1 | 为佛门信徒顶礼景仰。 | buddhist followers are keen to pay homage to the monk whenever they visit the Mountain | |
2 | 我曾见到这样一件事:一位德国医生把一位修道士大肆赞扬一番后,在场的人们都把他当作了世上最智慧的人 | I have been present when a German doctor, for having pronounced a panegyric upon a certain monk , was thought the most ingenious man in the world | |
3 | 乡村和寺院同是蒙昧无知的,它们的共同基础是早已存在的,因此乡民一下就可以和寺僧平起平坐,罩衫放宽一点,便成了僧衣。 | The fund of ignorance common to the village and the cloister is a preparation ready at hand, and places the boor at once on the same footing as the monk : a little more amplitude in the smock, and it becomes a frock | |
4 | 想着,走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥. | But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel. | |
5 | 小和尚老实巴交,吃苦耐劳,不耍滑头。 | An honest and hard-working sort, the boy monk was never negligent at work and never lazed | |
6 | 兄弟对意大利和尚或托钵僧的称呼;兄弟 | Used as a title for an Italian monk or friar;brother. | |
7 | 修道士或修女所穿的长袍. | [C]long garment worn by a monk or nun | |
8 | 修道修道士的身份、状况或职业;僧院制度 | The character,condition,or profession of a monk ;monasticism. | |
9 | 许多海军舰长们要是不能在蒙克莎汶补充兵员,便得远去设得兰群岛招兵买马。 | Many captains unable to procure men in Monk shaven would have to complete their crews in the Shetlands | |
10 | 玄奘对人类最大的贡献也许是他撰写的游记《大唐西域记》。这部信史对印度考古学而言是一本极为可靠的指南。印度缺少丰富的史籍遗产,因此玄奘的游记才显得格外重要。 | Perhaps his greatest contribution to mankind is the travelogs titled Travels of a Tang Monk in the Western World. This truthful history book is an extremely reliable guide for Indian archaeology. It becomes all the more important because India does not boast of a rich legacy of written historical records. | |
11 | 玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。 | Eminent Monk Xuan Zang (602-664)of Tang made a long journey and brought back ancient culture of South Asian countries in the form of Buddhist sutras | |
12 | 腰带,环带腰带或饰带,特别是系在牧师法衣上或僧侣及修女法衣上的腰带 | A belt or sash,especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun. | |
13 | 也曾留下话与和尚转达老爷,说读书人不在黄道黑道,总以事理为要,不及面辞了. | He asked the monk to tell you that scholars are not superstitious about lucky or unlucky days but like to act according to reason; so he had no time to say goodbye in person. | |
14 | 一大幅雪白的毛巾披在她身上,像是和尚们的袈裟,昂起了胸脯,跳跃似的走过来,异常高耸的乳房在毛布里面跳动。 | A large, snowy bath-towel was draped round her like a monk ’s robe, and as she tripped across the room with her shoulders thrown back, her unusually prominent breasts could be seen bobbing up and down beneath the towel | |
15 | 一个苦行僧和一个花花公子对牛排的偏好可能都是1000效用单位,对土豆的偏好都是100效用单位。 | Both an ascetic monk and a high-living playboy may assign 1000 units to a steak and 100 units to a potato | |
16 | 一名斯里兰卡的僧侣在研讨会上说,佛教教义规定,僧侣是禁止吸烟的,此外吸毒、酗酒、暴力、食肉和剥削他人都是不允许的。 | buddhist tenets forbid smoking cigarettes as well as using drugs, drinking alcohol, violence, exploiting other human beings and eating meat, a Sri Lankan monk told the workshop | |
17 | 一千多年前,日本的最澄和尚就是从这里沿江而上,到天台山寻求佛法的。 | Nearly 1,000 years ago, the famous Japanese monk Saicho (767-822)went north to Tiantai Mountains for studying of Buddhism along the river via this port. | |
18 | 一日,正当嗟悼之际,俄见一僧一道远远而来,生得骨格不凡,丰神迥异,说说笑笑来至峰下,坐于石边高谈快论. | One day as the Stone was brooding over its fate, it saw approaching from the distance a Buddhist monk and Taoist priest, both of striking demeanour and distinguished appearance. They came up to the Stone and sat down to chat. | |
19 | 有个和尚叫做法海禅师,他看见许仙脸上有“妖气”,于是就把许仙藏在金山寺的法座后面。白蛇娘娘前来寻夫,于是就“水满金山”。 | A Buddhist monk by the name of Fa Hai saw from Xu’s face that he had been bewitched by an evil spirit, so he hid Xu behind the shrine in Jinshan Monastery, and when Lady White Snake came to look for her husband the whole place was flooded | |
20 | 有位和尚正指挥着千百名工匠,在进行着一项宏伟的工程--凿窟造像。 | A monk was directing hundreds of thousands of workers to continue their labor, carving stones and rocks to begin creating the Yungang Grottos. | |
21 | 原西藏地方政府实行僧俗官员双轨制,僧官大于俗官。 | The former local government of Tibet practiced a dual clerical and secular officials system, in which the monk officials were senior to the lay officials | |
22 | 约翰把所有的财产送人成为一名修道士。 | John gave all his possessions away and became a monk . | |
23 | 在她的妙龄时期,正当九三年,她嫁给一个从隐修院里逃出来的修士,这修士戴上红帽子,从圣伯尔纳的信徒一变而为雅各宾派。 | In her youth, in ’93, she had married a monk who had fled from his cloister in a red cap, and passed from the Bernardines to the Jacobins | |
24 | 在万年寺肉身殿中,供奉有明代无瑕和尚肉身木乃伊一尊,他头戴莲花宝冠,身披朱红轻裟。 | In the Corporeal Body Hall of Wannian Temple is the mummy of monk Wu Xia, wearing a lotus-flower-shaped crown and a vermilion kasaya | |
25 | 在一位从各处随意取材的俗人主办的“男修士的开始页面”上,特别介绍了该修道院,后来一位修士发现该页面上刊登了一些喜剧小品,那是由英国蒙蒂·皮东喜剧团演出的、对修道院生活进行嘲弄的短剧。 | The abbey was featured on the "The Monk ’s Home page," administered by a layman with eclectic tastes, until a brother discovered the page contained comedy sketches, by the British comedy group Monty Python, which were poking fun at monastic life | |
26 | 在智者大师圆寂两百多年后,日本僧人最澄率弟子来到了向往已久的天台山,揭开了天台宗东传日本的序幕, | Two hundred years after Zhizhe’s death, the Japanese eminent monk Saicho, together with his disciples, came to Tiantai Mountains which he had dreamt of for a long time, marking the prelude to the spreading of Tiantai Sect in Japan. | |
27 | 曾经做过和尚的汉族农民起义军首领朱元璋建立了明朝(1368-1644)。 | The Ming dynasty (1368-1644)was founded by a Han Chinese peasant and former Buddhist monk turned rebel army leader Zhu Yuanzhang. | |
28 | 这部具有浪漫色彩的中国小说讲的是一位和尚由中国向西行的有趣的故事。 | This Chinese novel with romantic colour tells us a wonderful story about a Buddhist monk going west from China | |
29 | 这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。 | This monk wears a gray frock. | |
30 | 这个和尚就是北魏文成帝任命的和尚统领昱曜。 | The monk , Yu Yao, was ordered by the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534)to supervise the historic project. |