属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国经济不咋地 China’s economy not
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-大败之后,奥巴马和民主党将何去何从?
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-专家称朝鲜可能误读美国2020年总统大选
1 | “协商民主”:在中国的误读、偶合以及创造性转换的可能 | "Deliberative Democracy": Misreading , Coincidence, and Possibility of Creative Transformation | |
2 | 不能以误读纠正“百年误读”-与《“克己复礼”的百年误读与思想真谛》的作者商榷 | A Misinterpretation of the Misreading of "Kejifuli": Doubts about the Conclusion by the Author of "100-year Misinterpretation of ’Kejifuli’ and Its Real Meaning" | |
3 | 翻译研究中的“误读”的意义及其局限性 | Significance and Limitations of "Misreading " in Translation Studies | |
4 | 麦克斐逊与莫里森小说的后现代豪语、误读与反讽 | Postmodern Heroics, Misreading and Irony in the Fictions of James Alan McPherson and Toni Morrison | |
5 | 你公司65/85号发票项下由于将应付金额8230美元错看成8000美元,少付了230美元,歉甚。 | We apologize for the underpayment of US$ 230.00on your Invoice No. 65/85. this was due to a misreading of the amount due. The final figure was not very clearly printed an we regrettably read it as US $ 8000.00 instead of US$8230.00. | |
6 | 上周有责任感科学家联合会声讨美国政府错误宣布相关科研数据而误导大众。 | "Last week the Union of Concerned Scientists accused the government of having ""misled the public"" by misreading scientific facts." | |
7 | 拓宽和深入研究俄国文学如何可能:来自《误读俄罗斯》的启示 | The Possibility of Widened and Deepened Research of Russian Literature the Enlightenment Misreading Russia | |
8 | 误读的意义与陷阱:苏俄文化之于中国的诸种后果 | Significance and Paradox of Misreading : A Study on Problems of Effects of Soviet-Russian Culture Influence on China | |
9 | 西方社区旅游概念:误读与反思 | Western Community Tourism: Concept, Misreading and Retrospects | |
10 | 荀子“天”论百年误读与反拨 | A Century of Misreading and Repulsion about Xun Zi’s Doctrine of the "Heaven" | |
11 | 有意识误读的背后―从《生死场》改编看田沁鑫话剧的主题倾向 | Beyond Misreading -On the Theme Trend of Tian Qin-xin’s Drama as Viewed from Life and Death Field | |
12 | 中西文化交流中的误读反思 | A Reflection of Misreading in Chinese and Western Cultural Exchanges | |
13 | ||1:房地产市场的回弹则更难解释。||2:它也可能反应出了对政府政策的误读。||3:有些地方政府希望复苏建筑业的就业和土地出让(这就是他们的收入来源),已经偷偷放松了房地产的限制。||4:中央政府也期望能够鼓励初次购房者。||5:但它也坚持仍将严格实施目前的限制,尤其是对外地人和购买多套住房者。||6:本周,中国的议会——国务院声明它将派出巡视员到16个省市去控制倒行逆施。 | ||1:The rebound in the property market is harder to interpret.||2:It may also reflect a misreading of government policy.||3:Some local governments have eased property curbs surreptitiously, hoping to revive construction jobs and land sales (and thus their revenues).||4:The central government is also keen to encourage first-time homebuyers.||5:But it insists that it will still strictly enforce existing curbs on people, especially out-of-towners, buying more than one home.||6:This week the State Council, China’s cabinet, said it would send inspectors to 16 cities and provinces to curb backsliding. | |
14 | 奥巴马:“如果我们认为美国人民希望看到我们在未来2年,重新审议过去2年已经通过的法案。那么我们就错误的解读了选民的想法。” | BARACK OBAMA: "I think we’d be misreading the election if we thought that the American people want to see us for the next two years re-litigate arguments that we had over the last two years." | |
15 | 专家称朝鲜可能误读美国2020年总统大选 | Experts: North Korea May Be Misreading the 2020 US Election | |
16 | “正读”、误读与曲解--论文学阅读的三种形态 | "Right-reading" , Misreading and Misinterpretation-On Three Formations of Literary Reading | |
17 | TCL还有误判市场趋势的过错,而这是中国企业向海外拓展时的一个普遍缺陷。 | TCL is also still guilty of misreading market trends, a common pitfall when Chinese companies head overseas. | |
18 | 不过,总体而言,保尔森的形象是正面的,虽然有时候会误读政治气氛,但在大多数情况下还是在坏情形中做出了最好选择。 | Still, he is shown in a generally positive light, sometimes misreading the political mood but mostly making the best of a bad situation. | |
19 | 不能怪汤彦麟看错形势,也不能怪他信赖有缺陷的预测工具。 | Mr Tyler cannot be blamed for misreading the outlook, or for trusting faulty forecasting tools. | |
20 | 城市经营中的误区及矫正 | Misreading and counter measures in the present city management | |
21 | 从“视界融合”看翻译中“误读”的必然性 | On the Inevitability of "Misreading " in Translation from the Perspective of "Fusion of Horizons" | |
22 | 从翻译伦理透视文学翻译中的文化误读 | On Cultural Misreading in Literary Translation: An Ethical Approach | |
23 | 从庞德对中国古典诗歌的接受看误读的积极作用 | On the Positive Role of Misreading from the Viewpoint of Pound’s Acceptance of the Chinese Classic Poems | |
24 | 大部分人都会疑惑,为什么合理使用是误读法律? | Most of the people why cry fair use are misreading the law. | |
25 | 但如果因此而怪罪美国、西方国家、欧盟或是北约,则是对事件的误读。 | But it is a misreading of events to blame the US, the west, the EU or Nato. | |
26 | 当代西方翻译理论引介过程中的误读倾向 | On Misreading in the Process of Introducing Current Western Translation Theories | |
27 | 电视节目常用词语错读原因分析与思考 | Analysis and Consideration on Reasons of Misreading of Common Words in TV Programs | |
28 | 对来自国际结算银行的一些数据的错误解读,夸大了外资银行的风险。 | In particular, a misreading of some data from the Bank for International Settlements overstated the level of foreign banks’ exposure. | |
29 | 关联理论对翻译中误读的解释 | Relevance Theoretic Account of Misreading in Translation | |
30 | 接受理论与文学翻译中的“文化误读”研究 | Reception theory and the study of "cultural misreading " in literary translation |