属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-年度国家奖 希望在跳跃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙经济 最糟的情况即将结束
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒类消费 烈酒级别
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 绝佳机会
1 | 他说:“新闻媒体即使是就外交事务坦率陈述自己的观点时也有责任保持适度节制的调子和尊重态度,这是每一个自称为公众舆论导向的人都须做到的。” | "It is incumbent on the Press", he said, "to maintain that tone of moderation and respect even in expressing frankly their opinions on foreign affairs which would be required of every man who pretends to guide public opinion." | |
2 | 他在驳斥对他的攻击时,表现了极大的自制. | He showed great moderation in answering the attack. | |
3 | 他做任何事情都很有节制。 | He does everything in moderation . | |
4 | 团体性别组成对团体冲突与集体效能的影响-探讨领导者性别的干扰作用 | The Effects of Group Gender Composition on Group Conflict and Collective Efficacy: Exploring the Moderation Effects of Leader’s Gender | |
5 | 万事取其中道。 | Moderation in all things. | |
6 | 威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的 | Whisky can be good for you if taken in moderation | |
7 | 威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的。 | Whisky is good for you if take in moderation . | |
8 | 温和(政策, 立场)的可取处 | the advisability of moderation | |
9 | 温和的言论. | moderation of speech | |
10 | 我绝不放纵肉体的需求,我要用清洁与节制来珍惜我的身体。 | Never will I overindulge the requests of my flesh, rather I will cherish my body with cleanliness and moderation . | |
11 | 我们应当学会说话合时宜,做事多考虑。 | We should learn to say things in season and do things in moderation . | |
12 | 我劝告你们,应当节欲。 | I recommend you to moderation in your desires | |
13 | 我与维多利亚女王一样,一直信奉那句古老的箴言:“凡事适度。” | I, like Queen Victoria, have always been a believer in that old maxim "moderation in all things" | |
14 | 新药使疼痛减轻了一点。 | The new drug achieved some moderation of the pain. | |
15 | 压力知觉对负面心理健康影响:静坐经验、情绪智能调节效果之探讨 | The Moderation of Meditation Experience and Emotional Intelligence on the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Negative Mental Health | |
16 | 医生建议在饮食方面应更加节制。 | The doctor advised more moderation in eating and drinking. | |
17 | 医生劝我节制饮食. | My doctor a advised moderation in eating and drinking. | |
18 | 饮食适度[不过度] | Eat and drink in moderation | |
19 | 由于他们温和、幽默,也由于他们能够为避免痛苦而克制自己,两人都成为别人前来求教的对象。 | They had both become, by virtue of their moderation , their humour, and their abstinence from painful experience, people to whom others came for advice | |
20 | 有些人说,有节制地饮酒对健康无害。 | Some people say that drinking in moderation isn’t harmful to health. | |
21 | 在温和外衣后面表现了他们的激进观点 | presented their radical ideas in the garb of moderation . | |
22 | 中和论-中国古代审美形态研究之一 | Moderation and Harmony: A Study of Ancient Chinese Aesthetic Patterns | |
23 | 中庸之道是最好的准则 | Moderation in all things is the best of rules | |
24 | 中庸之道是最好的准则。 | Moderation in all things is the best of rules. | |
25 | 装饰的庄重);两个名词都表示对酒制品消费的节制和戒除 | sobriety of décor;both nouns denote moderation in or abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic liquor | |
26 | ||1:而今年的年度国家奖得主面积要小得多,但是我们认为象征意义比面积更重要。||2:源自阿拉伯之春的理想主义大多已经淹没在屠杀与血腥之中,但是有一个国家是例外,而且有着闪光点,这个国家就是突尼斯。2014年,突尼斯采纳了一部具有启发意义的新宪法,并进行了议会和总统选举(后者会在12月21日进行附加选举。||3:)该国的经济在挣扎,政治组织脆弱,但是突尼斯的实干主义精神和温和立场为这个悲惨的地区和不安的世界孕育希望。 | ||1:Our winner is a much smaller nation, but we think symbolism matters more than size.||2:The idealism engendered by the Arab spring has mostly sunk in bloodshed and extremism, with a shining exception: Tunisia, which in 2014 adopted a new, enlightened constitution and held both parliamentary and presidential polls (a run-off is due in the latter on December 21st).||3:Its economy is struggling and its polity is fragile; but Tunisia’s pragmatism and moderation have nurtured hope in a wretched region and a troubled world. | |
27 | ||1:劳务改革确实对提高生产效率有帮助,允许雇主们和公会去自行调整工资水平而不是一刀切。||2:但如果有可能还是需要更多地工作机会。||3:降低或者废除最低工资标准可能会有效果。||4:税收也应该降低,但仅仅在公共花销也降低的情况下。||5:财政部长Luis de Guindos 表示当经济增长达到1%时将会有更多地工作。||6:在那之前,普拉多博物馆依然是一个安全的港湾。 | ||1:Labour reforms have helped to boost productivity, allowing employers and unions to opt for wage moderation rather than sackings.||2:More may be needed if jobs are to be created.||3:Lowering, or scrapping, the minimum wage might help.||4:Taxes could also be cut, but only if public spending is cut.||5:Luis de Guindos, the finance minister, says jobs will come when growth reaches 1%.||6:Until then, the Prado museum remains a safe harbour. | |
28 | 此前,社会民众的酒类消费比较适度。大部分人只在吃饭时大量饮酒;独自买醉的情况更是少见。在中国,喝酒的女性很少,总体而言孩子们也被禁止喝酒。生理上,他们也比较适合温和些的饮酒方式。大约三分之一的人口难以代谢酒精。这部分人绝少喝酒。 | Until recently social norms favoured moderate consumption. Most people quaffed only with meals; solitary boozing was rare. Few women drank and young Chinese mostly abstained. Biology encouraged moderation , too. About a third of the population finds it hard to metabolise alcohol. Those affected rarely drink. | |
29 | 现在更多的是取决于联盟的成效以及这是否会重新促进经济的增长。所以,政府需要的不是中庸之道而是勇往直前。翻译:谢林红 | Much will now depend on the achievements of their coalition and on whether it can reignite economic growth. And for that, the government will need more courage than moderation . | |
30 | 有时他们的承保人也会要求他们如此克制。 | Sometimes such moderation is imposed by their insurers. |