属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-唱片业 环球公司的赌博游戏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国的继续教育 技术升级(2)
1 | ||1:但是面对行业的监管者们,环球和威望迪(Vivendi)则完全唱起了不同的调调。||2:他们争论道,类似苹果iTunes这样的数字分销商以及盗版音乐的存在,严重削弱了唱片行业的市场;他们还抱怨音乐零售商对他们颐指气使,发号施令。||3:同时他们也在自我辩解,称自己如此无力,即使规模再大也不可能达到在音乐市场"一手遮天"的地步。 | ||1: To regulators, Universal and Vivendi are singing a completely different tune. ||2: They argue that record labels have been crippled by digital distributors such as Apple’s iTunes, and by piracy. They moan that music retailers dictate terms to them. ||3: They plead that they are so powerless that even getting much larger would not give them anything approaching the clout to curb competition in the music market. | |
2 | ||1:对于欧洲议会而言,与其抱怨财政预算的细微削减或寻求“自身资源”(如开征欧盟碳排放税或金融交易税等)这一幻想,不如着力于改善真正的公愤问题,即为欧洲首脑们无视的公共开支落伍的优先顺序。||2:根据峰会达成的预算,财政支出的40%将投入农业,而该产业的产出不足于GDP的2%。||3:若大幅削减欧洲共同农业政策(CAP),欧盟将会空出资源,以便促进其研发、教育和跨国基础设施等领域的有效发展。||4:无论是减少财政预算,还是抬高欧洲价值,欧盟都可做到最好。 | ||1:Rather than moan about marginal cuts to a small budget and pursuing the chimera of “own resources” (eg, EU taxes on carbon or financial transactions), the parliament would do better to focus on the real outrage—that EU leaders did so little to change outdated spending priorities.||2:They have left close to 40% of the budget going to agriculture, an industry that generates less than 2% of GDP.||3:Slashing the CAP could release resources for areas where the EU can genuinely enhance growth, like research, education and cross-border infrastructure.||4:The EU could have the best of both worlds: less spending and more European value. | |
3 | 雇主们抱怨道技术熟练工数量不足,尤其是工程设计与信息技术等行业。 | Employers moan that skilled workers are scarce, especially in industries like engineering and IT. | |
4 | 阿尔瓦雷斯把双手放在嘴边,做成扩音的样子,深深地吸一口气,发出低沉、孤独的呜咽声。 | He cups his hands over his mouth, draws a breath, and makes a low, lonesome moan that rises to a fierce cry. | |
5 | 别人惊讶地说,这么危重的病情不呻吟,一定是他们的声带烧糊了。 | They felt surprise and said: "it must because their vocal cord was burnt as they didn’t moan in such a severe condition" | |
6 | 不过,当我现在看着女性朋友的时候,却发现悲叹和过去一样多。 | But now when I see my female friends we moan as much as we always did. | |
7 | 不过,对于这种结果,即便是法国也只能发发牢骚而已。 | Yet even France cannot do much more than moan about the outcome. | |
8 | 趁你室友外出的时候,把你的鞋子沾在天花板上,等他回来的一瞬间坐在地板上,摸着头大叫痛。 | While your roommate is out, glue your shoes to the ceiling . When your roommate walks in, sit on the floor, hold your head, and moan . | |
9 | 当你被迫缩减开支时,你可以抱怨不已,也可以从中寻找乐趣。 | When you are forced to cut back, you can moan , or you can find joy. | |
10 | 当然,企业总会抱怨投资者和分析师没有“弄明白”。 | Of course, companies always moan that investors and analysts do not "get it" . | |
11 | 当我开始从事第一份管理工作时,一位企业家朋友给了我一些有益的忠告:“给你手下留点发牢骚的空间。” | When I began my first management job, an entrepreneur friend gave me some useful advice: "Give your people space to moan about you. " | |
12 | 德国在抱怨工程师短缺;波音(Boeing)则抱怨供应链产能有限。 | Germans moan about a dearth of engineers; Boeing grumbles about capacity constraints in the supply chain. | |
13 | 第七,西方对制造业转向东方的抱怨将减少。 | Seventh, the west should moan less about manufacturing going east. | |
14 | 而实际上,美国人认为欧洲人没救了,而欧洲人则抱怨,美国政府并没有给与他们足够的关注。 | Instead, Americans think the Europeans are hopeless and the Europeans moan that they don’t get enough attention in Washington. | |
15 | 风险在于,如果你向甲抱怨乙,而甲突然决定告诉乙,那么你就陷入了困境。 | The danger is that if you moan to A about B and A suddenly takes it into her head to tell B, then you are in the soup. | |
16 | 股东们抱怨即使发行新股失败的风险很小,投行在认股权发行的过程中强制收取高额手续费。 | Shareholders moan that banks levy fat fees to underwrite "rights issues" even though the risk of a deal failing is minimal. | |
17 | 她告诉我,中国员工总在发牢骚,假如一个同事享有某种特权,而他们没有,就会大发雷霆。 | She told me that Chinese workers moan the whole time and have conniptions if any colleague is given any privilege they are not. | |
18 | 她们没有那么多时间跟你抱怨,身边的朋友往往也更优秀。 | They have less time to moan at you and tend to keep better company. | |
19 | 科学家们习惯性地抱怨公众不理解他们。 | Scientists habitually moan that the public doesn’t understand them. | |
20 | 罗切斯特的主教FrancisAtterbury用一种1714年时控诉从Rhineland来的王室难民的语调这样抱怨道。 | So complained Francis Atterbury, the Bishop of Rochester, in a 1714 moan about the Palatine refugees from the Rhineland. | |
21 | 男孩呻吟一声爬了起来,紧紧地把这只狗抱在怀里。 | The boy got up with a moan and held the dog tight in his arms. | |
22 | 你明智地发现了所有小心眼的员工,他们整天无所事事,只会抱怨。 | You have brilliantly managed to identify all the petty-minded whingers who do nothing but moan all day. | |
23 | 你太胖了,一直在呻吟,你的朋友更性感,你的气味闻起来不大好。 | You’re too fat, crap in bed, you moan all the time, your friends are hotter and you smell really bad. | |
24 | 你已阅尽了喜怒哀愁 | Thou hast finished joy all moan | |
25 | 区别在于,我们不再悲叹照顾孩子问题,而是悲叹我们看起来有多老。 | The difference is we have stopped moaning about childcare and moan about how old we look instead. | |
26 | 如果你特别有钱,跟比自己穷的人抱怨慈善机构吵着跟你“化缘”是多么让人讨厌显然有些矫情。 | If you were very rich, it would be crass to moan to anyone less rich about what a nuisance it was when charities clamour for money. | |
27 | 他们吓的屁滚尿流、痛苦呻吟、嚎啕大哭,还抱怨他们受了虐待。 | They whine, piss, moan , and complain that they’re being mistreated. | |
28 | 我们性爱狂野时,她真可能在因痛苦而呻吟。 | When having a wild sex she may moan out of pain also. | |
29 | 无论我多么轻柔,他还是发出了一声低沉的呻吟。 | Although I acted very gently, he uttered a deep and suppressed moan . | |
30 | 下面介绍的这种方法能保证使我转过头,轻轻地呻吟,逃开你的嘴唇。 | The following is a guaranteed way to cause my head drop back and a soft moan to escape my lips. Try it on your partner. |