属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梦中的吊车 中世纪以来最大的建造活动
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-疫苗专家称网上虚假信息必须予以制止
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-中国科学家宣称创造出首批基因改造婴儿
1 | 元首的秘书马丁·鲍曼接着在3月23日发表了一道同样荒唐的命令,这个地鼠一样的人现在在希特勒宫廷中的地位超过任何其它纳粹暴吏。 | It was followed on March 23 by an equally monstrous order by Martin Bormann, the Fuehrer’s secretary, a molelike man who had now gained a position at court second to none among the Nazi satraps | |
2 | 这个邪恶的人-希特勒,是很多切齿仇恨的堆积和化身,是从前错误和耻辱的魔鬼产物(温斯顿S·丘吉尔) | this wicked man Hitler,the repository and embodiment of many forms of soul-destroying hatred,this monstrous product of former wrongs and shame(Winston S.Churchill. | |
3 | 这卢瑟福,身材高高大大,花白的头发油腻肮脏,皱纹满脸,松松垮垮,厚厚的嘴唇像黑人一样嘟得挺高。 | He was a monstrous man, with a mane of greasy grey hair, his face pouched and seamed, with thick negroid lips | |
4 | 这样一想,也稍稍受到了鼓舞。于是,我高举火把,向前走了两步。我借着火光一看,原来地上躺着一只大得吓人的公山羊,正在那里竭力喘气,快要死了。 | Upon this I step’d forward again, and by the light of the firebrand, holding it up a little over my head, I saw lying on the ground a most monstrous frightful old he-goat, just making his will, as we say, and gasping for life. | |
5 | 这种难以置信的突然爆发无疑会把地球表面的一切生命烧成灰烬。 | This monstrous flare would undoubtedly incinerate all life on the surface of the earth | |
6 | 做相同的工作,而男人所得报酬比女人多,这完全是难以置信的。 | It’s perfectly monstrous that men should be paid more than women for the same job. | |
7 | ||1:牛津城市议会也在建设中。||2:这次将改建Oxpens区,把这个临近火车站的糟烂区域改造成住宅区和办公区。||3:这次改造拆除了巨大丑陋的Westgate汽车公园,将修建价值5亿英镑的购物中心。||4:火车站获得了2亿英镑的重修费用,计划在火车站外周建成一个“大陆林荫道”,以此吸引每年来牛津旅游的9500万游客中的一部分。||5:在这个城市北部,第二座火车站正在建设中。||6:另外,在2020年,通往Cowley的Mini工厂的一条旧支线也将向游人开放。 | ||1:Oxford City Council is building, too, redeveloping Oxpens, a down-at-heel area near the railway station, into homes and offices.||2:It has demolished the monstrous Westgate car park to make way for a 500 million shopping centre.||3:The railway station is getting a 200m refit, with plans for a “continental boulevard” outside to greet some of the 9.||4:5m tourists who arrive in Oxford each year.||5:A second railway station is under construction in the north of the city.||6:Separately, an old branch line that links to the Mini factory in Cowley should open for passengers by 2020. | |
8 | ||1:这部电影叫《王子家族》(英文名《无人及你》),此类风格的影片从未在印度屏幕上出现过,一经演出,循规蹈矩、常规守旧的电影圈就炸开了锅,再全国大街小巷中那些潮湿的电影院里,一切都被变了样。||2:在银幕上,山米从不会在肢体上过分与女主角亲近,但是他却用西方式的性感吸引对方,让对方着迷。||3:他扮演花花公子,也演小丑,对喜欢的姑娘会死缠烂打;在行驶的列车上位姑娘弹奏小夜曲;穿着睡衣在飞机上晃来晃去。||4:1961年拍摄的《野性》红极一时,影片中,他从雪山坡上滑下来,一跃而起,性感地敞开皮夹克,向女主角献唱,这够野性了吧?可他还不干休,沉醉于爱情甜蜜,禁不住朝着冰天雪地的原野上放声大喊:“呀…唬!”||5:看到这个场景的年轻人也都竞相模仿,纷纷感受到一种解脱。||6:他用痴狂赢得了姑娘的芳心,当然,这一切并没有征得双方父母的同意。 | ||1: The film was “Tumsa Nahin Dekha” (“Never Seen Anyone Like You”). And India never had. Suddenly, stasis and convention were thrown out of the window. On screen at least, in packed and humid cinemas across the country, everything changed. ||2: Shammiji never came that much closer to his heroines, but he seethed with Westernised sex appeal. ||3: He was a playboy and a clown, a ceaseless ragger of the girls he loved, who would serenade them on moving trains and dangling in bathrobes from helicopters. ||4: And who in his most monstrous hit, “Junglee” (“Wild”), in 1961 slid on his front down a mountainside of snow, leapt up (leather jacket sexily torn open), sang to his heroine that people could call him wild, what could he do, swept up in love, and then roared out over the ice-bound forest, “YAHOO!” ||5: His teenage audiences yelled out with him, suddenly liberated. ||6: He had won the girl just by being his mad self, and had apparently not asked his family or hers. | |
9 | 川普在2012年写道:“有研究表明自闭症开始失控,过去10年内增加了78%。不要再接种骇人听闻的联合疫苗。” | He wrote in 2012, "A study says @Autism is out of control – a 78% increase in 10 years. Stop giving monstrous combined vaccinations." | |
10 | 牛津大学医学伦理专家Julian Savulescu表示认同。他说:“如果事实如此,那这个实验也太可怕了。” | Julian Savulescu, a medical ethics expert at Britain’s University of Oxford, agreed. "If true, this experiment is monstrous ," he told Reuters. | |
11 | 相反,共和党把它看作是意图压制正派人的大阴谋的粉碎。 | Republicans, by contrast, see it as a triumph over a monstrous Democratic conspiracy to keep a decent man down. | |
12 | “标新立异、不合法规的人类行为支配着市场,出乎意料且难以想象的骇人事件则塑造了市场。” | "Maverick, unlawful human action rules the markets, unexpected and unimaginable monstrous events shape the markets. " | |
13 | IMF警告说,中国庞大的经常账户盈余会使中国迅速膨胀。 | The IMF has predicted that China’s monstrous current account surplus would soon reincarnate itself in an expanded form. | |
14 | PM这是个小会议厅,Apple总部剧场,用来举办员工活动的。和WWDC的大规模形成鲜明对比。 | PM It’s a small venue, Apple’s home theater where they run employee events. A huge contrast to the monstrous events at WWDC. | |
15 | 不可避免地,通过它自己盲目,机械的动作,它逐渐地把那些理论变成一个野蛮的现实。 | Inevitably, through its own mindless, automatic motion, it gradually transforms those principles into a monstrous reality. | |
16 | 从一个明渠被一片广大的海滩而砾石堤所切断,我将以后再作细说。 | being shut off from the open Channel by a monstrous great beach or dike of pebbles, of which I shall speak more hereafter. | |
17 | 大量的罪行批复着宗教之名。 | Monstrous crimes have been committed in its name. | |
18 | 大量让人感到恐怖的工厂化农场迫使这些有生命,有感情的生灵产出奶制品和肉制品,使它们遭受长达一生的痛苦。 | Massive, monstrous factory farms that reduce living, feeling creatures to milk and meat machines, in lifelong misery and suffering. | |
19 | 当她看到如此高的分数时不由说了一句:“哦,我的老天。” | She said "Oh my god! " when she saw the monstrous score. "I still can’t believe it, " Kim said. | |
20 | 而紧凑型荧光灯(节能灯)则会在垃圾填埋场释放出有毒汞42毫克。 | The CFLs will release a monstrous 42 mg of toxic mercury into landfills. | |
21 | 而是,没有物质资源,社会主义往往沦为如斯大林主义的具有讽刺意味的畸形产物。 | It is rather that without material resources it will tend to twist into the monstrous caricature of socialism known as Stalinism. | |
22 | 二战期间,日寇在玉山犯下了罄竹难书的滔天罪行,充分暴露他们的非人性。 | During the second World War, Japanese invaders committed monstrous crimes, which fully manifested their inhumanity. | |
23 | 弗兰克卡索,惩罚者被金刚狼之子杀死肢解,并且以怪物般的弗兰肯卡索的姿态回归战场。 | Frank Castle, the Punisher was sliced to pieces by Wolverine’s son, Daken and returned as the monstrous FrankenCastle. | |
24 | 海面上的端岛不仅仅像一个被人遗忘、破碎不堪的建筑物,更像是一个巨大的怪物而非小镇。 | Hashima rises from the sea like one forgotten, crumbling structure, more like a single monstrous thing than a forgotten town. | |
25 | 骇人听闻的柏林墙也是这段历史中举足轻重的一部分。 | The monstrous wall is very much part of that story. | |
26 | 或许传说中最著名的乌贼是北海巨妖,像岛一样巨大的多脚怪吞噬过往船只。 | Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous , tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole. | |
27 | 计划还包括要弄一块巨大的广告牌,这种发光的劳么子更适合高速公路这种发光的劳么子更适合高速公里,邻里们都已经准备好要干仗了。 | The plans called for a monstrous sign, the glowing sort more suitable for the highway, and the neighborhood had geared up for a fight. | |
28 | 加斯顿炫耀着他那毛茸茸的胸膛和装饰用的鹿角,欢闹的人群就高声称赞。 | A hilarious number celebrates the monstrous ego of Gaston, who boasts about his hairy chest and the antlers he uses for interior decoration. | |
29 | 她并未停下来追问,是否是否有一种巨大的欢欣在掌握着她。 | She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her. | |
30 | 近百年来唐前志怪小说综合研究述评 | Commentary the Study of Monstrous Tale Before Tang Dynasty this Century |