1 | 据说,开山祖师慧理看到这块石头,说道:“这好像是天竺灵鹫山的小峰,何时飞来此地”? | Story has it that when the founding abbot of the temple, Monk Hui Li, saw the rock hill, he exclaimed, Isn’t this the peak of Lingjiu Mountain of India? When did it fly hither? | |
2 | 卡尔特会僧侣;佛教和尚 | A Carthusian monk ;a Buddhist monk. | |
3 | 喇嘛中国西藏或蒙古的喇嘛教僧侣 | A Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia. | |
4 | 老和尚在寺庙中修身养性。 | The old monk cultivates his moral character and nourishes his inborn nature in the Buddhist temple. | |
5 | 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。 | The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple. | |
6 | 梁边上的方广寺,被曾向西天取经的唐朝僧人玄奘称为五百罗汉出家之地。 | The Fangguang Temple by the stone bridge was claimed as the place of pravrajana for five hundred Arhats by Hsuan Tsang, the famous Buddhist monk going west for Buddhist scriptures in the Tang Dynasty | |
7 | 梦至一处,不辨是何地方.忽见那厢来了一僧一道,且行且谈. | In dream he travelled to an unknown place, where he suddenly noticed a monk and a Taoist approaching, talking together. | |
8 | 那顽石亦曾记下他这幻相并癞僧所镌的篆文,今亦按图画于后. | The stupid Stone had also recorded its transformation and below we shall reproduce the seal characters engraved on it by the scabby monk . | |
9 | 那一年我三岁时,听得说来了一个癞头和尚,说要化我去出家,我父母固是不从. | The year I was three, I remember being told, a scabby monk came to our house and wanted to take me away to be a nun. My parents wouldn’t hear of it. | |
10 | 欧阳修被贬滁州时,琅玡山上的和尚智仙,在山中酿泉旁建亭,作为欧阳修游览休息的地方。 | After Ouyang Xiu’s demotion and banishment to Chuzhou, Monk Zhixian of Langya had a roadside pavilion built by the side of Brewer’s Spring so that Ouyang Xiu could stop there to take a rest and to enjoy the surrounding scenery | |
11 | 日本学者撰写的<大唐和尚东征传)详细介绍了大师在日本的生活和功绩。他的塑像供奉在奈良的唐招提寺内。日本政府已将这尊半身坐像定为国宝。 | A book by a Japanese scholar titled The Eastern Voyages of the Eminence the Tang Master Monk describes in detail his life and deeds in Japan. His image is enshrined at the Tang Zhao Ti Si Temple in Nara. This bust has been decreed as a national treasure of Japan. | |
12 | 丧失了于二者而言都意味着生命的与世隔离,野兽与僧人将会死去 | The Beast and the monk , roBBed of the isolation that is life to either, will die | |
13 | 僧袍,非针织或钩编 | monk ’s habit,not knitted or crocheted | |
14 | 僧袍,缩绒或非织造织物制 | monk ’s habit,made up of felt or non-woven fabries | |
15 | 山上原来供奉唐代高僧金乔觉金装肉身的“肉身宝殿”,金壁辉煌的宫殿式建筑觯祗园寺等。 | The "corporeal body and Treasure Hall" has eminent monk Jin Qiaojue’s corporeal body and Zhiyuan Temple shows splendid palatial architecture | |
16 | 少年时的济公,天份极高,在赤城山的一盏明月下苦读了四年诗书。后来成为禅宗里的一个高僧,被佛教界尊为罗 | As a boy Jigong was very clever. He studied hard for 4 years under the Chicheng Hill and became an eminent monk of Zen Buddhism, regarded as an Arhat by the Buddhists. | |
17 | 身上穿僧衣,未必是和尚。 | The hood do not make the monk . | |
18 | 圣奥古斯丁修会成员属于圣·奥古斯丁修会的修道士及教士 | A monk or friar belonging to any of the Augustinian orders. | |
19 | 士隐不耐烦,便抱女儿撤身要进去,那僧乃指着他大笑 | Losing patience, Shiyin clasped his daughter more tightly and was turning to reenter the house when the monk pointed at him and let out a roar of laughter. | |
20 | 四僧画家则是对他们艺术倾问的积极矫正。 | The four monk painters tried to change the artistic trend by starting this painting school. | |
21 | 他成为奥古斯丁时期的修士,他实行苦行主义以致身体受到了伤害。 | He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired | |
22 | 他出狱后改名"一峰",并当了道士,开始画画。 | Coming out of the prison, he changed his name to Yifeng, became a Taoist monk and began to study painting. | |
23 | 他给她受过不少折磨,她守寡以来,虽然想念亡夫,为人却是无情、粗野、泼辣、锋利、多刺而且几乎有毒。 | She was dry, rough, peevish, sharp, captious, almost venomous, all this in memory of her monk , whose widow she was, and who had ruled over her masterfully and bent her to his will | |
24 | 他决定放弃他所有的一切,出家为僧。 | He decide to give away everything he possessed and become a monk . | |
25 | 他乔装成和尚打算逃走 | He attempted to escape disguised as a monk . | |
26 | 他幼年便出家当了和尚。 | He became a monk in his childhood. | |
27 | 唐僧离开长安,一直西行,用了长达十七年的时间,终于实现了自己的伟大宏愿,到害天竺国(今印度)取回了真经。从此,佛教在中国弘扬、传播。 | From Chang’an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the monk journeyed west. When he eventually fulfilled the mission and returned, seventeen years had passed. From that time forward, Buddhism spread across China. | |
28 | 唐玄宗开元元年,贵州有位海通高僧。一次,他路经嘉州往访凌云山寺(今乐山县内)时 | In Emperor Xuanzong’s reign of the Tang Dynasty, an eminent monk named Haitong from Guizhou Province once came to visit the Lingyun Temple in Jiazhou (present-day Leshan County). | |
29 | 唐贞观年间(公元627-649年),唐太宗重视佛教,派僧人玄奘到佛教发源地去取真经。 | During the reign of Emperor Tai Zong (627-649)of the Tang Dynasty, at his request, esteemed Buddhist Monk Xuan Zang was sent to India, the birthplace of Buddhism, for scriptures. | |
30 | 托尔克马达,托马斯·德1420-1498西班牙多米尼加派教士,1487年被教皇英诺森八世任命为宗教总裁判官。在其统治期间,在西班牙宗教大审判中,成千上万的犹太人,被怀疑为巫婆和其他人一起遭到杀害 | Spanish Dominican monk who was appointed grand inquisitor by Pope Innocent VIII(1487.Under his authority,thousands of Jews,suspected witches,and others were killed or tortured during the Spanish Inquisition. |