属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 雷诺日产关系紧张 英国召回惠而普烘干机 美国
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本与安倍经济 拯救之路
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 王岐山当选国家副主席 美朝关系"破冰
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国公司的管理 董事会的多元化
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 日本德仁天皇即位 IS领导人罕见露面 阿根廷
1 | 但是,有明显的理由说明,为什么我们一般认为与将父母的过错归咎于子女相比,在一定程度上比将子女的过错归咎于父母更能站得住脚。 | But, there are obviously good reasons why in general we regard it as more justifiable to blame parents up to a point for the misdeeds of their children than to blame children for the misdeeds of their parents | |
2 | 父母亲是否应该一直为其子女的恶行负责? | Should a parent ever be held responsible for the misdeeds of his children? | |
3 | 她的不良行为所产生的后果最终回报到她自己身上了 | The consequences of her misdeeds eventually came home to roost. | |
4 | 经过两年的空头市场后,我们遭遇九一一恐怖攻击,如今又有恐怖攻击疑虑,再加上企业不法问题。" | Following two years of empty market, we encountered the 9.11 terrorist attacks and now face fears of terrorist attacks and corporate misdeeds ." | |
5 | 恐怕他无法抵偿他所有的罪行 | I’m afraid he can not atone for all his misdeeds . | |
6 | 立功赎罪。 | Perform merits to atone for one’s misdeeds | |
7 | 毛莱尔夫人严厉指责她丈夫的许多不良行为。 | Mrs. Morel was bitter against her husband for his many misdeeds | |
8 | 秘密(或者坏事)总要揭穿 | Secrets or misdeeds will eventually be disclosed. | |
9 | 那可能是为他们的罪行进行的辩解 | That was supposedly the explanation for their misdeeds . | |
10 | 受到老师的批评后,他幡然改悔。 | He made an effort to atone for his misdeeds after he was criticized by the teacher. | |
11 | 他不断干坏事,以致身陷狱中,变成看守一类的东西,那些头目都说:“这人想找机会讨好。” | In prison, whither fresh misdeeds had led him, he had become something in the nature of a turnkey,the was a man of whom his superiors said, "He tries to make himself of use." | |
12 | 他对以往的胡作非为的回忆使得他精神上受惩罚。 | He was scourged by the memory of his misdeeds . | |
13 | 他对以往的胡作非为的回忆使得他精神上受到了惩罚。 | He was scourged by the memory of his misdeeds | |
14 | 他过去所做的坏事报应在他自己身上。 | His past misdeeds redounded on him. | |
15 | 他过去所做的坏事报应在他自己身上[到头来害了自己]。 | His past misdeeds redounded on [upon] him. | |
16 | 他无法忘记自己过去的罪行。 | He could not exorcise the memory of his past misdeeds . | |
17 | 他早就悔恨自己的恶行了。 | He repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes for his misdeeds . | |
18 | 宣布了他的罪状之后,他就被严密地监禁起来。 | After his misdeeds had been proclaimed, he was solemnly walled up | |
19 | 掩盖他所在国家的罪行的无耻企图。Flagrant | a blatant attempt to whitewash his country’s misdeeds .Flagrant | |
20 | 因行为不检而受到适当惩罚. | Aptly punished for one’s misdeeds | |
21 | 应当使士兵群众对于干部中的坏分子有揭发其错误和罪恶的权利。 | The masses of soldiers should have the right to expose the errors and misdeeds of bad elements among the cadres | |
22 | 由于某人的罪行而惩罚他 | Recompense sb. for his misdeeds | |
23 | 由于他的罪行他们惩罚了他。 | They recompensed him for his misdeeds . | |
24 | ||1:法国汽车制造商雷诺董事长让-多米尼克·塞纳德承认,与联盟伙伴日产汽车的关系紧张,但表示他们可以重建信任。||2:卡洛斯·戈恩因涉嫌在日产财务违规在东京被捕后,塞纳德1月份上任以来的第一次股东大会上发表了讲话。||3:持有雷诺15%股份的法国政府最近开始打压塞纳德,最引人注目的是挫败了该公司与菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司合并的计划。||4:塞纳德表示,他对政府的干预感到“难过”。 | ||1:Jean-Dominique Senard, Renault’s chairman, admitted that relations with Nissan, the French carmaker’s alliance partner, were tense, but said that they could rebuild trust.||2:Mr Senard was speaking at his first shareholders’ meeting since taking up his position in January, after Carlos Ghosn’s arrest in Tokyo for alleged financial misdeeds at Nissan.||3:The French government, which holds a 15% stake in Renault, has undermined Mr Senard recently, most spectacularly by thwarting the company’s attempt to merge with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.||4:Mr Senard said he had been “saddened” by the state’s meddling. | |
25 | ||1:改革已经在一些领域取得成绩,尤其是在女性参与工作方面。||2:自从安倍晋三2012年上台以来,约82万女性已经步入职场。||3:政府要求大型公司必须公布董事会成员中的女性数量。||4:今年所招录的公务员中有五分之二是女性,这可是一大进步。||5:上个月两位女性内阁大臣因财务上的小过失而引咎辞职,人们希望此丑闻不会给政府为女性谋福利的努力带来太多负面影响。 | ||1:In some areas, good progress on such reforms is being made, in particular over the participation of women at work.||2:Some 820,000 women have joined the workforce since Mr Abe came to office in 2012.||3:The government will oblige large companies to publish figures on the number of women on boards.||4:Two-fifths of career civil servants hired this year were female, a sizeable jump.||5:The hope is that the scandals around the resignations last month of two women cabinet ministers, following minor financial misdeeds , will not prove too severe a setback to the government’s campaign to better the lot of working women. | |
26 | ||1:许多杰出的首席执行官离任或宣布辞职。||2:其中包括沃达丰(Vodafone)的维托里奥·科劳(Vittorio Colao)、百事可乐(PepsiCo)的英德拉·努伊(Indra Nooyi)、联合利华(Unilever)的保罗·波尔曼(Paul Polman)、全球最大广告传播集团WPP的马丁·索雷尔(Martin Sorrell)和戴姆勒(Daimler)的迪特尔·泽谢(Dieter Zetsche)。||3:通用电气(General Electric)的约翰·弗兰纳里(John Flannery)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的约翰·克莱恩(John Cryan)也被解职。||4:卡洛斯·戈恩因涉嫌不当行为被尼桑解雇。||5:而菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)的老板塞尔吉奥·马尔基翁内(Sergio Marchionne)的离世,让汽车制造业又痛失一个巨头。 | ||1:A large number of prominent chief executives left their jobs or announced their departures.||2:The list includes Vittorio Colao at Vodafone, Indra Nooyi at PepsiCo, Paul Polman at Unilever, Martin Sorrell at WPP and Dieter Zetsche at Daimler.||3:John Flannery was ousted at General Electric, as was John Cryan at Deutsche Bank.||4:Carlos Ghosn was dismissed from Nissan for alleged misdeeds .||5:The carmaking industry lost another giant with the death of Sergio Marchionne, Fiat Chrysler’s boss. | |
27 | 2010年修改法律诉讼时效等罪行翻了一倍,达10年了。 | A 2010 change in the law doubled the statute of limitations for such misdeeds to ten years. | |
28 | 日本明仁天皇退位。其子皇太子德仁继承了他的王位。明仁天皇在30年的统治期间为日本在二战中的错误行为道歉,此举赢得了赞誉。 | Akihito, the emperor of Japan, abdicated. He was succeeded by his son, Naruhito. Akihito won acclaim during his 30-year reign for apologising for Japan’s misdeeds in the second world war. | |
29 | “归根结底,这是对纳税人的严重欺诈行为,纳税人最终为美国银行的不法行为支付了巨额资金。” | "Ultimately, this was an enormous fraud on taxpayers who ended up paying billions for Bank of America’s misdeeds . " | |
30 | 按韦纳的近期的表现来看,在绯闻震级表里,代表韦纳的劣迹的指针几乎没有移动过。 | On the Sex Scandal Richter Scale, Representative Weiner’s misdeeds barely move the needle, at least in light of recent history. |