1 | 我感觉到被嘲笑了。“下面很复杂好伐!” | I glared. I hadn’t come here to be mocked . "It’s complicated down there! " | |
2 | 我们可以理解为什么他们会因谷歌的座右铭(“不要作恶”)不断地受到嘲讽,不过也许他们是真心想做到这一点。 | They have been mocked endlessly, and understandably, for their corporate motto ( "Don’t be evil" ), but probably mean it. | |
3 | 我曾经参加一次讲座。其间一家代理机构讽刺一些美国大学在中国市场上的招生方法。 | I once attended a lecture in which an agent mocked the recruiting methods of some universities in the Chinese market. | |
4 | 希律和他的兵丁就藐视耶稣,戏弄他,给他穿上华丽衣服,把他送回彼拉多那里去。 | Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him. Dressing him in an elegant robe, they sent him back to Pilate. | |
5 | 戏弄完了,就给他脱了袍子,仍穿上他自己的衣服,带他出去,要钉十字架。 | After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. | |
6 | 戏弄完了,就给他脱了紫袍,仍穿上他自己的衣服,带他出去,要钉十字架。 | And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him. | |
7 | 现在事实恰恰相反,法国的讽刺家们又有机会展示自己的本领了:社会党人领袖马丁•奥布利嘲讽说,“雷声大、雨点小”。 | French satirists had a field day, as did the opposition. "So much fuss for so little! " , mocked Martine Aubry, the Socialist leader. | |
8 | 一些高管看到罗布森的报告后,对于孩子可能会告诉自己的内容感到吃惊。更多博主对这些高管进行了冷嘲热讽。 | Many more bloggers mocked the executives who had seized on his findings for being surprised by what their own children could have told them. | |
9 | 有些木讷的哈伯总理因品味问题常受到(媒体的)嘲笑。他昨天接受记者采访时说,接见波诺可不是他的首要任务。 | Harper, a somewhat wooden figure regularly mocked for his lack of flair , told reporters on Thursday that meeting Bono was not a priority. | |
10 | 有一段时间,吉尼斯常乞灵于塔罗牌,不过后来得到了纸牌上的符号是对基督和基督教的亵渎的结论。 | Guinness consulted Tarot cards for a time, but came to the conclusion that the symbols of the cards mocked Christianity and Christ. |