属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-卡梅伦·陶德·威廉汉姆 得克萨斯可能杀死了一名无辜者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-手机数据的滥用 两个发射塔
1 | 他的意图被曲解了。 | His intentions were misunderstood . | |
2 | 他的意图被误解了。 | His intentions were misunderstood . | |
3 | 他的意向被误解了。 | His intentions were misunderstood . | |
4 | 他没弄懂那个问题,因此答错了。 | He misunderstood the question and got the answer wrong | |
5 | 他没有正确理解这首诗的含义。 | He misunderstood this poem | |
6 | 他们的理想往往招致同时代人的误解。 | Their visionary ideas are often misunderstood by their own generation | |
7 | 他们似乎误解了我。 | They appear to have misunderstood me. | |
8 | 坦率地说,“下”并不是由于做了错事,而是由于办了好事却被误认为错事。 | To be frank, I was forced out not because I did wrong things, but because I did right things that were misunderstood as wrong. | |
9 | 我被误会了. | I am misunderstood . | |
10 | 我的不幸使我加倍痛苦,因为我必定会遭人误解。我不能与我的同胞轻松言笑,不能促膝谈心,不能交流思想。 | My misfortune is doubly painful to me because I am bound to be misunderstood ; for me there can be no relaxation with my fellow men, no refined conversations, no mutual exchange of ideas. | |
11 | 我关心他们的幸福,却被误解为多管闲事。 | My concern for their well-being was misunderstood as interference. | |
12 | 我想,我还不像一个生不逢时的厌世者吧? | I hope I haven’t too much the droop of the misunderstood | |
13 | 我想他一定误解了我的意思,于是又说了一遍村庄的名字。 | I thought he must have misunderstood me. so I repeated its name. | |
14 | 下列民事行为,一方有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机关予以变更或者撤销:(一)行为人对行为内容有重大误解的;(二)显失公平的。 | A party shall have the right to request a people’s court or an arbitration agency to alter or rescind the following civil acts: (1)those performed by an actor who seriously misunderstood the contents of the acts; (2)those that are obviously unfair. | |
15 | 也许我误解了,不过您有把握该做什么吗? | Perhaps I misunderstood , but are you quite certain what to do? | |
16 | 一个非常得不到理解的孩子 | a sorely misunderstood child. | |
17 | 一些回教徒提出,在他们接受吴总理的呼吁远离极端主义的同时,回教社群领袖也应该尽力教育非回教徒群众,认识一些回教徒需要履行,但却经常被误解的宗教义务。 | Some members of the Muslim community have voiced out that Muslim leaders need to do their part to educate the non-Muslim public about basic practices of Muslims which are often misunderstood even as they take up PM’s call to steer the community away from extremism. | |
18 | 英航对这些批评应付自如,辩解说麦克唐纳的初衷被误解了。 | British Airways is taking the criticism in stride, arguing that MacDonald’s intentions have been misunderstood . | |
19 | 由于电文意义不明确而造成了误解。 | The telegram was misunderstood because of its ambiguity. | |
20 | 越南护士抬起头来,看了一眼两个美国人,轻声地告诉他们:“他刚才以为自己要死了。他误解了你们的意思。他以为你们要他把自己所有的血都抽出来才能救活那个小女孩呢。” | Glancing up, the nurse said quietly to the Americans, “He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood so the little girl could live.” | |
21 | 这个号称无辜而被大大误解的年青人拖着这个灰心失望的姑娘到处转。 | This supposedly innocent and highly misunderstood young man dragged this heart-sick girl everywhere | |
22 | 这简直过于露骨地引起了戏剧性的误会。 | This was too direct to be histrionically misunderstood | |
23 | 这样做的作家当然会受到误解:他满可以试着去说明一桩案件或是一段爱情。 | Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood : he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair. | |
24 | 真正有远见卓识的人往往招致同时代人的误解. | True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. | |
25 | 真正有远见卓识者往往受同时代人的误解。 | True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. | |
26 | 支持泄密可能会被理解为对小组的不尊重和影响公司的发展方向。 | Advocating whistleblowing could be misunderstood as an endorsement to defy the team or the direction of a company. | |
27 | ||1:2000年,韦伯宣布撤回证词。||2:接着他又取消了撤回,但又向记者承认“很有可能是我理解错了[威廉汉姆]那番话”。||3:韦伯还证实了自己作证不会得到任何利益。||4:然而,在二月份,努力为威廉汉姆争取死后赦免的律师们公布了韦伯档案中发现的一则记录,在记录中,纳瓦罗县检察官允诺将“基于威廉汉姆的[配]合”减刑处理。||5:4月3日,德克萨斯方面拒绝了赦免威廉汉姆的要求。||6:其律师可于2016年4月重新申请。 | ||1:Mr Webb recanted his testimony in 2000.||2:He then recanted his recantation, but admitted to a journalist that “It’s very possible I misunderstood what [Willingham] said.”||3:Mr Webb also testified that he was promised no benefit in exchange for his testimony.||4:In February, however, lawyers working to get Willingham a posthumous pardon revealed a note discovered in Mr Webb’s file with the Navarro County prosecutor promising a reduced charge “based on coop[eration] in Willingham”.||5:On April 3rd Texas denied Willingham a pardon.||6:His lawyers can reapply in April 2016. | |
28 | ||1:Cherry Biometrics是一家位于弗吉尼亚州的取证公司。||2:该公司老板迈克尔·谢里证实,在20多个涉及发射塔证据的审判中,检察官误解了该项技术。||3:通常情况下,该技术只是确定手机连接上了附近的发射塔。||4:事实上,在同一个地方连续两次拨号有可能会连接两个不同的发射塔:一个是附近的,另一个可能是几英里远的。||5:谢里先生补充道,辩护律师有时会使用相同的“伪科学”技术来支持不在场证明。 | ||1:Cherry Biometrics, a Virginia forensics firm, has testified in more than 20 trials where tower evidence was being used.||2:In all of them, says Michael Cherry, the boss, prosecutors misunderstood the technology.||3:Often they would assert that mobile phones connect to the nearest tower.||4:In fact, two calls dialled consecutively from the same spot may connect to two different towers: one close by, the other many miles away.||5:Defence lawyers sometimes use the same “junk science” to support alibis, adds Mr Cherry. | |
29 | ||1:但是去年奥巴马政府发布了科尔备忘录(以起草备忘录的助理大法官的名字命名)。||2:它似乎暗示奥格登备忘录被人们误解了,联邦检察官们应该追查大麻买卖,尤其是检察官们怀疑有非法牟利的时候。 | ||1:But then, last year, the administration issued the Cole memo (these things are named after the deputy attorneys-general who draft them).||2:It seemed, in dense verbiage, to suggest that the Ogden memo had been misunderstood , and that federal prosecutors should indeed go after the cannabis trade, especially if they suspect that serious money is being made. | |
30 | ||1:印制过少货币的结果是“丑陋”的、通货紧缩的去杠杆化(比如希腊);印制过多则会导致类似德国魏玛的通货膨胀的去杠杆化。||2:Dalio说“我并不同意所有去杠杆化都要大量地印制货币,那么只要印制钞票就会万事大吉的观点。但是这(货币的印制)确实需要和其他政策均衡作用”。即使他说自己担心被人误解。 | ||1: Print too little money and the result is an ugly, deflationary deleveraging (see Greece); print too much and the deleveraging may become inflationary, as in Weimar Germany. ||2: Although Mr Dalio says he fears being misunderstood as saying “print a lot of money and everything will be OK, which I don’t believe, all deleveragings have ended with the printing of significant amounts of money. But it has to be in balance with other policies.” |