃楼及其伴随的快速复苏希望,已经破灭了。 | The mirage , and with it hopes of a speedy recovery, has vanished. | |
23 | 海市蜃楼是由空气引起的光学幻想。 | A mirage is an optical illusion caused by hot air conditions. | |
24 | 海市蜃楼现象的真实感绘制 | Photorealistical Modeling and Rendering of Mirage Scene | |
25 | 豪华单人间,南宁万锦大酒店预订 | Deluxe Single Room Mirage Hotel, Nanning Reservation | |
26 | 好像海市蜃楼似地,但又非常真实。 | It is like a mirage and yet quite real. | |
27 | 晶体般透明的公司就是一座空中楼阁,不是竞相效仿的典范。 | Crystalline organisations are a mirage , not a model to be followed. | |
28 | 就在主攻开始前二个小时,法国“阵风”(上图)和“幻影2000”战机已在班加西上空活动。 | Just over two hours before the main assault began, French Rafale (pictured) and Mirage 2000 fighters went into action over Benghazi. | |
29 | 另外一个则是被情报人员的期望,他们被战争弄的疲惫不堪,看到了一丝曙光就满心希望能够美梦成真。 | The other was the eagerness of war-weary intelligence operatives who saw a mirage and desperately wanted it to be real. | |
30 | 没有难题困扰的人生是一个幻想,是沙漠中的海市蜃楼。 | A problem-free life is an illusion - a mirage in the desert. |