属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戛纳电影节 The Cannes film festi
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济战场 天然气和巧克力
1 | 有些刁钻促狭,迂腐愚蠢的人,喜欢吹毛求疵,对小说家的每一个细节都要追根究底。 | There are some mischievous and prosaic people who carp and calculate at every detail of the romancer | |
2 | 这个捣乱的学生从小就不听他母亲的话。 | The mischievous student has been disobedient to his mother since he was a child | |
3 | 这个小男孩像猴子一样调皮。 | The little boy is as mischievous as a monkey | |
4 | 这俩小家伙淘得要命,可显起积极呀,嘿! | Mischievous little beggars they are, both of them, but talk about keenness! | |
5 | 这些学生简直是太调皮了。 | The students are, so to say, too mischievous . | |
6 | 最近这次风暴造成的恶果,现在正在被感觉到。 | The mischievous effects of the recent storm is now being felt. | |
7 | ||1:对今天来说意味着有吸引力的明星:沃特森饰演贝拉(《美女与野兽》),唐纳德·格洛沃饰演辛巴(《狮子王》),碧昂丝饰演娜拉(《狮子王》),威尔·史密斯饰演灯神(《阿拉丁》);以及强化每个标题优势的董事。||2:蒂姆?伯顿非常适合写这样一个故事:受迫害的马戏团大象和邪恶的娱乐巨头,因为根据电影制片人德里克?弗雷的说法,小飞象的局外人身份是“贯穿伯顿所有作品的一个中心特征”。||3:导演盖?里奇对喧闹动作场面的天赋,让《阿拉丁》更有看头,这是一个关于一个淘气街头顽童的寓言故事。 | ||1:Today that means attracting stars—Ms Watson as Belle, Donald Glover and Beyoncé as Simba and Nala, Will Smith as the Genie—and directors who reinforce each title’s strengths.||2:Tim Burton is a good fit for a story about a persecuted circus elephant and a nefarious entertainment magnate, because Dumbo’s outsider status is “a central characteristic that also runs through all of (Mr Burton’s) work”, according to Derek Frey, the film’s producer.||3:Guy Ritchie’s aptitude for raucous action sequences lends itself to “Aladdin”, a fable about a mischievous street urchin. | |
8 | ||1:戛纳会不会对此感到震惊?以前的评审团经常做一些与政治相关的选择。||2:当麦克·摩尔2004年凭借批判乔治·布什总统的纪录片《华氏911》获奖时,人们起身为他喝彩了20分钟。||3:而近年来,获奖的总是些围绕着恼人事件的电影,比如说克里斯蒂安·蒙吉的《四月三周两天》(有关堕胎)或者是肯·洛奇的《风吹稻浪》(爱尔兰独立)。 | ||1:Does Cannes need to shock.Past juries have delighted in making mischievous political choices.||2:When Michael Moore won the 2004 prize for “Fahrenheit 9/11”, his anti-George Bush documentary, he got a 20-minute standing ovation.||3:In recent years, the gong has often gone to films that grasp nettlesome subjects, such as Cristian Mungiu’s “4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days” (abortion) or Ken Loach’s “The Wind that Shakes the Barley” (Irish independence). | |
9 | ||1:她的幽默带着恶作剧的性质:在她克拉科夫的公寓里,她抽水马桶的座板是由透明塑料包住的棘铁丝做成的。||2:她发表的所有诗只有差不多400篇,当被问及为何如此之少时,她温和地回答道,这是因为她有一个废纸篓。||3:成功并未对她隐士般的谦逊造成任何影响,而她也永远不会将她的物质生活称为有趣。||4:当设想如果要拍摄一部影片,讲述一位诗人“极端无美感”的生活时,她说,“就是一个人坐在桌子边上,或者躺在沙发上,一动不动地盯着墙或是天花板。||5:偶尔这个人写了七行诗,15分钟后就又划掉了其中的一行,一个小时后又划掉一行,在那之间其他什么事都没发生。谁会愿意去看这样的片子?” | ||1: Her humour was mischievous : the lavatory seat in her Cracow flat was made of barbed wire encased in clear plastic. ||2: Asked why she had published so little—her entire canon was only some 400 poems—she replied gently that she had a waste-paper basket. ||3: Success left no dent in her reclusive modesty, and she would never claim that her external life was interesting. ||4: Imagine trying to make a film of a poet’s “hopelessly unphotogenic” life, she said: “Someone sits at a table or lies on a sofa while staring motionless at a wall or ceiling. ||5: Once in a while this person writes down seven lines, only to cross out one of them 15 minutes later, and then another hour passes, during which nothing happens Who…could stand to watch this kind of thing?” | |
10 | ||1:人们所喜爱水獭为时已久。||2:只是它们习惯夜间出没,很少有机会让人们看到。“水獭透露给人们的信息很少,要了解它们非常困难”达林顿这样写到。||3:“无比神秘”的它们是诗人的灵感之源,也是科学家眼里的谜团,关于这些水族哺乳动物,还有很多东西等着他们去学习。||4:淘气的外表下掩藏的是它们作为英国头等捕手的身份。 | ||1:Otters have long fascinated man.||2:Their nocturnal habits mean they are rarely seen—“otters give so little of themselves it’s hard to know them,” Ms Darlington writes.||3:Their “sublimely secretive” nature makes them a muse to poets and a mystery to scientists, who still have much to learn about these aquatic mammals.||4:Their mischievous appearance belies their status as one of Britain’s top predators. | |
11 | 作为债权人,俄罗斯已经给自己恶意操纵的空间。 | As a creditor, Russia has given itself room for mischievous manoeuvre. | |
12 | 大胆的、顽皮的或冒险的行为;恶作剧: | escapade n. daring, mischievous or adventurous act; prank | |
13 | 但你也必须始终小心,因为Twitter也是惹是生非的地方,甚至经常也是恶毒的,当然也是诽谤的。 | You still have to be careful because Twitter is mischievous and often poisonous and certainly defamatory. | |
14 | 但是他的眼神会告诉你,他很慈祥和滑稽,同时还带着点小孩子的淘气。 | But his eyes told you he was kind, funny, a bit mischievous . | |
15 | 对他而言,瑜伽是「99%的身体力行,和1%的抽象理论」,也喜欢用他顽皮吱吱的口音这样向大家宣导。 | For him, yoga was "99% practice and 1% theory" , as he liked to say in his squeaky, mischievous voice. | |
16 | 俄罗斯偏执、狡黠、前进方向又不正确,对奥巴马来说是一大棘手的问题 | Paranoid, mischievous and heading in the wrong direction, Russia is an awkward prospect for Barack Obama | |
17 | 化妆品公司使用的科学是使人印象深刻的,但随后被营销人员歪曲的方式是有害的。 | The science being used by cosmetics companies is impressive, but the way that is then twisted by marketing people is mischievous . | |
18 | 还好我的个性一向来都较外向和有一点搞怪,所以会用不同方式发泄或纾解压力与情绪… | Just as well my personality is kind of outgoing and mischievous , so I could release and ease my tension and emotions in different ways. . . | |
19 | 那我就让你和令儿一样傲慢无礼,装模作样,尽情地捣乱戏谑。 | I’ll give you leave to be as impudent and affected and as mischievous as your son, please. | |
20 | 情报分析师们构想了另外一种情景,并称之为“没有西方的世界”,颇具恶搞性质。 | One of the more mischievous scenarios dreamt up by the intelligence analysts was entitled "A World Without the West" . | |
21 | 如果这个淘气的男孩继续这样下去,他将来会怎么样?。 | example: Whatever will become of the mischievous boy if he keeps behaving like that? | |
22 | 若爱我,请不要因我淘气而惩罚我。 | If U love me, please never hit me for my mischievous . | |
23 | 思茅有群淘气的亚洲象 | A group of mischievous Asia Elephants in Simao | |
24 | 他当时和他的妻子、两位助手、一个电影摄制组和两位律师在一起。虽然气氛肃穆,但他还是谈笑风生,轻松玩笑,一如以往。 | He was with his wife, two aides, a film crew and two lawyers, but as gregarious and mischievous as ever. | |
25 | 他脸上不时流露出像顽童般的调皮表情,盖也盖不住。 | He had that rare mischievous look on his face and he was scarcely able to conceal it. | |
26 | 他是童话与神话故事中英勇的骑士,同时又拥有年轻人淘气的天性。 | He’s the gallant knight of fairy tale and myth but still has the mischievous nature of youth. | |
27 | 同时,他身兼一名受人尊敬的诗人,业余写些诙谐俏皮的小诗。 | In addition he was an esteemed poet, with a sideline in witty, mischievous verse. | |
28 | 我发现布莱恩很开朗,淘气,我真的很着迷了解自闭症的全部情况。 | I found Brian outgoing, mischievous , and - especially after everything I’d heard about autism - surprisingly interested in me. | |
29 | 我敢说,上帝就是爱神,但爱神又是多么淘气的魔鬼呀!英国作家勃特。 | God is Love, I dare say, but what a mischievous devil Love is. --Samuel Butler, British writer. | |
30 | 我正在扫炉子,我注意到她嘴角上露出恶意的微笑。 | I was sweeping the hearth, and I noticed a mischievous smile on her lips. |