1 | ‘您错啦,先生,’我答道,‘他是被匕首刺死的。’ | --’You are mistaken, monsieur ,’ I replied; ’ he has perished by the poniard.’ | |
2 | “‘先生,’我对他说,‘我的哥哥昨天在尼姆街上被人暗杀了,我不知道是谁杀死他的,但查究这件事是您的责任。 | ’Monsieur ,’ I said, ’my brother was assassinated yesterday in the streets of Nimes, I know not by whom, but it is your duty to find out | |
3 | “贝尔图乔先生,你知道星期六那天我要在欧特伊请客。” | Monsieur Bertuccio, you understand that I intend entertaining company on Saturday at Auteuil. | |
4 | “不,大人,可是这一切我都记得清清楚楚,就象是昨天刚发生的一样。 | No, monsieur , and yet I recollect all things as clearly as if they had happened but then | |
5 | “长官先生和各位先生,”主教说,“我知道什么事使你们感到丢人,你们一定认为一个贫苦的牧师跨着耶稣基督的坐骑未免妄自尊大。 | "Monsieur the Mayor," said the Bishop, "and Messieurs Citizens, I perceive that I shock you,you think it very arrogant in a poor priest to ride an animal which was used by Jesus Christ | |
6 | “但是,伯爵阁下,我的好友维尔福夫人第二天就被那两匹马弄得差一点送了命,而又是您救了她,那件事可不是这样容易就被忘记的呀。” | But it is not so easy to forget, monsieur , that the very next day after your princely gift you saved the life of my dear friend, Madame de Villefort, which was endangered by the very animals your generosity restored to me. | |
7 | “但是市长先生既不带人,那就非自己看守荞麦不可啊。” | But as Monsieur le Maire will have no one with him, he will be obliged to take the trouble himself of seeing that the oats are not stolen. | |
8 | “地址是,‘安顿大马路,腾格拉尔男爵府,腾格拉尔先生。’ | The address, ’To monsieur the Baron Danglars, banker, rue de la Chausse d’Antin.’ | |
9 | “第二,车子是给市长先生本人坐吗?” | In the second place--is the cabriolet for Monsieur le Maire? | |
10 | “父亲,”那青年人说道,“我很荣幸能把基督山伯爵阁下介绍给您,他就是我以前跟您说过的,在我最危急的关头侥幸遇见的那位义士。” | "You are most welcome, monsieur ," said the Count of Morcerf, saluting Monte Cristo with a smile, "and monsieur has rendered our house, in preserving its only heir, a service which insures him our eternal gratitude." | |
11 | “阁下!”那银行家带着一种傲慢的神气挺直了身子答道,“我的资金数目或我的业务范围还从来还没有人问过呢。” | "Monsieur ," replied the banker, drawing himself up with a haughty air, "the extent of my resources has never yet been questioned." | |
12 | “阁下,”伯爵对阿尔贝说道,“我不请您陪我回去了,因为我现在只能给您看到一个匆匆布置起来的住处,而我,您知道,一向是以办事迅速闻名的。 | "Monsieur ," said the count to Albert, "I do not ask you to accompany me to my house, as I can only show you a habitation fitted up in a hurry, and I have, as you know, a reputation to keep up as regards not being taken by surprise | |
13 | “阁下,”伯爵冷冰冰地回答说,“我非常高兴能有机会为一位母亲保全了她的儿子。 | "Monsieur ," replied the count, with a chilling air, "I am very happy to hav been the means of preserving a son to his mother, for they say that the sentiment of maternity is the most holy of all | |
14 | “阁下,假如您改天再提出这个邀请的话,我会十分感激的,但刚才蒙您允许我拜见伯爵夫人,所以您的盛意我领了,等下一次再接受吧。” | I shall be most grateful, monsieur , if you will, at some future time, renew your offer, but I have been flattered with the hope of being introduced to the countess, and I will therefore wait. | |
15 | “就是那个背包?!”“是的,先生。这才是那个姑娘想要的,而不是她亲爱的哥哥。” | The satchel! "Yes, monsieur . That was what this young lady was after.Not the body of her beloved brother. | |
16 | “卡瓦尔康蒂先生,”安德烈说,“你相不相信童话?” | "Monsieur Cavalcanti," said Andrea, "do you believe in fairy tales?" | |
17 | “咳!主教先生,您不爱真理的辛辣味儿。 | Ah, Monsieur Priest, you love not the crudities of the true | |
18 | “老实说,”腾格拉尔装出一副不在乎的神气说道,“我并不看重这种虚荣,事实上,我已被封为男爵,又被封为了荣誉爵士,因为我为政府效了些微劳,但是--” | "Upon my word, monsieur ," said Danglars with affected carelessness, "I attach no sort of value to such empty distinctions.But the fact is, I was made baron, and also chevalier of the Legion of Honor, in return for services rendered, but"-- | |
19 | “离这里只有两步路,阁下,”那公证人答道,“出帕西门以后没有多远,很幽静,在布洛涅大道的中央。” | "Close by here, monsieur ," replied the notary--"a little beyond Passy; a charming situation, in the heart of the Bois de Boulogne." | |
20 | “马带车子,市长先生,”那佛兰德人呵呵大笑地说。 | "The one dragging the other, Monsieur le Maire," said the fleming, with a broad smile | |
21 | “马夫来说先生的马很累了!” | The stableman says that Monsieur ’s horse is extremely fatigued. | |
22 | “那车夫说他是来找市长先生的。” | The coachman says that he has come for Monsieur le Maire. | |
23 | “那么,市长先生不可以带人同走,也不可以带行李,免得马受累。” | Well, Monsieur le Maire will travel alone and without baggage, in order not to overload the horse? | |
24 | “那么,用邮局的马的话,先生也不能在明天以前到达阿拉斯。 | Well, by taking post-horses, Monsieur cannot reach arras before to-morrow | |
25 | “难道市长先生没有要过一辆小车吗?” | Did not Monsieur le Maire order a tilbury? | |
26 | “您有权轻视他们,阁下,他们是您的同胞嘛。” | You have a right to be unjust to them, monsieur .They are your compatriots. | |
27 | “噢,伯爵阁下,”维尔福苦笑着说,“我只不过损失了一笔钱而已--不值一提的 | "Oh, no, monsieur ," said Villefort with a bitter smile;"it is only a loss of money which I have sustained--nothing worth mentioning, I assure you." | |
28 | “噢,发发慈悲吧,发发慈悲吧,阁下!” | Oh, mercy, mercy, monsieur ! | |
29 | “哦,”马尔塞夫回答说,脸上微微有点发红,“我已经退伍了,阁下。 | "Oh," replied Morcerf, reddening slightly, "I have left the service, monsieur | |
30 | “日尔图乔先生,”伯爵说,“昨天我吩咐你去弄一个可以望得到波波罗广场的窗口,你给我办到了没有?” | "Monsieur Bertuccio," said the count, "you have procured me windows looking on the piazza del Popolo, as I ordered you yesterday " |