属类:文学表达-童话-Maid Maleen
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-侮辱性广告 人身攻击
1 | 他们嘲弄我的恐惧。 | They mocked at my fear | |
2 | 他们嘲弄这个主意 | They mocked at the idea. | |
3 | 他们嘲笑他的想法。 | They mocked his ideas. | |
4 | 他们立刻跑进来想抓住盗贼。但小裁缝听到了卫兵的跑步声,早在他们到来之前就跳到一个角落里,用一袋金子把自己挡住了。卫兵没见到一个人影,只听到有人在嘲笑地说:“我在这儿呢!” | They ran swiftly in to seize the thief, but the little tailor, who heard them coming, was still swifter, and leapt into a corner and covered himself with a taler, so that nothing could be seen of him, and at the same time he mocked the sentries and cried, here am I. | |
5 | 他们作了一切努力还是没能渡过这条河。 | The river mocked all their efforts to cross | |
6 | 他作了一个未来车的大模型。 | He mocked up a future car. | |
7 | 体育课上别的孩子嘲笑那个胖学生。 | The other boys mocked the fat pupil in the sports lesson. | |
8 | 天公耍了他。 | The weather mocked him. | |
9 | 顽童愚弄那瞎子。 | The naughty boys mocked the blind man. | |
10 | 我队挫败了客队进球的企图。 | Our team mocked the visitors’ attempt to score. | |
11 | 我们队挫败了客队进球的企图。 | Our team mocked the visitors’ attempt to score. | |
12 | 心胸狭隘的人就像小口瓶子,时颈装的东西越少,倒出时噪音越大。--蒲柏 | It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-mocked bottle; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out.--Pope | |
13 | 新郎新娘上教堂的时候终于到了,新娘也因为自己丑陋而懊悔不已,怕自己在街上一露面,会遭来众人的戏谑和嘲笑 | When the day came for the bride and the bridegroom to go to church, she was ashamed of her ugliness, and afraid that if she showed herself in the streets, she would be mocked and laughed at by the people. | |
14 | 一些孩子嘲弄新来孩子的口音 | Some boys mocked the accent of the new boy. | |
15 | 有些人看穿了这种感情的矫揉造作,莎士比亚曾借《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中默丘西奥的话语对此加以嘲笑。 | Some saw through the artificialities of the sentiment which Shakespeare mocked with speeches of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet | |
16 | 这甜蜜的幻影往往使她腾身坐起,而后却是一片空虚 | She would rise from the sweet delusion mocked and emptied of her courage | |
17 | 这条河使我们白费力而无法通过。 | The river mocked all our efforts to cross | |
18 | 这些鲁莽的孩子们嘲弄那新来孩子所说的奇特语言。 | The thoughtless children mocked the queer speech of the new boy. | |
19 | ||1:“除了选美皇后、百万富翁、可笑的记录和好莱坞,美国还有啥?”阿道夫?希特勒1940年这样问。||2:现在回头看,这几乎可以算二战期间人们提出的最愚蠢的问题了。||3:但当时情况看来并非如此。||4:正如赫尔曼在他的这本二战历史著作中告诉读者的那样,当希特勒嘲讽美国最瑰丽的光环时,美国经济刚刚经历了一次二次萧条(不是二次探底)。||5:但这个国家濒死的军工产业却依然能以浩瀚无匹的力量回应了弗兰克林?罗斯福总统对武器的召唤。 | ||1:“WHAT is America but beauty queens, millionaires, stupid records and Hollywood?” asked Adolf Hitler in 1940.||2:With hindsight, this ranks as just about the most foolish rhetorical question posed during the second world war.||3:But it did not seem so at the time.||4:As Arthur Herman shows in his wartime history, when Hitler mocked its prowess America had experienced not so much a double-dip as a double-dive depression.||5:Yet somehow the country’s moribund military-industrial complex was able to respond with great force to President Franklin Roosevelt’s call to arms. | |
20 | ||1:“头”,他这样称呼自己,私下里也不是那么好听。||2:虽然他在政治上的犯罪得到大赦,但由于将一名黑人雇工打昏并力图谋杀另一名而被收监。||3:然而,他无意中行了点好。||4:他让其的事业招致越来越多的笑料,并日渐萎缩。||5:游行时,他从马背跌落。||6:他穿着多孔绿色内裤。||7:他在体育馆内跑满全场进行表演,但是作为一支武装力量的指挥官,他陷入了绝望。||8:报纸上用双关语的标题来嘲笑他,比如“喔,人民,特雷布兰奇又回来了”。||9:要不是他那么搞笑的话,南非的民主进程可能会更血腥。” | ||1: The “leader”, as he styled himself, was no nicer in private. ||2: Though he won amnesty for his political crimes, he was jailed for beating one black worker into a coma and attempting to murder another. ||3: Yet unintentionally, he did some good. ||4: By making his cause look ridiculous, he weakened it. ||5: He fell off his horse at a parade. ||6: He wore green underpants with holes in them. ||7: He could fill a stadium and put on a show, but as a military commander, he was hopeless. ||8: Newspapers mocked him with punning headlines, such as “O volk! Terre’Blanche is back again”. ||9: Had he been less of a buffoon, South Africa’s road to democracy might have been bloodier. | |
21 | ||1:很多人嗤之以鼻,但是维基百科的筹款确实滚滚而来。||2: 在2010年最后几周里,维基百科创始人吉米-威尔士(Jimmy Wales)眼光独到,瞄准了维基百科的用户们,用网页上的横幅广告恳求他们向“任何人都能编辑的免费百科”伸出援手,为网站支付当年的费用。 ||3:他的恳求成功了。||4:维基百科在50天内就实现了集资1600万美元的目标(与之对比,2009年末在67天内筹到870万美元)。 | ||1: MANY mocked , but the money rolled in. ||2: For the last few weeks of 2010 Jimmy Wales fixed his piercing gaze on Wikipedia users, imploring them from banner ads to help “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit” pay its bills for this year. ||3: The founder’s plea worked. ||4: Wikipedia reached its target of $16m in just 50 days (compared with $8.7m in 67 days at the end of 2009). | |
22 | ||1:她喜欢讽刺、崇尚个人主义的精神与“人民波兰”的死气沉沉和整齐划一格格不入:诺贝尔评委会说,她的诗有着莫扎特的恬然与贝多芬的愤怒。||2:富有趣味、难以捉摸又耐人寻味,她的诗永远也无法与国家文化部政委指示要求的那种社会主义式的现实风格和平相处。||3:她在一首关于色情文学的诗中嘲讽了波兰当局的党同伐异。 | ||1: Her ironic and individualistic spirit was ill fitted to the grey conformity of “people’s Poland”: the Nobel citation said she wrote with the ease of Mozart and the fury of Beethoven. ||2: Playful, subtle and haunting, her poetry could never be in harmony with the socialist realist style dictated by the country’s cultural commissars. ||3: She mocked their intolerance of dissent in a poem on pornography: | |
23 | 丰田在澳大利亚的经历就能说明这一点,他们在那里投放了一个广告,广告中取笑的是路虎揽胜和英国女王:"女王陛下,不要担心,不是只有你才是曾经风光无限的英国货。"保皇派震怒,丰田只得道歉了事。 | as Toyota found with an ad in Australia that mocked both Range Rover and the British queen: "Don’t worry, Your Majesty. You’re not the only British export that’s had its day." Monarchists howled. Toyota apologised. | |
24 | “她只是想要被关爱,”我说出这话的舌头在一个小时前还在嘲笑她。 | "All she wants is to be held, " I said in a tone I’d have mocked an hour before. | |
25 | “专业化”不断地被作为改善的手段而反复提起,而反观“业余”则被嘲笑为可笑的遗产。 | Professionalism was continually invoked as the primary means of improvement, whereas amateurishness was mocked as a laughable relic. | |
26 | 09级毕业生们被戏称为不幸的一群人。 | All the 09 grads can be mocked for being an unlucky bunch. | |
27 | 奥巴马调侃贝克汉姆已经年纪大了,表示对于他37岁的年纪来说,“他一半的队友都可以做他的孩子了。” | The U. S. President mocked Mr Beckham for being over the hill and said that at the age 37 ’half his teammates could be his kids. ’ | |
28 | 斑鸠禁不住讽刺道:“那你还希望从孩子们那里得到什么温暖?” | The turtledove mocked ironically, "If so, how can you expect any care from your children? " | |
29 | 比如推特网的“失败鲸”已经成为整个互联网的笑谈,它被千百次地重新创作、复制和嘲弄。 | For example, the Twitter "fail whale" has become a gag all over the internet, recreated, duplicated and mocked thousands of times. | |
30 | 波音公司可能也模拟了777坐舱,以了解是否可以从驾驶员座椅触及所有的开关。 | Boeing might have mocked up the 777 cockpit just to see if all the switches could be reached from the pilot’s seat. |